How To Make Perfect Ventilation In A Wooden Garage


Your garage will always be in need of ventilation regardless of the time of year, and as such, you need to ventilate it. The garage will experience an increase in temperatures during the summers as well as a reduction during the cold months. Though wood is an excellent insulator, there are times when the temperatures can become unbearable, thus making it hard for you to work in your garage under those conditions.

A garage devoid of adequate ventilation will also encourage the increase of mildew as well as the build-up of chemical fumes which will affect your overall well-being and can make you sick. It is always good to work in ventilated environments which will enable you to be comfortable throughout the process and will also prevent occurrences of incidences such as heatstroke.

What problems can arise as a result of lack of ventilation?

Many serious problems could accrue from a non-ventilated garage, and they affect not only your health but also the lifespan of your investment.


During scorching summers, your garage can get so hot that working in it can become unbearable. You are looking at temperatures warm enough to cook an egg. Neither you nor any of your family and friends will want to be inside during the day, and this will limit the amount of time which you can spend in it.

People use these structures for fixing cars and many parents tend to bond with their children while fixing up cars in the summer. This bonding time will not be possible in such conditions. Your kids will be unable to practice their painting and music from the comfort of the garage, and it will be defunct in hot days, which is a waste of such an investment.

Cold seasons

The cold seasons can also make it hard for you and your family to enjoy the benefits of your garage by making the interior very cold. Once again, you would have to avoid it, therefore limiting its use to some months in the year when it is neither too hot nor too cold.

Another problem that comes with the cold seasons is that some supplies in the garage are susceptible to changes in the temperature and they can get ruined in the process.


Garages store a lot of supplies, some of which should not get exposed to heat. Take an example of paint. Paint should not be kept in an enclosed area as it can cause problems such as difficulty in breathing and dizziness.


Your garage is an investment which can serve your needs and for the generations to come if well-maintained. Lack of ventilation can lead to humidity, depending on the region in which you live. Suppose you live in an area with high humidity and do not have any ventilation in place, mildew, as well as excess moisture, can build up and lead to rust and rot.

Sometimes, people notice the presence of such damage when it is too late, thus forcing them to reconstruct their garages. You can prevent this problem at an early stage and hold on to your investment.

Making the right choice

There are many ways which you can put to use to adequately ventilate your garage to avoid the above problems and more. When choosing the right ventilation for your garage, it is essential that you look at the material used in its construction, the size of the structure as well as the purpose.

You should also take the average temperatures as well as the humidity levels in your region of residence into consideration. For storage purposes, you can go for a simple ridge vent or a non-powered gable vent which will ensure that the temperatures remain controlled. However, if you plan to use the garage as a working space in an area where humidity levels are high, you should go for a powered vent as it will be more effective as compared to the previous options.

The size

The size of your garage will affect how much ventilation you require. Take an example of a small garage. This structure can maintain low temperatures with the use of a small solar-powered panel which would not work for a more massive space. In the same way, a turbine ventilator will be useful in the cooling of a large garage but it will not work for a small structure, and you have to make a choice accordingly.

How should you pick the right size?

You should consider the purpose of your garage as well as the type of vent you wish to use when making this decision. For storage purposes, a skylight or roof vent works just fine in maintaining the temperature at low levels and reducing the humidity levels.

For a space where you plan to spend a considerable amount of time working, use powered ventilation for enhanced efficiency. You can power the fans using solar or electricity to push out hot air while drawing in cold air from the outside. They also work to bring in warm air from the outdoors during the cold season.

Do not base your decision based on pricing as you could go wrong. First, delve into what you need, and from there you can work your way through the list of possible ventilators based on the pricing.

You will find that there are three popular ventilation options on the market and they all come with their set of advantages.

The Whirlybird Turbine Ventilator is a great option when looking for a ventilator which can quickly push hot air out during warm seasons. It does not require maintenance and can produce winds of up to 147 mph. The installation process is quite easy, and it can last a lifetime.

The Shed Cupola is another popular option, and it comes in a tower design for ease in pulling hot air out of the structure. With a vent on each side, you can get maximum airflow regardless of the direction of the wind. It is more aesthetically pleasing when compared to the whirlybird turbine, and it can move a lot of air.

The louver vent is more versatile regarding positioning when mounting and you can place it on one or both ends of your structure. You should install it towards the peak of your roof to enable hot air to leave the structure at a fast rate. Through the constant flow of air, humidity levels remain low as well as the temperatures.

Other options on the market include the venting skylight and the small solar-powered fan. Be sure to select a ventilator based on your purpose and the size of your garage to get one suitable for your wooden garage.


Source by Monika Mandeikaite

Assessing the Pros and Cons of Unit Ventilators


While unit ventilators are generally found in schools, or, more specifically, in classrooms, they may be used in other industrial conditions as well. Basically, any situation where there are outdoor air requirements or room-byroom zoning can benefit from unit ventilators. Hospitals, nursing homes and other health care facilities are also very frequent customers of this system. As technology has progressed and improved upon the unit ventilator, its use is still as popular today as it was two decades ago.

They are unlike fan-coil units, unit heaters and cabinet heaters in that they introduce outdoor air that is conditioned, into the room, or occupied space. With the sole purpose of ventilating air, whether or not a designer will apply univents to various buildings or facilities is determined after assessing the pros and cons. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to using unit ventilators and they must be taken into consideration before application.

Pros of using unit ventilators:

  • Only require a single unit to provide both heating and cooling, as well as ventilation, to a space.
  • Very economic and energy efficient because they have the capabilities to provide room-by-room zoning.
  • Outdoor airflow can be adjusted up to 100 percent outdoor air.
  • Require very little physical space so they do not take up a lot of room and are not obstructive.
  • Can filter noise, odors and other contaminants between adjacent spaces so that there is less risk of cross contamination.
  • Energy efficient in their operation, due, in part, to airside economizers.
  • Act to stabilize a building and increase its reliability because a failure does not affect the entire facility, it is usually confined to one room. Therefore, the entire building is not immobilized when there is a single failure.
  • Are both very easy and very cost effective to install.
  • Maintenance is simple because they are easily accessible for filter replacements and other maintenance tasks.
  • Are simple in design and their controls and mechanics can be understood by maintenance personnel of varied backgrounds and training.
  • The versatility of the univent makes it very attractive. It can be controlled through an automation system that is coordinated with other units or it can stand alone and simply be controlled by a thermostat.

Cons of using unit ventilators:

  • Can be noisy. This is a problem that is not easily remedied.
  • A Univent has a limited supply airflow that is about 2,000 cfm per unit.
  • Systems are a part of the architecture of the room. They can not be hidden and they may not be considered aesthetically pleasing. It is difficult to adapt them to buildings where it is desired that HVAC systems and components not be seen.

Often, when placed in the appropriate environment, a unit ventilator is a welcome component to a building’s HVAC system. Once the pros and cons of using them are weighed and all factors are taken into consideration, the unit ventilator becomes an energy efficient, effective addition to the structure.


Source by Greg McNary