I’m Freezing! Why Gastric Bypass Causes Patients to be Cold


Body temperature is the result of your body generating and radiating heat. The body is adept at keeping its temperature within a narrow range even though ambient air conditions vary. A normal body temperature is 98.6°F. It is common during the period of rapid weight loss for bariatric patients to feel cold or chilled, even when their temperature reads normal.

People who experience the massive weight loss associated with weight loss surgery experience feeling cold for two reasons: loss of insulation and less energy generation.

Fat is a highly efficient insulator. Consider animals native to cold climates: for example sea lions and polar bears. They are loaded with insulation and thrive in cold climates. When gastric bypass patients follow the rules: eating protein and exercising, the weight lost can only come from fat or stored energy. In effect you are losing your insulation. Less insulation increases the likelihood that you will feel cold.

The second reason for feeling chilled is that the metabolic cell processes are not working as hard as when you were heavier; it takes fewer calories and less energy to maintain and move a smaller body. Think about using an electric mixer: if you are whipping egg whites for a meringue the mixer will do this task effortlessly. But use the same mixer to knead bread dough and it will become warm to the touch, it is working harder because it is moving more mass. The same thing happens with your body; the more mass it must move, the harder it works. As a result more heat is generated.

The body has two well-tuned mechanisms for regulating body temperature: sweating and shivering. What overweight person hasn’t been embarrassed by a sticky bout of sweating at the most inappropriate time? Sweating is a mechanism for cooling your body when it becomes too hot inside. The body rids itself of excess heat by expanding the blood vessels in the skin so the heat may be carried to the surface. When this energy or heat in the form of sweat reaches the skin’s surface it evaporates and helps cool the body.

Gastric bypass patients become more familiar with the second temperature regulator, shivering, as they lose weight. When you are too cold your blood vessels will contract reducing blood flow to the skin. The body responds by shivering which creates extra muscle activity to help generate more heat. If you allow your body to shiver it will begin to feel warmer. But this is also a good clue that it’s time to put on a sweater or turn up the heat. I think most weight loss patients will happily wear a sweater – a sweater is much easier to shed than that insulation we’ve worked so hard to lose!

Most weight loss patients report that their body temperature regulates after their weight is stabilized, usually eighteen to twenty-four months after surgery. Keep in mind your body is rapidly losing weight and the rest of your body’s functions are caught off guard when this weight loss begins. The body’s thermostat needs time to catch up to the weight loss, and it will. Patients who incorporate exercise in their weight loss program experience less chilling than patients who do not exercise.

Copyright © 2005 Kaye Bailey – All Rights Reserved


Source by Kaye Bailey

Advantages of Brick Veneer/Steel Stud Wall


The biggest advantage of a brick/steel stud system is that since it is not supporting or carrying the load of the building, the interior structure of a building can be constructed prior to laying brick veneer work without any delay. This allows the building to be closed in independently of the brick work and placed under roof more quickly. Thus, the time consuming interior work that the other building trades have to perform can go ahead on schedule, instead of having to wait on the brick masonry. This also enables the masons to take advantage of the best weather and temperature to lay up the brick in mortar without worrying about the possibility of freezing. This makes the general contractor, subcontractors, and the owners of the building happy!

Another big advantage of this type of wall is that it is highly resistant to moisture because the cavity between the brick and steel studs can be drained efficiently by the use of properly placed flashing and weep holes in the brick work. The cavity between the two walls can also greatly reduce the heat gain or loss through the overall wall. The air space provides a thermal separations between the brick and the steel studs. Brickwork has a high thermal mass, giving it ability to store and slowly release heat over time. This effect, according to current energy codes, provides a higher r-value for a wall of this type. Rigid board closed-cell type insulation can also be placed inside the cavity area to prevent additional thermal loss.


Although some building codes permit the support of brick veneer on wood foundations, it is highly recommended that the wall be supported by concrete or masonry foundations. The brick work may extend below finished grade if it is built properly to minimize water penetration. Specially designed metal ties should be used to anchor or tie the brick veneer to the steel studs. Regular corrugated metal ties are not permitted when brick veneer is tied to metal studs. They should be spaced vertically every 16 inches in height and be 32 inches apart horizontally. They should also be well-embedded in the mortar bed joints. It is very important that the back assembly of the tie that holds it be securely attached to the steel stud itself and not just the sheathing, so that they do not pull out! Well filled mortar joints and good workmanship are of particular importance.


Source by Marcin Gajda

What Are the Phenolic Foam Advantages Over Traditional Insulation Materials?


For many years the galvanized sheets of iron had been used as insulation materials for HVAC systems. However foams such as the phenolic foam are more effective. This foam has two application types the foam-in-application and the panel or board form. In choosing this type of foam for use in HVAC system for a home or office building, it can be beneficial to know its different advantages over regular or traditional insulation materials.

Both types of this foam have many advantages over the regular insulation products. The following are just some of the renowned advantages of using traditional insulation materials.

1. The structural strength. The strength to density ratio of this foam is very high as well as its compressive strength. Panels of this type of foam having density of about 80 kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3) can be used for structural support for up to 64 tons per m2.

2. Thermal conductivity. The low thermal conductivity of this foam is attributed also to its close cell structure as well as the presence of gases. Its thermal performance also allows utilization of thinner panels without sacrificing the low conductivity.

3. Moisture penetration. The moisture resistance of this foam is also high and can be attributed to three things:

a. Water absorption is very low, it appears only on the part wherein the insulation is defaced.

b. Water vapor permanence is low making water intrusion nearly impossible

c. And, it is non-wicking. In case of water intrusion, the water is easily confined to the entry point and does not compromise the entire system.

4. Chemical Resistant. Phenolic foam has also inert and stable nature. Phenolic foams had been widely used in food preparation installation since it contains no fibers. High concentration solutions of both acid and alkali can cause discoloration and swelling in the insulation’s surface.

5. Fire resistant. They have low spread quality when caught by fire. The aluminum facing usually adds to its fire resistance. It has also low smoke emission, low to no amount of toxic gas emission and no dripping of insulation during the pyrolysis.

6. High Range of temperature. This works in a large range of temperature from – 1800C to +1200C.

7. Environment friendly. Phenolic foams are CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) and HCFC (hydro chlorofluorocarbon) free. These substances may react with the oxygen in the air and form gaseous by-products that depletes the ozone layer in the atmosphere increasing the effect of greenhouse gases.

The phenolic foam foamed-in-insulation has rather high R-value of R-4.8 per inch for a foamed-in insulation, and only utilizes air as its foaming agent. However, it possesses a major drawback that it is often not entertained during planning of insulation. Its shrinkage after curing can go up to 2%.

It is always important to note that may some advantages can be a disadvantage if not properly applied. These various advantages of using the phenolic foam, however still lie on various details such as layout of the building, climate of home’s location and budget of course. It is needless to point out that in order to maximize this advantages, it is wise to ask help in professionals in planning the home’s insulation systems.


Source by Allan Esposo

What Are the Characteristics of Styrofoam Insulation?


Styrofoam insulation is not a type as much as it is a brand name. But its wild popularity causes folks to associate the name with rigid insulation much like people associate the brand name of Kleenex with tissues!

Styrofoam is actually a brand name produced by the Dow Company and is best known as an insulation product, although you will also recognize this product for its use in flower arrangements as well as in crafting supplies, such as the backing for a homemade wreath, for example. You’ve more than likely recognized the foam used in cups, plates, and for packing material as well.

What is Styrofoam? It is actually an expanded form of polystyrene foam that is effective as insulation because of its unique properties. Besides having a closed cell structure, which gives it a high R – value (highly desired in insulation as it will resist the conduction of heat), Styrofoam insulation is also lightweight and water-resistant, making it a great choice for a building material. You’ve probably heard that insulation will lower your heating and cooling bills. That’s because its ability to prevent drafts and resist heat transfer will keep your abode cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Because it is rigid and closed-celled in structure, the material is strong and thus resistant to both water and insect damage. This makes it very popular in construction, both for the outside foundation of a home as well as its usefulness for both floor and roofing insulation. It is most often cut into blocks or sheets, and may be referred to “blue board” in construction circles.

Its durability easily lends itself to reuse, which can be a plus when it comes to environmental concerns. Styrofoam insulation is a popular choice for home energy savings and its popularity is likely to continue because of its inherent energy-saving properties.


Source by Li Thomas

Insulated Tarps – How Effective Are They?


There are many kinds of insulated tarps available today. They have varied applications in the commercial, residential or the agricultural arena. The insulated ones make use of closed cell foam or a reflexive technology. These tarps seal and insulate. Moreover they are highly protective and flexible. These are even used for insulated industrial screens. Seriously, the use of insulated tarps is many. People also use it as welding screen. Being made of multiple layer construction, they are very effective in insulation. This also makes it highly strong and durable. These tarps can easily resist the high traffic that is associated with the construction activities. Cracking or crumbling is never an issue here.


This is needed whenever a radiant heat-system is installed in concrete. Not only this, but many other construction activities benefit using these in many different ways. Not just for the people operating in the construction industry, but also farmers, homeowners and business people benefit. It is certainly help in a better heating system. Not just efficient, it will be cheaper to operate. Not just to increase the efficiency of the heat systems, these tarps are also used to prevent the moisture from entering the heat system from underneath. They act as a phenomenal vapor barrier. They prevent the dangerous radon from escaping through the concrete.


The installation of these is very simple. It does not involve many preparations. The cost too is very minimal. These are available in many different sizes and will require very less seams than the conventional methods. These tarps are used when the heat system is still under construction. First the gravel base is made on which the tarp is applied. After this the material is applied and then the concrete slab is put. It is true that these covers are not visible from the naked eye, but surely it will protect and increase the effectiveness of the radiant heat system.

All in all

So, it can thus be said that insulated tarps are a very effective means to increase the capability of the radiant heat system. They are used for multiple applications. They seal the moisture and radon. Moreover, the installation process is very simple. They last very long and a lot more time is saved as compared to the other alternatives.

Where to buy these?

Now the question that comes to mind is how to buy these? It is simple. First check your requirements and determine what kind and size of insulated tarp is required for your work. Next is to choose an appropriate supplier. You can find the sellers of these both online and offline. However, as we all know the prices at which the online suppliers sell these will be much less compared to the offline ones. Therefore, going online will be a better idea to save some extra money.


Source by Michael J Dill

The Camping Mattress: Interesting Alternatives to the Air Mattress


Your camping mattress can often make or break a fun camping trip and turn it from a good time to an ordeal where sleep is at a premium. Despite this, not a lot of thought is often put into the camping mattress until after a bad experience or two. Usually the first camping mattress people opt for is an air mattress, these are the most popular, and are a good choice as long as you don’t buy the cheap kind. One of the main issues with an air mattress, however, is air leakage. This is something that will happen sooner or later, but there are alternatives.

The foam mattress is one of your best alternatives to the air mattress. It’s all-purpose, portable and durable. It may be little bulkier and heavier, but it’s a fair trade for the durability gained. There are two kinds of foam mattresses, closed cell and open cell. The closed cell mattress is made of a harder, usually, waterproof foam. The open cell foam is softer, covered with a protective material and requires some air to inflate through the open cell structure. The good news is these mattresses are self inflating.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the foam camping mattress:

Open cell foam:


  • It’s very lightweight, although heavier than an air mattress.
  • It’s very portable and can be compacted to a small size. Some models are comparable to an air mattress.
  • It provides good insulation from the ground.
  • The open celled foam mattress self inflates, saving you the time and effort of doing it yourself.


  • These mattresses still require air, so they can still be punctured, although repair kits are available.
  • They can be expensive.

Some good examples of open celled foam mattresses are the Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XLite and the Therm-a-Rest luxury map.

Closed cell foam:


  • Multipurpose; closed cell foam can be used as seat to rest on or in some cases, as a water float (I personally use a foam pool float).
  • Portable; these are usually heavier and bulkier than air mattresses or open celled mattresses but still surprisingly light and portable as these can be folded, rolled or otherwise compacted for transportation.
  • It’s durable, that means no air leaks and no ending up on the ground in the middle of the night. The closed cell foam mattress is a good choice for rocky surfaces or areas where an air mattress or open celled mattress could get punctured.


  • Heavier and bulkier than air or closed cell mattresses
  • May not provide a lot of padding (more padding equals more bulk).

Other alternatives include laying down a few blankets or comforters, bamboo mats and survival beds (I’ll explain this). I’ll go over the pros and cons of each:



  • It’s cheap, because you already own these, you don’t have to buy anything new.
  • This is a very flexible method as you can play with the thickness of the padding under you or over you.
  • Durable as the blankets can conform to any surface without being punctured, although they can tear, but even with a tear they are still useable


  • Very heavy and bulky, definitely not for hiking.
  • Not very compact, will not fit in a pack well.
  • May not provide a lot of padding (as mentioned before, more padding equals more bulk).

Bamboo mat: The bamboo mat is a lightweight portable alternative to an air mattress, however its application is limited to warmer climates.


  • It’s cheap.
  • It’s lightweight.
  • It’s compact.
  • It’s durable.
  • It’s multipurpose, you can use it to sit on, eat on, lay on, possibly more.


  • Although, it’s durable, it can break with enough force.
  • Provides very little protection from the ground in terms of insulation.
  • May not be very comfortable if the ground is rough.

Survival beds: Survival beds are made from materials you find in your environment. The idea is to get you off the ground and provide you cushion and insulation. For examples they could be as simple as piling up leaves or pine boughs. Another step up would be laying out logs and then piling bedding like those mentioned above on top of the logs. Or they could be more involved and require some lashing, cutting and assembly.


  • These types of beds are free.
  • You can consider these weightless as far as hiking is concerned, because they are made on the spot and left behind when you leave.
  • Nothing to carry, except maybe a knife.
  • No need to worry about durability, because you aren’t keeping it.
  • Can be very comfortable and warm if done right.


  • Takes more time and energy than other types of bedding.
  • If done wrong, these may offer no protection from the ground.

As you can see, there are several alternatives to the air mattress. Some are good for hiking, some are not. Again, I’m not knocking air mattresses, they make great camping mattresses, and sometimes these are the ideal solution. Light weight, soft and insulated. And if you buy a quality mattress, you won’t have to worry so much about leaks, which can be patched any way. The air mattress is a good all-purpose camping mattress, but it’s good to have alternatives.


Source by Michael Roberts, D.C.

Seamless Cellular Coverage With Repeaters


Have you ever walked into your home or office while talking on the phone and had your call drop suddenly? Mobile “dead zones” are one of the most frustrating things that face today’s cellular users. Our phones have become a lifeline of sorts. We depend on our phone for emails, text message, internet, and most importantly voice service.

Dropped calls have plagued consumers for a number of years, starting from the very first brick phone installed in our cars. While the number of drop calls has fallen it still seems to happen more than anyone would like. Companies like Verizon, and AT&T have spent billions to upgrade their system of networks to prevent this single problem from happening.

Today, most calls are dropped not due to poor towers but poor signal penetrating building materials. Any building that has thick concrete walls or a significant amount of metal pan will completely block most cellular signals. Even some insulation can inhibit the transmission of these signals. Churches, large offices, and most warehouses will suffer from signal lost due to this reason. There are numerous other reasons you may have weak or poor signals but this is the most common in today’s world.

Cell phone repeaters were introduced to the market as a way for the consumer to take charge of poor signal strengths. Sometimes called cell phone amplifiers, these repeaters bring in the strong cellular signal outside and distribute that same strong signal inside via a series of antennas.

Some advantages, besides perfect signal, are an increase in your phone’s battery life. Cell phones use 300% more battery life searching for a signal than if it no longer had to. Less searching for signal also means less radiation is emitted by the phone itself.

When searching for a Cell Phone Repeater system be sure to verify that your product is approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Most products in the US already have this or are currently pending. Signal amplification is marketed as dB gain. Cheaper solutions will advertise a gain of 20dB – 50dB. While more expensive solutions over 50dB are a lot more likely to provide you a solution for your whole home or office. Solutions over 100dB are designed for large commercial facilities. Sadly the most common mistake that people make when buying a repeater system is not checking the load level and dB gain. Ordering a system that only provides a low level gain may only provide a boost in signal to 1 or 2 phones. Most larger gain systems will provide signal for strength for over 10 users at a time. Small offices should pay particular attention to this as it may be a large reason why you go with one solution over another.

While the market for cellular repeaters is booming in the US, it is important for you to choose a company that can design a custom system to fit your building’s needs. Most professional companies offer a money back guarantee and sell products built to last.

For more information please visit: http://www.SeamlessCellular.com


Source by Walter Reynolds

Neoprene Koozies Vs Polyurethane Koozies: What’s the Difference?


Promotional Can Coolers are a great way to get your personalized logo, graphics, or message into the hands of your target audience. They are an economic and functional solution for your next personal or business marketing campaign. Choose from a variety of designs, choosing color, size, and material. There is a large selection of colors to match the theme of your special event, or to help highlight your custom printed image. There are also two sizes of can cooler to choose from, which depends on the material it is constructed out of: the neoprene can coolers hold only 12oz beverages while the Polyurethane Foam holds 12oz or 16oz beverages. Each of these personalized can coolers can be manufactured from either three millimeter thick Neoprene or polyurethane foam. Both of these designs feature superior comfort, insulation, and style.

The printed Neoprene can coolers are made of a thinner material, fit all 12oz cans, and have a large 2.5″H X 2.4″W print area. This is because neoprene is a type of synthetic rubber that will maintain its insulation despite the thickness of the material, as well as being extremely flexible and durable. However, unlike other rubber-like materials, neoprene is much more affordable, making it suitable for a broad variety of uses like: wet suits, laptop sleeves, and dishwashing gloves. Alternately, the polyurethane foam material is slightly thicker but with a different construction. This makes it suitable for 12-16oz cans, long neck bottles, and water bottles. Polyurethane has a number of uses that depend on the form that the material takes. Depending on how it is processed, polyurethane can be a thick sturdy plastic, a thin sheet, or a foam.. Polyurethane foam comes in two basic constructions: open cell and closed cell. Open cell polyurethane foam allows air to pass easily through the material, making it comfortable and suitable for mattress pads or seat cushions.

The polyurethane foam construction in these can coolers is actually a closed cell foam, meaning it has bubbles of gas trapped in the material. This makes it a good insulator, but also makes it a little thicker than the solid neoprene. The polyurethane foam can coolers allow a 2.5″ Width x 2.25″ Height print area, which is slightly smaller than the neoprene design. Regardless of the material you choose for your can coolers, the quality of printed images or text will not be affected. It is often hard to find a promotional product that will not only attract the attention of your target audience, but also incline them to pick it up and use it. Can coolers are a great idea for promotional giveaways or as unique party favors because they are functional and can be easily folded to fit in your pocket. This will encourage your guests to bring your promotional product home and save it for further use. Choose these personalized can coolers for your next business function or organizational event, because they will provide the type of logo or brand visibility that is essential to a promotional campaign.


Source by Amin Ramjee

3 Great Disadvantages Of Hydrogen Fuel Cells


Hydrogen fuel cells are the wave of the future. At least that is what many would want you to believe. They have a point because a hydrogen fuel cell is a novel way to power a car. The car would require no gasoline, run on hydrogen and its only waste would be water, a natural and safe emission. However, it is not a perfect science by any means and too many times there is talk about all the great advantages without any discussion of the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells.

With anything, there is going to be drawbacks. If it were such a perfect technology, don’t you think every car would have one by now? Besides being expensive, the hydrogen fuel cell creates certain problems that haven’t been completely tackled yet.

Here are the three main disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells:

1. It’s big and cumbersome. Your gas tank already uses a nice portion of your car, but a hydrogen fuel cell will be three times bigger than a gas tank. But that is not that all. The fuel cell has to be insulated to keep it safe and protected.

2. Safety issues. Liquid hydrogen has the ability to freeze air. There have also been reports of accidents with the fuel cell itself. Sometimes a valve will get plugged up when there is too much pressure in the cell. The only place to go is out, and the cell explodes. There is no way of knowing, yet, if this problem can be fixed, but there are many working on it. In a car accident, the tank might rupture, but the good news is the hydrogen will evaporate quickly. However, it is a more serious condition in a closed area such as a garage.

3. The hydrogen evaporates. Strange, but true. The insulation is not a perfect process and the hydrogen evaporates out of the cell at roughly 1.7 percent a day. This means that eventually cars are going to need a fill up. What? You thought you never had to use a pump again? The other problem with this is gas stations don’t sell hydrogen. You will have to find a customized fueling station or work something out with the manufacturer of the car. Cars that are blends with fuel cells and gasoline will never have to worry about being stranded.

General Motors Co., currently has the Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell, one of the first fuel cell vehicles of its kind. If you are thinking about purchasing a vehicle of this type, speak to the manufacturer of the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells. By having the technology, they are aware of the pitfalls of hydrogen fuel cells and have begun work on how to make it better.

The good news is that automobile companies are working at ways to make this a safer environment by creating less emissions and the more we learn about alternative methods, the better the Earth will be for it. Just don’t go blindly in one direction without asking questions. Learn about the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells before you agree to use it.


Source by Abhishek Agarwal

Spray Foam Insulation and Its Benefits


Regardless of whether looking to insulate a brand new building or retrofitting an old one, homeowners are finding spray polyurethane foam or SPF as an increasingly viable option. Essentially a spray applied plastic; it can form a continuous insulation as well as a complete air sealing barrier on walls, corners, and all contoured surfaces. In this process, unique liquid contents are mixed and reacted chemically together and quickly to expand on contact and form the foam to provide the necessary sealing and moisture barrier. This form of insulation is highly preferred not only because of its extremely commendable resistance to heat transfer but also because of its exceptional ability to reduce unwanted air infiltration through any joints, cracks or seams.

Types of SPF

Spray foam insulation is primarily of three types and used for specific purposes. They are –

  • High-density SPF which is predominantly used for exterior and roofing applications.
  • Medium density SPF which is mostly used for interior cavity fill, continuous insulation, and unvented attic applications.
  • Low-density SPF is best used for unvented attic applications and interior cavity fills.

Each type has its own unique advantages and normally an SPF contractor takes into account, the building, climate, project, budget, etc. and suggests the best option to go for. Apart from the structure of the foam, its method of delivery and installation also plays a critical role. It is also of three types i.e. high-pressure as well as low-pressure, two-component foam and insulating foam sealant.

Advantages of SPF

While each type of SPF has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, there are some common benefits and advantages of choosing this method, especially over fiberglass as an insulation means. Few of its key advantages are highlighted below:-

  • Powerful insulator

Due to its expansive nature, SPF insulation is much more effective than other types of insulation and effectively seals all nooks and crannies. With it, you are assured of not being left exposed. The method’s resistance value which is its ability to provide an air-tight seal is the best in the market at R-6.

  • Lower energy costs

Owing to its high efficiency as an insulator, it allows the property and house-owner to save significantly on their energy bills. In contrast to other methods saving about 30% in energy bills on average, The SPF insulation is known to reduce energy bills by 50% or more.

  • Air-tight seal

One big reason of mountainous energy bills is air leaks. However, no method takes better care of it than SPF. They can easily seal any holes or cracks in the smallest and the darkest of the place. Its airtight seal is so powerful that studies suggest it to be about 24 times less permeable than any other type of insulation to air filtration.

  • Moisture barrier

Any holes or cracks on the walls or other places not only allow air but also moisture and water to permeate inside the house. With its known potential to cause damage, it is imperative to keep them at bay. Being impermeable to water, the SPF not only fantastically protects the attic and crawl space from possible moisture and leaks but in the scenario for flooding for any reason, The SPF does not absorb moisture and water like other materials. This imperviousness to water helps and protects any living space.

  • Deters mold

SPF is composed of inert polymers which block of all possible source of food for the mold or bacteria. Thus no mold and mildew are able to thrive and the house gets insulated against it. The closed-cell SP is better in this trait than the open cell SPF.

  • Long life span

The inert polymer of the SPF facilitates them having an indefinite lifespan. Thus house owners and businesses are not required to re-insulate for years. Once installed, it can last up to 20 years or more with optimal performance.


Source by Zac Fogg