Cowardice of Culture for Collusive Consensus – 1


Cowardice in a culture of sameness, contrived by the lameness of intellectual regression, portends the recession that harkens the end by collusive and contrived consensus. For a viewpoint arguing contrary to the herded powers of mainstream dominion, the pretended collective for the greater good intends the folly of the American Dream. As the fading echo of poetic expressions once claimed, to rebel against much and be subservient to little as possible, wiser fragments of time gather dust and lose their shine. In cowardly times, the poorly disciplined attributes of historical references, psyche portals erupted from quiet intentions to disrupt the mainstream for onslaught of heroic adventures. Yet, the more powerful elites, the oligarchies and their minions among the political aristocracies, in shadowy realms foment the collusions of herded submission. Where militant tyrannies and terroristic theologies are less cumbersome, ideologies pervade the senses with more subtle seductions. Cowardly, a culture falters to the arrogance of ignorance.

In a 21st century post-modern context, ripe with the incestuous urgings of global electronics, and associated techno-wizardry, a more profound delineation of cowardice is found. Subtle, behind the scenes, cunning linguistics, and sleight of hand memes, foolhardy notions absent credibility argue the sad defect of a mainstream gone increasingly more stupid. Well-groomed, laced to the hilt, bound to the silk, the smoothed skin arrogance of self perpetrates treacheries with purposeful stealth. For the cowards of modern times, the laptop, the cell-phone, the swipe of masked digital selfiness ejaculates the egregious fallacies of fraudulent spew. As to a coward, there are diverse representations. From an attempt at etymology, the unfolding human ecology represents admonition of centuries long past. On a simplistic spectrum, perhaps even a basic primordial range, cowardly ways are that which shuns the courage to meet a threat, a danger or a delicate probing adventure. Modernistic perspectives find cowardice more broadly applied.

Using the bully as one possible example, the weakling has changed. Bullies are cowards, but their disguises are more cunning and deceptive. Of tormentors, intimidators and oppressors, their intimidation tactics and techniques are diverse. Here, reference is not the generic movie making blather of backing away from an actually physical fist fight. Instead, it is of a deeper moral sense of individuality versus maladaptive status quo consensus. The standard issue usual template of the bully versus the victim in physical confrontation devolves to a more sinister reality. Cowardice has become more covert and deceptive, so much so, the average person will miss it.

While it does not take extraordinary effort to be smarter than the average, beyond thinking and acting at an 8th grade middle school level, most will fear the sacrifice of intellectual betterment. Regardless, cowards come in all sizes, dimensions and expressions of selfishness. From academia to government, from corporate intrigues to mass marketing consumptive gluttony, pontificating gurus of “celebrity worship” conspire to spoof their adherents. with the shortcomings of their wadded superficiality, the haughtiness of infantile narcissism respects no boundaries. For a moment pause, that suggests the origins of such dissonance as to the characterizations. From an Anglo-French to an Italian derivation, the word dissects toward a derogatory reference of a “tail” of something. In a metaphoric sense, as may be associated with the alimentary canal and the expulsion of excremental wastes, verbiage likely refers to “tucking the tail between the legs”. Or, could apply to the expressiveness of suggesting “turning tail and running”. Regardless, such descriptors take on divergent perspectives in contemporary application.

With more fascinating reference, an Old-English manifestation is that of the “cow-herd”. Or, also a “pulpit”, by which an appeal to authority castigates or otherwise discourages dissent, controversy, challenge, debate and argumentation. Other historic and philosophical distinctions suggest fearfulness related to a spiritual, physical and psychic sense of individuality. But, suffice it to say more fun can be postulated by the playfulness offered in use of “cow-herd”, or maybe a cow in a herd. In no way does the mention here reflect negatively upon hard working agriculture interests in any way. Rather, the suggestion is toward those of a fraudulent and deceitful nature. Wonderful metaphorical ascriptions can unfold in a jesting manner. This could be particularly satirical in application to politicians and political processes where hypocrisy and untruthfulness roam freely. As to that point, the modern coward resents truthfulness, facts and rationality over the expanse of logical analyses. One writer calls it the fear of honesty.

In one article from a blog about politics and society, the author lists a number of malevolent characteristics of the modern coward. Distressed that others might disagree with him or her, and that some will argue with authentic credibility, the scaredy-cat is terrified his or her “world of fiction” will be exposed for the fraud that it is. The psycho-physical weakling elevates his or her fantasies to pretentious and unrealistic expectations for self-gratification. Intentionally insulating the selfiness against the harsh realities of the real world, social media along with mainstream media ignorance reinforce nebulous notions in emotional reactivity. While lying is not particularly creative, as savvy inquisitors easily observe, the coward relies on herded collusions.

The cowardly come through loud and clear for the astute observer. In a mass-marketing culture, where everything is for sale and everything can be justified, the insidious and incessant promotion for gluttonous consumption is everywhere. In an expression of contemporary philosophical inclination, reflecting what one researcher lamented, that a lifetime of ease invites softness and weakness for the senses to please. From that, words come to mind. Soft, weak, timid, emotional and cowed. There is that reflection to the “cow-herd”, which infers intimidation, browbeaten, scared, and bullied. As such, from a vast profit-making corporate monstrosity of infotainment industry, the proliferation of scare mongering is good for business. Superficial, shallow, dishonest and deleterious to social ascendancy, the poisonous spew of bloated conjecture admonishes the independence and individuality of courageous creativity. So easily, the fear mongering colluded to the success of promoting weakness and perpetual subservience.

For the dark ages of modern times, the culture of cowardice reaches to every aspect of socio-economic interactivity. As a “herd animal”, a variety of historic philosophers accused western cultures as becoming intellectually malnourished, lazy, eager to please pretentious authorities, socially enslaved and uncreative. In rebellion to the malaise of fat and foolish complacency, a few valiant ones assert their liberation toward creative individuation. Heroic and passionate as to craft and vocation, their genius is found in their exceptionality to herded conformity. Again, as to the exhibition of their uninhibited personification, the brave ones reside in a niche of smaller contrast to the overwhelming tyranny of the massive mainstream. Quiet, courteous, humble and innovatively diligent, they are in stark contrast to the ostentatious selfiness of the crowd. There is singular and potent expression in their aloof anonymity. Building a “higher self”, theirs is not one of constantly reinforced of communal validation. Transformation is essential.

For a brevity of life chances, the cost of being human, the vast majority mirror the sentiments of past historians who assert the selfishness of the majority. Shunned conceptually and physically, many reject the nobility of individuality, separation from “cow-herd”, and solitude of ingenuity. Among the human chattel of grazing idleness, the adventurous spirited sensuality of the mature ones is frightening. As children in adult bodies cower in confrontation with such noble individuality, social media flows with deception, hypocrisy and deadly animosity. As such, the proliferation of malevolent recriminations unfolds with divisive context. Among the sluggish and contemptible, the incompetent and the impotent, societal degradation prefers the cowardice of immaturity in collective consensus. Timidity finds refuge in greater numbers.

Run, hide, and cringe, fear the mysteries lurking on the fringe. As a person enslaves himself or herself, or whatever self, around him or her others enslave themselves. In the surrounding collective, and attention is paid to that word, the status quo consensus is typically contrived by those more influential and manipulated for selfish interests. Astute investigators pay attention to key words. For the aggregated many, the group, the crowd, etc., the collusion is in the collectivism of the motivational factors. In the activism of power and control, the centrality of interaction aims to ensure a lesser role for individuality and identity and dominance of the collective. The hive, the group, and all the associated consensus building, diminishes the role of the individual and stifle imaginative creativity. Freedom, liberation of the senses, visionary creativity flourishes when the nature of individuation roams willfully free. Yet, constraints manifest in diverse ways through interaction within a multiplicity of institutional frameworks.

Unfortunately, and to the detriment of social processes, including free expression of ideas in various artistic forms, the social mainstream fears singular differentiation. Instead, for most one size fits all, one template for everything and one equation explains the simplicity of complexity. Among the worst offenders for the “free expression thereof… ” comes from the corporate monstrosities of infotainment. Politicians are easy, they fall in line quickly given the ease by which they salacious gratify their egoistic ambitions. Pundits, politicians, proselytes of collective contrivances enjoy the smug piety of their immaturity. Habituated to the collective conformity of pretentious normality, the vast majority of the populace relishes in the complacency of dulled expectations. In reference to one writer’s admonishment of contemporary society, the majority sips the bitter venom of servitude in small doses over time. Cowardice is easily embraced.

One researcher, writing about the “pussification of America”, cites with fascination the characteristics of becoming sissified. Taking liberties with the book references, and keeping an association with classical criminology, such is the intentional process of purposefully acquiescing to the lower realms of infantile narcissism. It is the many-faced purposes of clinging to the immaturity of child-like selfishness, and forsaking the viability of individual growth and maturation. Added to that, is the resistance to self-evolve into a more profound and wisely ascended individual. As to that admonition, gender is irrelevant, courage of convictions and pursuit of heroic quests become the vibrant and energetic impetus for transformation. For the stupidity of simplistic and magical thinking, the warrior pursues his or her journey of intense authentic realization. He or she fights back against the idiocy of cowardly cultural oppressions.

Added to this debasing mix of cowardly oppressions comes the rise of the “techno oligarchs”. Self-righteous smugly pious, presumed pontiffs of cyber culture, divine right of tech-aristocracy for cultural normalcy, adult children claim societal rulership. Self-centered infantile narcissism among the vast reaches of the infotainment ministries of thought control assert their domination. For the “gulags” of social media ostracizing, or the “corrective labor camps” of thought control, the power elite have new faces and old intentions. By what is really the limp and impotent immaturity of adults with privilege throwing temper tantrums like spoiled children, wealthy technocrats strive to dictate the status quo. No deviations are allowed, free speech becomes a threat, individuality is dangerous, and alternate ideas are seen as contrary to the collective. Power, control and domination over the population manifests in sinister instigations. Everyone must be the same and relish in the safe mediocrity of gluttonous consumer subservience.

For the new “robber barons”, the high-tech gurus of pretentious silicone enclaves, tech is good, tech is for everyone, tech fits all and tech is god. Those who control the nexus of the cyber networks dictate the dogmas of behavioral consistency. To deviate, to question and to resist is dangerous to the slick corporate cyber con artists. For the few and the rebellious, the true social warrior, not the fake foolish ignorant ones, differentiation to a higher state of personal being is the mission of private individuation. Speaking out and expressing conflicting and confrontational perspectives threatens the adult-child to actually consider the freedom of ideas. Tyranny is cowardice, like cultural complicity to enforce collective consistency, the cowardly invoke all manner of condescension and derision to those who resist. The force of individuality is in danger, as communal complicity reinvents the simplistic templates of sameness.

And yet, thinking outside the box, or the incestuous relationship with techno gadgetry, is challenging to the independent free thinker. Cowardice of culture for collusive consensus spans a spectrum of multiplicity in a complexity of cyber interactivity. To recall the reflection of one literary luminary of 19th century America, the antidote to social media and government abuses of liberty is the individual who demonstrates the potency of his or her character and growth. In the past, the brutality of dictatorships devalued the vitality and importance of individual creativity. As to the modern context, in an alleged democratic republic, tyrannical instigations transcend freedom of expression by diverse means. Politicians, pundits, and self-appointed proselytes of “rules for behavior”, as from techno-empires of mainstream media, subtly decry and oppress the important nature of individuality. Cowardice in culture is found in herded ideologies.

For the false bravado of hiding behind techno gadgetry, the cowards among us fear the damning terminal nature of their terrestrial existence. Villainy of all manner unfolds. As one cultural anthropologist asserted, most people are terrified by the dark terrors that life and death invite. On the one hand, extraordinary heroism, the creativity of the ascending mindfulness of individuality. Fingers of the other clap the admonition to higher enlightenment. Yet, at the same time, the hand that shakes the first one loathes the necessity of its nobility. Instead, for many, the efficacy of truth devolves to the selfish reflections of infantile self-worship. By contrast, the other dimension, or multiple psychic frameworks, demand an overcoming of mundane rudimentary subsistence. To the carnal desires of one’s eye, peering through the maze of darker intentions, resisting the heartfelt passions of ingenuity beyond self, purposes collude to perpetrate deadly inflictions.

As to the presupposition of personal divinity, the creator of loftier possibilities retreats into the malevolence of disingenuous motivations. For nothing of this is new, except for the egregious ignorance of all that has been done before. Demon or demigod, evil or potentiality of good, the duplicity struggles to know what it would. For the sake of the enslavement to the ease of status quo abatement, in the sheep filled crowds of subservient weakness, many adhere to the dominance of a lashed whipping for self-punishment of gutless weeping. As opposed to claiming the godly qualities of profound creativity, the demonic insistence to primordial collectivist absurdity profanes the essential vitality of exceptional differentiation. In the cowardice of culture for collusive consensus, negating the fearful horror of final termination, bargains and even begs illicit conspiracies for salacious personal enrichment. No limit as to the evils of timidity.

In earlier times, eras lost and gone and seldom re-discovered, the brutal disdain for cowardice expressed astonishing disgust. Shunned, avoided, cast out, and excommunicated from the realm, cowardly behaviors received severe retribution. To lose shield, sword or spear, metaphorically speaking of course, to fail to stand up for oneself exuded the sweated stench of faint-hearted childishness. Nakedly brave, unclothed by virtue of self-evolving uninhibited bravery claims the divinity of individual distinction. From a diverse more dynamic metaphysical perspective, heroism in the unique madness to claim courage, to overrule fearfulness, the valiant warrior asserts his or her liberation in personal transformation. By prosocial activity in selfless service, imaginative ascendancy in genre of artful invention, he or she labors strongly to go beyond the commonplace. By an assortment of settings in modern times, personal warfare has many fronts. As to that, courage of convictions frightens the cowardice of culture for collusive consensus.


Source by Randy Gonzalez

101 Ultralight Backpacking Tips


An ultralight backpack means more fun. Enjoy floating down the trail instead of hauling heavy gear. You can have an ultralight backpack if you mercilessly analyze every piece of gear in your pack. Here are 201 tips to consider for reducing the weight of your pack. Some are big, some are small. That’s part of the secret. Small things add up. The old and obvious are mentioned because they are some of the most important. Have fun being a fanatic. If your friends make negative comments, invite them to lift your pack and compare it to theirs. Think of these tips as a buffet, and take what you like:

1. Buy a digital scale. You can find a good one that measures down to 1/10 ounce for about $30. You’ll be surprised at the weights of some items. You can take your light, portable scale into stores and make wise decisions before you buy. Do not fear sales people with little or no knowledge of the backpacking gear they’re selling. You’re now in control. Let them fear you.

2. Remove the excess weight from your body. Losing those unwanted pounds is probably the best weight reduction you can make. It doesn’t involve leaving any of your favorite equipment home. You’ll feel better, and there’s a net gain in strength and endurance.

3. It needs to be mentioned at least once. If you don’t need it, leave it home.

4. Avoid last-minute packing. If you hurry and pack at the last minute, you’re more likely to throw in things like extra clothing you don’t need.

5. If you’re backpacking with a companion, plan ahead and share the weight of the gear such as the tent and cooking gear.

6. Develop your sewing skills. Be creative. Some of the best, and most inexpensive, ultralight backpacking gear is the kind you make yourself.


7. Purchase a light backpack. Your pack is one of the best places to lighten up. You’ll need to reduce the volume and weight of every piece of gear to use the lightest pack. Your final result can be a pack that weighs less than 2 pounds. That’s a savings of more than 5 pounds over the big “load monster” packs.

8. Don’t buy a pack with too much capacity. You’ll be too tempted to fill it, and it won’t handle as smoothly if it’s partially filled.

9. Try using your pack without the hip belt. You might like it better.

10. Remove your pack’s sternum strap if you don’t use it.

11. Remove any manufacturer tags from the bag. In fact, remove tags from all your gear, including clothing. Save the care instructions from the clothing if you can’t remember how they’re to be washed.

12. Cut some of the length from the waist belt and straps on the pack. Remember to leave them long enough for when you’re wearing your bulkiest clothing.

13. If the pack has aluminum stays, or some other reinforcing material that can be removed, try carrying the pack without it. The really light pack you end up with shouldn’t need reinforcing. Think positively from the outset.

14. If your pack has large buckles or cord locks, find a way to replace them with lighter ones.

15. Don’t worry too much about the lighter materials in ultralight packs. These materials are still very strong. You can make repairs that are lighter than tape by using McNett Seam Grip. It works for sleeping bags, tents, and other gear, too.

16. If you need a pack cover, use one that’s very light, like the ones that are made from 1.3 ounce silicone-coated nylon. Or, use a lightweight garbage bag. Or, spray your pack with a waterproof coating. Your pack may already be waterproof. Check the manufacturer’s specifications. You might be able to save the weight of a pack cover.

17. Ultralight compression stuff sacks can help you reduce the volume of your gear. You may be able to lower your overall weight by using compression bags because you end up with a smaller pack.

Sleeping Gear

18. Buy a sleeping bag that isn’t “overkill.” It’s surprising how many people buy a sleeping bag for low temperatures and then use the bag for summer camping 95% of the time.

19. Use a down bag. Nothing is more efficient for the weight. Don’t worry too much about the down getting wet and losing its efficiency. High quality bags are made with shell fabrics that have a very tight weave and are very water repellent, so they tend to protect the down. The down itself has natural oils in it. It works for the geese. Use your skills to keep your bag dry. Keep it in a waterproof stuff sack.

20. Have a small towel handy to wipe any condensation from tent walls. That will help your ultralight sleeping bag perform to its maximum.

21. A piece of very light and thin painter’s tarp plastic or a light trash bag can be used to keep condensation off the foot of your sleeping bag. The plastic or trash bag can have multiple uses such as keeping gear dry.

22. With a lightweight bag you can always add layers of clothing for extra warmth.

23. You can also use a silk liner that adds warmth and weighs as little as 4 ounces.

24. Switch your stuff sack for an ultralight one that’s made of 1.3 oz. silicone-coated nylon. They weigh as little as .6 ounces.

25. Keep your sleeping bag clean. That will keep the efficiency high.

26. Keep your sleeping bag in a large storage bag when it’s at home so it will retain its full loft and maximum efficiency.

27. Air out your bag during lunch and as quickly as possible after you set up camp. Moisture can evaporate and the bag can fully loft.

28. Eat and drink before going to bed. That will help your body to efficiently heat your sleeping bag.

29. If your feet get a little cool, you can use things as light as plastic newspaper bags or grocery sacks to keep them warm. You can use the bags for dual purpose tasks, and they add hardly any weight. They can also be used for bringing wet gear and boots into the tent. The sleeping bag stuff sack can be used as a foot warmer.

30. Using an ultralight air mattress can reduce your pack weight and volume and increase your comfort. They can be as light as about 20 ounces for a full-length mattress.

31. You can have an air mattress with insulation in the tubes for only about 1 ounce more.

32. Leave any inflatable sleeping pad open as much as possible so the condensation inside will evaporate.

33. A closed-cell foam pad is light and easy to use. You can even cut away areas that you don’t need to save a few ounces.

34. The lightest air mattress available is called a balloon bed. No joke. The shell can be made from 1.3 oz. (or lighter) silicone-coated ripstop nylon. Sew 7 tubes (or more or less) into the 60″ long fabric. Leave the ends open for inserting and removing the balloons. Insert Qualatex 60″ balloons (model 260Q) because they’re the strongest. Use clear or white since they’re stronger than colored ones. The balloon bed can weigh less than 4 ounces. A pump can weigh 1.3 or 2.2 oz. Each night you’ll need to use new balloons, so figure 8 per night. Eight balloons weigh .4 ounces. This figures one for breakage. They don’t pop when you lay on them, but may pop when you tie them off. See more at Or make your own and get balloons and a pump at,, or others.

35. You can go crazy and use bubble wrap for your sleeping pad if you don’t need too much insulation or cushion. It’ll weigh about 4 ounces. There’s a variety that’s made with some nylon that is much stronger than the cheapest kind, but the bubbles still pop when you concentrate your knees or elbows directly on a small area.

36. Ultralight backpackers have come up with a lot of ideas for lightweight pillows. One of the most common is using your extra clothing for a pillow. One place to contain the clothing is in your sleeping bag stuff sack.

37. When you pack ultralight, you often don’t have much in the way of extra clothing. Some hikers use their pack for a pillow. It solves a second challenge of where to put your pack in the tent.

38. A small piece of foam with some of your gear underneath can serve as a pillow.

39. At .4 oz. you can get a pillow at Office Depot. It’s a 10 x 12″ air wrap plastic packing “bubble” that you can blow up and deflate with a straw.


40. You can save a lot of weight by choosing an ultralight tent that weighs two to three pounds for the two-person tent, or less than two pounds for a one-person tent.

41. If you usually backpack with a companion, consider buying a one-person tent for those times you go solo.

42. If you already use hiking poles, you can save the weight of tent poles on some tents.

43. If you have an old tent you’d like to keep, you can save weight by replacing the poles with lighter carbon fiber poles.

44. If you have an old tent that you like which has a fly, you can save weight by using the old fly as a pattern and sewing a new fly from 1.3 oz. silicone-coated nylon.

45. You can save weight by using titanium tent stakes. The 6″ titanium stakes are just .2 ounces each.

46. Save weight by leaving stuff sacks home. A few rubber bands around your tent are lighter than the stuff sack. Put rubber bands around the titanium stakes and band them to the poles to keep the stakes from poking holes in anything.

47. In some dry regions, you may be able to use a bivy sack or sleeping bag cover as your only shelter.

48. If you need bug protection only, the pop-up bug bivies weigh only 6.5 ounces.

49. For an even lighter solution to bugs, a square yard of no-see-um netting weighs less than an ounce.

50. Simple, lightweight tarps can reduce your shelter weight to a pound or less.

51. If you use a bivy, tarp, or poncho/bivy, you may want to have a mosquito head net to keep the bugs away. Of course, these can be used during the day, too. They weigh only .6 oz.

52. Some tarps serve a dual purpose by doubling as your poncho, too.

53. Creative cord tying from a tree or using an available stick with some tarps and tents can save the entire weight of poles.

54. The lightest ground cloth is the one you don’t take. Use caution when you set up your tent so you don’t need a ground cloth.

55. If you use a ground cloth, use one that’s a light as possible. An ultra-thin 99-cent plastic painter’s cloth is a light disposable option. Some people like Tyvek. Consider using 1.3 oz. silicone-coated nylon for your ground cloth.

56. If you use a ground cloth, be sure to trim it a couple of inches smaller than your tent. If it’s bigger than your tent, you can catch unwanted rain and funnel it under you.

57. Consider hammock camping. Hammocks can be as light as about 2 pounds, and there are some great advantages like being able to set up on uneven ground.

58. If you have a tent with a fly, you may be able to set it up with the poles and fly only, especially in late summer when there are fewer mosquitoes.

59. You can more effectively use tent options without netting if you repel insects by adding permethrin to your tent.

60. Shake the water from your tent before packing it on a damp morning. Let the moisture drain off while the tent is on a rock or tree.


61. Long-term weather reports from the internet can cut ounces from you pack. In dry weather you can leave some of the rain gear home. In warm weather you can leave some insulating layers home.

62. You can shave ounces by making some last-minute decisions about whether to carry things like rain pants. If the weather and conditions look good, you can leave items in the car.

63. If the weather is warm enough, some hikers like to leave the rain pants home anyway. Your legs will get wet, but they won’t be trapped inside sweaty rain pants.

64. Your rain pants can be lighter than 4 ounces if you use “chaps” that cover your legs but are open at the midsection.

65. Rain gear can weigh less than 10 ounces for top and bottom if you use the very lightest and most simple varieties. We’ve already mentioned combination poncho/tarps if you want a piece of gear that serves as shelter and rain gear.

66. One of the best lightweight clothing rules is “no multiples.” If you have one pair of pants, running shorts and/or rain gear are enough backup.

67. One very light short sleeve shirt and one long-sleeve shirt should be enough.

68. Avoid cotton. It doesn’t dry as quickly, so it could be dangerous. And even if it’s not dangerous, it’ll be heavier when it’s wet because the water weight won’t dry as quickly as other fabrics.

69. Very light synthetic materials and silk may allow you to leave heavier, bulkier fleece at home. A couple of silk layers under your rain gear may be enough for summer hikes. That’s a total of less than 6 ounces for 2 shirts.

70. Never wear jeans. They weigh about 1 ½ pounds and don’t dry well. Lightweight nylon outdoor pants can weigh as little as 8 ounces.

71. If you need more insulation, there are ultralight jackets made with down that weigh less than 8 ounces, about the weight of a T-shirt.

72. You can save a lot of weight by using running shorts that weigh around 3 ounces instead of heavier cargo shorts.

73. Leather belts can be quite heavy. Look for a light belt. A lightweight nylon accessory strap with a quick-release buckle works well.

74. Using silk can cut the weight and bulk of your underwear in half.

75. A lightweight watch cap (beanie or lightweight stocking cap) can weigh as little as an ounce. It’s great for extra warmth during the day or while you’re sleeping.

76. A full-brimmed hat for storm protection that’s made from silicone-coated nylon weighs as little as 1.2 ounces.

77. A baseball-type hat from lightweight ripstop nylon for sun protection can weigh less than an ounce.

78. A painter’s cap will give you cheap, light protection from the sun. They weigh about 1.3 ounces.

79. If a hat is too hot for you, use a visor to be cooler and lighter. Visors vary a lot in weight, so use a digital scale to find the lightest one.

80. Lightweight polypropylene gloves that weigh an ounce will give you some warmth.

81. You can use your extra socks as gloves, or for added warmth over light gloves.

82. Those plastic newspaper or grocery bags that we used for keeping your feet warm at night can be used to keep your hands dry.

83. Socks that are warm, comfortable, and help you avoid blisters are vital. Don’t try to go too thin and light if you tend to blister. But many popular styles come in various heights. So a shorter, lighter sock might give you the same function.

84. One of the best ways to save clothing weight is to use running shoes instead of hiking boots. The old saying of one pound on your feet being equal to five pounds in your pack is true. You lift your shoes with every step, so why not lift something light and comfortable?

85. Shoe laces that come with your running shoes are often too long. They catch on the little twigs along the trail. You might as well cut them off and save the weight. Burn the ends so they don’t unravel.


86. Keep your cooking gear light by using a kettle only. You can save more than half the weight of the cooking kit by leaving the plate and fry pan home. The ¾ quart kettle by itself weighs less than 5 ounces.

87. With titanium, your kettle can weigh under 4 ounces.

88. Stainless steel is heavy. Avoid it. Non-stick coatings make a kettle heavier than one without it. Decide whether the weight of the non-stick surface is worth it for you.

89. For your cup, use the plastic kind that have measuring marks inside. They’re four times lighter than a sierra cup.

90. Try using a lexan spoon only. You probably don’t need a fork. For cutting food you can use your pocket knife. File some of the excess weight from the handle of your spoon. Have some fun being a fanatic. Drill some holes in the handle.

91. Some hikers like a long Dairy Queen spoon because it can reach all the way into foil pouches and zip lock bags. Be ready to use some emergency chopsticks if the spoon breaks. Some people like chopsticks anyway.

92. Blacken the bottom of your kettle to cook faster and conserve fuel. If your kettle won’t do this naturally, use heat-resistant paint, the kind you use to paint barbeques and wood stoves.

93. Keep the lid for your kettle. You’ll save its weight by using less fuel.

94. Use a windscreen so you conserve and carry less fuel. You can probably use something that’s already in your pack so there’s no weight added. Or use something very light, like aluminum foil.

95. Use your digital scale to know the weight of a full and empty fuel canister if you use butane/propane. It’s surprising how far a small can will go. You can learn when to leave a full 7-ounce canister home.

96. For a scouring pad, keep it simple and cut it down to a very small size. Or, better yet, don’t take one at all. They tend to become bacteria magnets. Use goats beard — the stuff that’s attached to tree bark. Or use pine cones or sand.

97. You may need a towel to handle your hot kettle. Keep one small piece of a rayon camper’s towel for kitchen use and one for your body.

98. The lighter, thinner towels you can find in grocery stores are even lighter than a rayon camper’s towel. These work well on your body because they can rinse so easily for washing up.

99. There are two main types of ultralight stoves. Titanium stoves that burn butane/propane fuel can be as light as 2 ½ ounces. Their small fuel canisters are 7 ounces. Or you can choose a soda can style stove that burns denatured alcohol. These can be lighter than 2 ounces. Their fuel is readily available and can be carried in very light containers.

100. Fiberglass is often used as a wicking agent in the soda can stoves. The thin fiberglass within foil can be used to hold hot stoves or kettles and can be used to hold heat in your kettle.

101. The lightest water container is a plastic soda, water, or Gatorade bottle. Of course, you’ll want to remove that heavy label.


Source by Steve K Green

Timber and Its Use in Commercial Truck Construction


Many types of timber are used in commercial truck bodywork today, and it is used in a variety of different forms ranging from sections for framing, chipboard for partitions, to faced plywood for decorative panels. Manufactured timber panels are also used in conjunction with other materials such as aluminum and plastics to produce panels for special purposes which include heat and sound insulation and to improve resistance to general wear and the weather.

Some timbers are more suitable for vehicle bodywork than others because of their superior strength, resistance to wear, decay and fire, or appearance.

Although timber is used in many forms, it is all obtained from either soft wood trees or temperate or tropical hardwoods.


There are a large number of softwood trees, which include many varieties of pine, fur, and spruce which make up about 90 per cent of all timbers used generally in the U.S.A and Europe. These trees are normally found in the northern hemisphere; most of them are cone bearing and evergreen, but there are some exceptions. In fact some types of softwoods are harder than hardwoods.

There is a good supply of softwoods and since less time is required to mature and they are easier to work they are generally cheaper than hardwoods. Softwoods are uses for the sides and floors of mineral carrying vehicles, since it is cheaper and easier to replace. It is also used for manufactured panels for other commercial vehicle bodies.


These are obtained from broad leaf trees, and there are over 2000 varieties including such well known types as oak, ash, teak and mahogany. All basal wood, which is much softer than softwoods, is in fact a hardwood, since it is the structure that decides the group not the texture.

Because the hardwoods take much longer to mature, are more difficult to obtain and work, and take much longer to season they are considerably more expensive. However, they are generally much stronger, more durable and have far more uses than softwoods.

Hardwoods are divided into two groups:-

1. Tropical. These are from trees found in Central Africa, India and South America and include the many different types of teak, mahogany and ebony.

2. Temperate. The varieties found in this group are oak, walnut, and ash are some of the temperate hardwoods found in U.S.A, Europe, Japan and Australia.

Hardwoods are used for framing and in some forms of veneer on panels for interior finishing. Also hardwoods such as ash are very suitable for curved framing members.

Manufactured Panels.

Plywood, block-board, chipboard, MDF and hardboard panels are often used instead of solid timber panels, and have many advantages. They can be obtained in larger sizes, are often stronger and are more stable, which means labor costs can be reduced when compared with other methods of covering large areas with equivalent tongue and groove jointed timber.


Plywood is made by gluing layers of veneer together at right angles to each other. This prevents splitting and greatly increases the strength of the panel. Curved members can also be produced by laying the veneers on a suitable mold or form before gluing.

Birch, ash, pine and fir are used in the manufacture of plywood but many other varieties are used for the face side of decorative panels. Plywood is obtainable in several thicknesses and sizes from which vehicle body floors can be made in one piece.

Block board.

There are a number of manufactured boards making use of solid timber core stock. One of these is block board and this consists of softwood glued together and faced with veneers of timber such as birch and mahogany. Large panels up to about 2 inches in thickness are produced and used in flooring and partitions.


Chipboard is made from graded wood chips which are bonded together under pressure with synthetic resins and adhesives to form large strong panels 0.5 inch to 1 inch thick. These can be faced with many different materials to give painted, plastic or veneered surfaces. It has replaced solid timber for many purposes and because of the sizes manufactured it is a useful vehicle building material.

Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF).

MDF is manufactured by bonding wooden fibers together using glue, heat and pressure. It is a very adaptable material, but can only be used for interior bodywork. It must be sealed / painted as it gradually emits urea formaldehyde which is a known carcinogen and eye, throat and lung irritant. Proper safety procedures should always be used when working with this material in any way.


This is another useful material which, because of its smaller thicknesses is very suitable for interior paneling. It is made from compressed timber fibers and usually has a smooth side with the reverse side having a rough or mesh finish.

Identification of timbers.

Since many types of timber are used in vehicle body work, it is possible to identify the more common ones such as oak and teak. Most types have distinct features and properties, and when samples are carefully examined it is often possible to identify a particular type. The following features should be considered:-

1. The general appearance.

  • i) Color – red, brown, yellow, white.
  • ii) Grain – close or open, straight or twisted.
  • iii) Texture – hard or soft, rough or smooth.
  • iv) Figure – shape of grain

2. Weight.

Weighing a sample is not a reliable test since the weight will depend on the moisture content and even the weights of samples may vary.

3. Use a hand lens.

Examination of the surface and end grain may reveal distinctive features.

4. Use a microscope.

The use of a microscope will enable a much closer examination of a thin section.

5. Dissolving a sample.

This will allow a microscopic examination of the shape and size of cells and fibers.

It should be remembered that features and color may be affected by the origin, rate of growth, and treatment since felling and many other factors.

Timber Defects.

One of the main disadvantages with timber is that defects may be present or may develop later. Some of these can be treated satisfactorily but others may require the component to be replaced. Some defects can be avoided completely by careful felling, conversion and seasoning, but a knowledge of the defects will enable you to make the best possible use of the timber that may be somewhat inferior.


These are not always a serious defect since in many cases timber is covered with paint, panels or other disguises and in timbers such as knotty pine they are treated so as to improve the appearance. On the other hand knots should not be present in framing timbers, some decorative panels or other situations where strength or appearance may be affected. Knots are nearly always present and timber is often graded by the distribution and number of knots present. Some timbers have more than others, so careful selection is usually worthwhile.

Splits and shakes.

Shakes appear in various forms and are not always apparent until the tree is felled and sawn into logs. Heart and cup shakes may not present much of a problem but other types such as the ring and star shakes can result in valuable timber being unusable. During the drying out or seasoning the moisture leaves the timber more quickly from the ends than the sides. If this is too rapid other splits may occur.


Many types of timber are affected by various insects, and chemical treatment may be effective. The alternative is to remove and burn the infected part and fit a new piece.

Dry rot.

Timber, which is stored in conditions which are damp or lack ventilation will lose its strength and become soft and spongy. If this happens timbers should be destroyed.


This is a common defect and is caused by uneven shrinkage during seasoning. Softwoods are more prone to this, since softwoods contain more moisture than hardwoods. Warping can be reduced by sawing the logs radially instead of tangently. If you examine the end grain of planks it is possible to decide which way they have been cut from the log.

Causes of timber defects.

  • i) Storm damage.
  • ii) Exposed growing conditions.
  • iii) Inexperienced felling.
  • iv) Incorrect conversion.
  • v) Poor seasoning.
  • vi) Bad storage conditions.
  • vii) Careless selection and use.

Seasoning timbers.

Living trees may have a moisture content of between 50% and 100% and since this is too high the trees, when felled have to be seasoned or dried until the moisture content is reduced. Timber for vehicle body work should have a moisture content of 12 %- 15%. If the moisture content is too high the timber will dry out further and shrink after use. If it is too low the timber will absorb moisture from the atmosphere and possibly swell. To find the moisture content a sample of timber is weighed in its normal condition and then weighed again after it has been carefully dried out. The moisture content is then calculated as follows:-

The moisture Content of the timber (M.C. %) is calculated by taking the wet weight, subtracting the dry weight, and dividing the answer by the dry weight and multiplying by one hundred.

The method of drying out a piece of timber to obtain its moisture content is unnecessary in practice, because electrical instruments are used to give instant readings There are a number of reasons why timber should be properly treated (seasoned):-

  • I) It is much stronger than unseasoned timber.
  • II) There is less risk of decay and attack by insects.
  • III) Painting, staining and other finishing processes can be carried out successfully on seasoned timber.

We should remember that the cells in a piece of timber are like wooden buckets. Large amounts of water in the cavities and the walls, so it is essential for timber to be properly seasoned. After the trees have been felled, the logs are taken to the saw mill where they are converted or sawn into planks or other sections. Since this exposes a greater surface area to the atmosphere seasoning time is reduced. The method used to saw or convert the logs will also affect the shrinkage, warping or other timber defects discussed previously.

Air Drying.

The sawn timber is piled in stacks with sticks or wooden strips separating each layer. This allows the air to circulate freely around each piece. The top of the stack should be protected from the sun and the rain, and since moisture will dry out more quickly from the ends of the planks, these are sometimes protected to prevent end splits. The air drying method is cheap and often leads to better quality timber, but it is a slow method, taking up to several years. The timber is liable to staining and insect attack and the moisture content is very rarely less than the surrounding area.

Kiln Drying.

This is a much quicker method, which results in timber with a more closely controlled moisture content. The timber is placed on trolleys and put in a kiln where the temperature and humidity are controlled. Air circulation may be by natural draft or forced by electric fans. Artificially seasoned timbers may be more brittle and other defects may occur, but the reduced time required is big advantage. Some timbers are air dried for a period before being kiln dried.

Timber Storage.

Seasoning timber processes may take several years and the timber may be stored for a further period before it is used. In order to keep it in good condition certain precautions must be observed:-

  • i) To prevent staining the timber should be protected from chemicals and other foreign matter, e.g. soot.
  • ii) Excessive rain and heat should be avoided and if stored indoors sufficient ventilation should be provided.
  • iii) It should be stacked in a proper manner to prevent boards becoming twisted or warped. The supporting blocks should be directly under each other otherwise the timber will begin to bend.

Wood preservatives suitable for use prior to painting.

This type of preservative is usually of a low viscosity and can normally be used prior to the application of coach or decorative enamels and their painting process. It can be applied by brush, spray or dipping and is normally allowed overnight to dry before application of the above mentioned paint systems. This promotes good adhesion and helps to reduce the problems of timber disease and rot.

Before using this type of product it is essential to make sure that it does not contain any waxes or silicone additives.

Priming of timbers.

Before the priming of any timber it is important to check that the timber is clean, dry and free from any oil residues. The timber should be thoroughly flatted with a suitable grade of glass paper and degreased with a ‘lint-free’ cloth which has been dampened with white spirits or a suitable solvent.

Priming should then be carried out using a suitable primer. It is essential when priming that all areas are adequately primed. This includes timber ends and tongue and grooves, where areas are to be covered with metal fitments or body sections. The reason for this is to prevent the ingress of moisture which would result in paint flaking.

Timbers containing knots should be treated in the following manner, prior to priming:-

I) The knots should be burnt with a blowtorch to extract surplus resin.

II) The timber should be thoroughly rubbed down and degreased as above.

III) Each knot should be treated with one or two coats of shellac, and allowed sufficient time to dry.

IV) Prime the timber as above.

Wood finishes.

These are non-pigmented finishes. Among those available are wax polishes, sealer coats, long and short oil varnishes, alkyd varnishes, yacht varnishes, single pack polyurethanes and teak oil. All these are suitable for brush application. For spray application only, use the following – cellulose lacquers, two pack polyurethanes, two pack catalyzed lacquers and single and two pack epoxies. The requirements of a wood finish are:-

  • i) Color flexibility.
  • ii) Build.
  • iii) Life expectancies.
  • iv) Acid or alkali resistance.

Sealers and wax polishes.

Sealers – These are cellulose based.

Waxes – These are petroleum based. One example is chilled wax which is fairly quick drying, gives little discoloration to the wood, and produces a good average finish.

Waxes – Silicone based. These waxes are very quick drying and produce a hard waterproof finish. The wood needs to be sealed before use, and it tends to give it a cloudy appearance.

Waxes – Beeswax. This is a natural product from honeycomb which has been rendered down with white spirits. It can be applied by brush or rag and produces a good finish that can be re-polished.

Long oil varnishes.

These contain more oil than resin in its formulation. The resin used is usually an alkyd or fossil resin. Long oil varnishes are flexible, due to the amount of oil and have good durability, making it ideal for exterior usage. It also has a fairly clear finish. Polyurethanes are used for wood which is left in exposed conditions, but tends to be rather soft for interior use. The life expectancy is two to two and a half years, and a four coat system is recommended, i.e. apply one very thin (diluted) coat followed by three full coats.

Short oil Varnishes.

These varnishes are quick drying but tend to be rather brittle. They dry to a hard finish and are more suitable for interior use, as they do not have the flexibility for exterior use.

Alkyd varnishes.

These are clear quick drying varnishes which are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. They are popular as a varnish for vehicle bodies, and are also applied as a four-coat system.

Teak oil.

This oil is easy to apply, but liberal coatings are required to restore the natural color of the timber.

French polishing.

This is based on shellac and methylated spirits. It is quick drying and causes the timber to darken. It is applied using a pad, made of a packed piece of wool or gauze, covered by a piece of cotton cloth. It is however, brittle and easily damaged by water and white spirits. It is mainly used in antique furniture.

Nitrocellulose lacquers.

These lacquers come in two types, the pre-catalyzed and the nitro-urethanes. These contain amino and polyurethane resins respectively.


There is no doubt of the advantages of using timber in commercial truck bodywork today. Certainly other materials have and will come along to try and replace it, but for its versatility and availability it is still unrivalled and will be for a long time to come.

Knowing your timbers and how to look after them will ensure the maximum life expectancy from your truck or commercial vehicle.


Source by Nigel Le Monnier

UL 2050 Certification – What it is and How to Get It


Developing a UL 2050 Room

Anyone already in the security business knows that getting a certificate from Underwriters Laboratories is no small task. On the contrary, getting a facility “certificated” is a lengthy and labyrinthine process that requires achieving a host of the highest standards and ongoing inspections to maintain them.

That said, it is far from impossible. Hundreds of security companies are certificated nation-wide and thousands of UL 2050 certificated facilities are in operation.

This article is primarily meant to assist those businesses looking to develop a UL 2050 room by compiling all of the necessary information in a single place. However, those who already own and operate these secure facilities, but are looking to change their security company, can also benefit.

A Brief History of UL 2050

In 1993, the United States Department of Defense developed a set of standards and guidelines for securing its classified material, information, and equipment to be developed, stored, or maintained by a government contractor. Specifically, these standards were laid out in something called the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual or NISPOM. This meant that in order to do work for the DOD, every contractor’s facility needed to meet these particular standards and procedures.

Around the same time, an independent organization called Underwriters Laboratories developed a set of standards that would meet and often surpass the standards laid out in the NISPOM. The result was Underwriters Laboratories 2050 or UL 2050.

2050 has no particular meaning except it’s how UL refers to this specific level of security. The DOD recognizes UL’s meticulous standards and UL, in turn, is authorized to certify security companies to create, monitor, and inspect Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities or SCIFs.

SCIFs and Who Uses Them

At it’s core, a SCIF is any room or facility that will be used to research, manufacture, store, or support any projects, information, equipment, or personnel for any branch of the Armed Services or other agencies. Usually they imply classified information or materials, but while this may conjure images straight out of James Bond, these can be anything from a computer or chemical lab to warehouses and woodshops.

These SCIFs are almost always used by government contractors or those hoping to become one by bidding on military and government projects. Indeed, UL 2050 is the standard for the Department of Defense. Any company looking to work with the DOD, the Armed Services, or any of the other twenty-two government agencies must have a UL 2050 certified SCIF. Since these contracts are far-reaching and often insulated by a national budget, the demand for UL 2050 certified SCIFs typically remains fairly constant even in times of economic downturn.

Getting a Business UL 2050 Certified

Firstly, it isn’t a business or company that gets UL 2050 certified, but rather a specific room or facility. UL 2050 means that the SCIF has been constructed and inspected to meet UL specifications that take as their basis the DOD’s NISPOM. Whether it’s one or one hundred, this must be done separately for each SCIF.

However, and this is key, it is not UL that issues the certificate. Underwriters Laboratories deals directly with specific security companies. Each security company goes through a rigorous process of validation and certification to achieve what UL calls “CRZH” certification. CRZH doesn’t stand for anything, but refers only to the code UL assigns to this type of certificate.

The security company, by virtue of its CRZH certification, is authorized to consult, construct, inspect, monitor and certify a SCIF within a specified radius of about a four-hour response time, or 200 miles. It is the security company that sponsors a facility for certification and issues the UL 2050 certificate.

The First Step

The very first step toward UL 2050 certification is to contact a CRZH certified security company. UL maintains a directory of such companies on their website. Simply, type in your location information and “CRZH” into the “UL Category Code” and you will be given a list of all certified companies in your area. Keep the scope of the search broad by using only state or country information. This will return more results that may apply to you in a 200-mile radius.

Once you contact the security company, negotiations begin for the kind of SCIF you need for what you’re looking to do. Typically, this will start with an inspection of the proposed site and then proceed to what systems and changes will need to be implemented.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this security company. A SCIF must be constructed according to precise standards. Each step of construction, programming, electronics, and monitoring must be done by companies with their own particular levels of certification and quality. A CRZH security company is an invaluable resource for finding trusted companies from builders to alarm monitors.

Consulting a CRZH certificated security company as early as possible allows a business to develop realistic budgets and determine competitive bids for government contracts.

Cloud of Mystery

Anyone looking to develop their first SCIF may be put off by how unclear the public information is. Cost, for example, is rarely discussed in any finite terms until well into the process. The reason, simply, is that the cost must be determined on a case-by-case basis according to what changes need to be made to meet UL 2050 standards.

Similarly, the standards themselves, described in a single UL publication, are one of the most highly controlled documents in the nation. Due to the level of security concerned, a copy can only be issued when a security company registers with UL. Even then it will only be given to a designated employee that is verified by address and contact information and the copy he or she receives is individually numbered and cataloged. Needless to say, the consequences of duplicating or leaking the security standards of every DOD and Armed Services project in the country are dire indeed.

After Online and Long-Term

Once the room is developed, the security company is responsible for inspecting and monitoring the facility to ensure it meets and maintains UL 2050 standards. Underwriters Laboratories will execute their own inspection of each aspect of the facility. After the facility has been approved, the security company is authorized to issue an official UL 2050 certificate.

This certificate is a kind of bond ensuring that the facility will operate by UL 2050 standards and that the security company issuing the certificate will facilitate and ensure that level of operation. To do so, the security company will perform periodic inspections of the facility, as will Underwriters Laboratories. These inspections are often unannounced and will occur at least once a year by both organizations.

Consequently, it is critical to have a security company you trust. Not unlike other services, a good security company should have an extraordinary commitment to quality in installation, service, and response. The stakes, after all, rank into the millions of dollars in government contracts.


Source by Braden Russom

Is Talcum Powder Best for Penis Odor Elimination?


Serious penis odor can be a source of embarrassment for men, especially during the hot, sweaty summer months. For some guys, a simple application of talcum powder early in the morning is all they do to combat this common problem. But is the use of talcum powder consistent with appropriate penis care? And, equally important, does it really combat penis odor?

The penis odor dilemma

Penis odor has been around for as long as men have been around. Yes, our early forebears ran around with no clothes and therefore enjoyed the benefits of constantly airing the penis out. But those same cave dwellers also had no soap and didn’t wash very frequently – meaning their packages boasted an even greater degree of penis odor than do our own.

So why is this particular body part prone to carrying a stench around with it? Well, for one thing it’s usually packaged underneath two solid layers of clothing – trousers and underwear. And often, that underwear is tightfitting, which increases the heat quotient. Add to that the fact that, unless a man shaves his manhood, it is topped off by a large thatch of insulating hair, in addition to the hair that lines the balls. Finally, men get erections throughout the day, whether they’re aroused or not. The erectile process involves engorging the penis by filling it with blood; this in turn adds even more heat to the area.

Excessive moisture is a natural byproduct of all that heat, and sweat tends to bring with it odor-causing bacteria – hence, the aroma factory that is a typical man’s crotch.

The talcum powder solution

For many years, men have tried to keep the manhood odor at bay by strategically sprinkling – or in some cases, liberally pouring – talcum powder on the penis, balls and crotch. Talcum powder is famous for its use in keeping babies’ bottoms soft and dry, so its use on the penis is understandable. But is it the best solution for penis odor?

Since most talcum powder comes with a scent of its own, it can be effective for a short time in masking odor. The drying qualities associated with the product also can be effective on a short term basis; but it lacks the staying power needed for a tough case of member stench.

More importantly, talcum powder does not contain ingredients that can actively fight the causes of penis odor, especially bacteria. So once the initial benefits wear off and sweat begins pouring in, the powder does nothing but clump up. Thus, while it can provide some temporary coverage, it cannot by itself offer an effective solution to the problem.

Added to the issue are concerns voiced by some that long-term use of talcum powder may have negative health benefits. The problem is that not enough studies have been done to settle this question one way or another, and so some doctors advise caution in long-term use of the powder.

Beyond powder

Even men who use talcum powder should take other steps to fight unwanted scents. Proper cleaning of the area is crucial, of course; so is finding time each day to let the manhood “air out.” (Sleeping naked is one way to achieve this goal.)

Most importantly, however, a man definitely needs to go beyond talcum powder and regularly use a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help with penis odor. To be effective, the crème absolutely must include vitamin A. This vitamin is well known for its anti-bacterial properties which do a splendid job of actively fighting the bacteria which are the root cause of an odiferous member. It’s also essential that the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid helps to modify the aging process of penis cell metabolism, which in turn keeps the penis skin healthier. Healthier penis skin is in a much better position to fight off odor-causing bacteria. With the right crème, penis odor can be effectively brought to heel.


Source by John Dugan

Uses of Human Saliva


Saliva or spit has negative connotations: it may be use to insult or express disgust against somebody, or it may be associated with dirtiness, uncleanness, impurity, etc. But as it is, it has its beauty and usefulness. Most animals posses salivary gland for the purpose only nature and evolution can tell. Snakes use their venomous saliva to kill a prey and some birds utilize their saliva as glue to build their nests. Human saliva plays a vital role in digestion. These and other uses of saliva let us see the extraordinary other side of this trivial thing.

(1) It initiates digestion. Saliva contains enzymes that even break down chewed food at the molecular level. It also facilitates chewing; imagine a dry mouth-it would be very hard to chew and swallow the food. It also helps the tongue to taste.

(2) It protects the whole mouth. Saliva enzymes prevent bacteria from causing the teeth to decay. It also lubricates the teeth; it also makes the tongue, gums, lips and the side of the mouth constantly wet, acting as insulating material.

(3) It is an indicator of dehydration. Dehydration may cause fainting. One way to know that you are dehydrated is by feeling your saliva. In addition to that, saliva is a natural substitute to water.

(4) It is a means to spit out germs from the mouth. Saliva, as 98% water, collects other chemicals and germs inside the mouth. Germs can then be spit out through saliva.

(5) It helps detect cancer or other illness. Saliva testing using Elisa test kit helps you discover cancer cells and hormonal problems. It is also useful in drug testing and in other medical evaluations.

(6) It makes kissing more intense. Lovers kiss in order to show their intimacy to each other. Saliva moistens the lips creating a delightful kissing and romance. (One can even say that we all came from saliva.)

(7) It helps to turn the pages of the book. By licking one’s thumb, one can easily turn the pages of the book.

(8) It can help heal the wound. Animals like dogs lick on their wound to prevent it from bleeding. Does human saliva acts the same way too? Maybe.

Usefulness is equivalent to beauty. Let us count the uses of human saliva and we can say that it is part of the overall beauty of nature.


Source by Daphne Brown

Use Moon Dust to Make Flexible Concrete


Our Moon has some interesting properties, which make it ideal for making concrete, it has an abundance of very fine moon dust. This would be a wonderful thing to make our moon base out of. It could be used along with nano-tube sheet manufacturing to make huge orbiting space stations which will be solid as a rock, 500 times stronger than steel per weight and able to protect our Orbiting colony and Moon colony from Solar Radiation.

One this concrete plant is fully operational, we can build a Mars Colony and take it there without worries of trying to life that heavy weight from the surface of the Earth. The power it would take to launch such a completed Space Colony building from Earth due to weight would be impossible with current human technology. However, moving a completed space station from the Moon to Mars would be a lot easier.

I propose getting a truckload of moon dust to screw around with to try to make some super building materials. Over 500 different combinations of materials were used to come up with the flexible concrete that is now being used which is 50 times stronger than steel and it can move without breaking. NASA Scientists are already planning using moon dust for all sorts of things.

Many scientists have floated very similar ideas and we have all the technology, so we ought to go for it. If the world gives you lemons, make lemonade. If the moon gives you moon dust make a colony out of the stuff. Why not; think about it?


Source by Lance Winslow

Types Of Shades for Conservatory Sunrooms


The sunroom shades help to minimize the amount of heat entering the room through the glass enclosed area. They are available in various styles, forms, shapes, textures and colors. You can select light colored fabric with light filtration to allow only the diffused ray of sun entering your room. You can even make the room appear dark and cool during the hot summer afternoons by pulling down the thick and dark shades.

Moreover, the sunroom shades offer you to selectively darken parts of the room and allow light to filter into the other parts. They can be custom made according to the style of the sunroom. You can either use a number of shade pieces to cover the sunroom, or opt for the automatic shaped shades that are prepared to fit the straight, curved, conservatory and cathedral design of your sunroom. The ceiling shades sunroom is mostly provided with motorized units to make the task of placing the shades and removing it easier. You can opt for the manual ones if you want to do it yourself. Usually the motorized shades are provided slender head rails with brackets for quick and smooth installation of the superior quality fabrics. They can be easily pulled up and down and the limit can be set automatically. You can selectively lower and raise either the individual blind or the whole set. With the help of the remote control, you can make use of the radio control or the infra red to make the blinds operate.

The best part is that with the help of the timer, you can set the time from beforehand for lowering and raising the shutters. Instead of the remote control, you can perform these activities with the help of switches installed in the walls.

The sunroom window blinds are available in a number of forms and materials including poly wood blinds, aluminum blinds, cellular blinds, custom blinds, vertical blinds, metal blinds, vinyl blinds, mini blinds, wood blinds, and cordless blinds. Opt for shutters that are resistant to fire and moisture. It provides the best way to control the cold, heat and dust filtering inside the room. They are easy to install and operate and can be operated either manually or by remote control. You can select similar color blinds to increase the color coordination of your room.

Sunroom Window Treatment

While selecting sunroom windows, there are a few features that you should pay attention to. Make sure that the windows are well insulated having double panels filled with argon gas. This will ensure that your sunroom stays warm during winters and cool during summers. Moreover, it prevents the harmful rays of the sun from fading the carpets and other furniture items of your room. Opt for sashes that contain tilts doe easy cleaning. To make the window more insulated, you can use stainless steel to lend the balance for the windows. To prevent the window frames from becoming brittle and turning yellow, you can use pure vinyl construction. To insulate the room from loud noise and cold and heat, you can use the vinyl panels that contain foams. Select a size that fits in well with the size of overall size of the room. Make use of narrow window frames to maximize the viewing area.

There are a number of window styles to opt from. You can select from a wide range of picture windows, single or double casement windows, double hung windows, two or three slider windows, bay windows, bow windows, awning windows, hopper windows, and cottage windows. When installing windows in the sunrooms, make sure that you can clean it easily. The double hung windows are easy to clean since they can be tilted and both the sides can be cleaned with equal ease. The pivot of casement windows allows you to clean the glass from both the sides. Similarly, the sashes of sliders can be easily removed and cleaned. While selecting sunroom windows, make sure that they have frames and sashes that are properly wielded to provide enhanced durability and strength. Find out the energy efficiency level of the glass and make sure that some inert gas is filled in between the double glass panes. It is best to use frames that are filled with foam for enhanced insulation.

Curtain For Sunroom

The sunroom curtains lend a touch of beauty to the sunrooms by dressing it up properly. They can be placed either by the window frames or at t6he entrance of the room. Available in a wide variety of colors, style, size, texture and design, these curtains are capable of matching the look and feels of every type of sunroom. It is not that the sunroom shades mar the look of the sunroom. If you properly select the shades, they enhance the overall appearance of the room and provide you with the ultimate comfort.


Source by Andrew Caxton

Window Blinds & Window Shades – Create a Haven in Your Home


Window blinds are a major decorating component in finishing off a room. People are spending more on their homes, creating that inviting comfortable safe haven where they can unwind from the stresses of modern day life. There are many different types of blinds on the market that can help create that haven. Whether you are building a new home, renovating or just wanting a new look there are many blinds on the market to help you do this. Window blinds are available in a wide range of colors, sizes, and materials and also if you want a really unique look there are unlimited custom sizes and styles. Blinds come in different price points so there is something for every budget.

There are many different types of window blinds available such as wood blinds, faux wood blinds, mini and vertical blinds, pleated, cellular and roman shades. With all the choices available you’ll be able to achieve the look you desire whether it be sophisticated to a country look. There are many great manufacturers that design fantastic blinds such as Bali, Comfortex, Crystal Pleat, Duette, Graber, Hunter Douglas, Kirsch, Levolor, and Louver Draper and many others.

Window shades provide many benefits to the consumer such as they protect the investment you have in your house. They do this by protecting your furnishings and flooring from the harmful effects of the sun. Whether you have expensive antiques or regular furniture it is costly to have to replace it. Window blinds also give you the privacy so you can unwind in peace. You can relax in your room without the prying eyes of a nosey neighbor or curious pedestrian looking in at you.

Window blinds offer you a great deal of flexibility, letting you control the amount of light in a room that you desire. The blinds slats can be raise or tilted to let the desired amount of light in. The mechanism for opening and closing blinds is easy to operate and ranges from simple cords and continuous chains to remote-controlled electronic devices. Window shades are available with top down or bottom-up operations that let you create the desired privacy and light control you want. Depending on the fabric used they are available in light filtering varieties or total light blocking such as blackout shades.

With today’s rising energy costs the window shades are a great addition is their insulation ability. The winter heat loss through a window can account for 10 to 30 percent of your total heating bill. Window shades can further reduce window heat loss and dramatically increase the comfort of your home year round by also blocking out summers heat. The insulating ability of window shades can also reduce noise pollution from outside sources.

Window blinds and window shades have many benefits that can enhance your home décor. They are not only functional but add a lot of style in creating that warm, safe, haven that you deserve in your home.


Source by Carol Coutts

Mesothelioma – A Full Spectrum Examination


Receiving much press in recent years ~ both because of the number of people affected, as well as the sometimes sensational, multi-million-dollar lawsuits that have been filed, fought, won & lost ~ is a rare form of cancer known as malignant mesothelioma, whose principle cause is exposure to aspestos fibers.

Asbestos, a known toxin since the 1930’s, is an inexpensive fibrous material that is extremely durable and heat resistant. Because of these properties it was, for many years, heavily used in industry throughout the United States. Even after its carcinogenic (cancer-causing) properties were discovered, many industries continued to use asbestos, putting at risk those who were exposed to it. Asbestos-containing products remain, to this day, in buildings, ships, industrial facilities and other environments. The EPA has stated that asbestos “presents an unreasonable risk of injury to human health.” Even low levels of asbestos exposure can trigger not only mesothelioma, but also asbestosis, pleural disease and lung cancer: diseases that are caused almost exclusively by asbestos. The statistics for recent years show an average of 3000 people per year dying of aspestos-related causes.

Because aspestos products have been used so heavily by industry, many people have come into contact with asbestos fibers via their jobs (e.g. via occupational exposure). There is also a risk to the family members of those working in at-risk occupations; this exposure is called paraoccupational exposure. People who live near sites that have asbestos around the facility are also at risk. Refineries, power plants, factories, shipyards, steel mills and building demolition are types of work sites that can release asbestos fibers into the environment and contaminate nearby residential neighborhoods. Mesothelioma can result from very small fibers or dust particles at low exposure levels. (Most such exposure would likely have occurred prior to 1973, but the latency period can be up to 40 years for most types of lung cancer to develop.) Trades in which aspestos exposure is likely include:

~ Asbestos product manufacturing (insulation, roofing, building, materials)

~ Automotive repair (brakes & clutches)

~ Construction/contractors

~ Maritime

~ Miners

~ Offshore rust removals

~ Oil refineries

~ Power plants

~ Railroads

~ Sand or abrasive manufacturers

~ Shipyards / ships / ship builders

~ Steel mills

~ Tile cutters

Malignant mesothelioma is the formal medical name for this form of lung cancer. (A lay term for the equivalent condition is Aspestos Cancer). Mesothelioma is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor which involves the mesothelial cells of an organ, usually the lungs, heart or abdominal organs. Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma or cancer of the lung lining is the most common form of mesothelioma cancer. Peritoneal Mesothelioma is cancer of the stomach lining and is the next most common form.

The onset of mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer is usually very slow: the time between aspestos exposure and the onset of symptoms can be many years. The most common mesothelioma symptoms are chest pain and pain in the lower back. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing, coughing, weight loss and fever.

Symptoms for Pleural Mesothelioma (involving the lung / chest area) are:

~ chest pain and pain in the lower back

~ difficulty breathing

~ coughing

~ weight loss

~ fever

~ muscle weakness and sensory loss

~ swelling of the face and arms

~ hoarseness

~ coughing up blood

Symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma (involving the abdominal / stomach cavity, liver, spleen or the bowel) are:

~ abdominal bloating due to fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity

~ nausea & vomiting

~ swelling of the feet

~ fever

~ impaired bowel function

Diagnosing mesothelioma (within the framework of western medicine) can be challenging, because the symptoms are quite similar to those of other illnesses and conditions. A western medical diagnosis of mesothelioma might include any or all of the following: a review of the patient’s medical history and asbestos exposure; a complete physical examination, with x-rays of the chest or abdomen and lung function test; a CAT scan or MRI of the chest or abdomen; a biopsy.

In the case of pleural mesothelioma, a thoracoscopy may be performed where the doctor looks inside the chest cavity with an instrument called a thoracoscope that is put into the chest between two ribs. The thoracoscope allows the doctor to gather tissue samples and look inside the chest. For cancer in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma), a western MD may perform a peritoneoscopy where a small opening is made in the abdomen and an instrument called a peritoneoscope is inserted in the abdomen cavity to collect tissue.

If mesothelioma is indeed diagnosed, the next step will be to determine the stage of the disease. The “staging” process helps to determine which part of the body the cancer has spread to, which in turn dictates a treatment plan. If the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated it is called “localized.” If the has spread beyond the original membrane surface to other parts of the body it is called “advanced.”

Western Medical Treatment Options (chosen in accordance with the age and/or health of the patient) include surgery, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy. Surgery ~ during which part of the lining of the chest or abdomen may be removed ~ is a common treatment option for mesothelioma. For pleural mesothelioma, either a full lung or the muscle below the lungs that help with breathing (the diaphragm) may be removed. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. This type of therapy only affects the cancer cells in the treated area. Chemotherapy uses anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. The drugs used to treat mesothelioma are sometimes given by injection in a vein.

Along with surgery and radiation, using a needle or thin tube to drain fluid that has built up in the chest or abdomen is one way to relieve some of the symptoms and control the pain associated with this condition. In addition, medications may be given through a tube in the chest to prevent fluid from accumulating and, once again, reducing some of the more painful symptoms.

The physical and psychological strain of malignant mesothelioma can be severe, and western medical treatments meant to heal often cause unexpected and irritating side effects. For these reasons, it is important for the mesothelioma patient to gather as much information as possible about how malignant mesothelioma progresses as a disease, as well as to explore alternative or complementary treatment options (see below). And if a western treatment is chosen as part of the healing protocol, it’s important to know what side effects to expect and how to minimize them.

Along with managing the disease itself, Mesothelioma patients oftentimes find themselves embroiled in legal battles (reminiscent of the Karen Silkwood case) ~ in class-action or individual lawsuits against the companies or corporations by whom they were employed at the time of their exposure to aspestos. Aspestos Law has emerged as a specialty, with mesothelioma attorneys and lawyers positioned to support their clients in establishing a link between a specific aspestos exposure and their subsequent contracting of mesothelioma … and ~ to the extent that they are successful ~ taking, in the process, a handsome cut of the settlements.

Because of the physical, emotional, psychological & spiritual (as well as legal!) challenges involved with a disease such as mesothelioma, creating a strong support system is a vital part of the healing process. As has been documented from the experiences of many with so-called “terminal” illnesses, the introspection that arises in the face of such a challenge oftentimes has the “hidden benefit” of allowing what is “really important” to emerge. For this to happen, however, requires the creation of an (internal & external) environment conducive to such explorations. And what are the “building blocks” to creating such supportive (non-toxic!) environments?

Everyone can improve their energy level and promote healthy cell growth by getting adequate rest and relaxation, good nutrition, some exercise and having some fun! Here are some practices commonly recommended for cancer patients:

~ Learn relaxation techniques (yoga or qigong are an excellent choice)

~ Share your feelings honestly with family, friends, a spiritual advisor or a counselor

~ Keep a journal to help organize your thoughts

~ Find a source of spiritual strength

~ Pray or meditate

~ Find time to be alone

~ Go for walks

~ Remain involved with work and leisure activities to the extent possible

~ find a support group or “chat room” to share your experiences with others in a similar situation

~ as much as possible, maintain a positive attitude, and optimistic outlook

Of the many alternatives or compliments to western medical treatment, qigong is one that stands out as particularly hopeful. In China, there are entire hospitals devoted to the use of qigong techniques exclusively, for the treatment of cancer as well as countless other conditions. Binhui He is one Medical Qigong Master (

who has had large success working with cancer patients. His qigong anti-cancer therapy protocol includes, in his own words, the following five steps:

~ Attitude change: Turn traditional searching help outside into searching help inside. It is the immune function and self-healing power that cure cancer eventually! While fear-of-cancer effect is the real incurable disease, since it keeps patient stressed and lowers their immune functions. Instead, consider cancer part of the body, communicate with it by consciousness power, and eliminate the source leading to cancer in the first place.

~ Intensive Qigong practice: empty mind without desire, forget about disease, trouble, environment and self; rapidly stimulate immune functions and body potential by intensive Qi cultivation.

~ Energetic Fasting (Bigu): Cut the supply for tumors so as to inhibit the rapid growth of cancer; and help to strengthen immune function effectively (Need under the close supervision of an experienced Qigong healer).

~ Shatter Tumor by Strong Qi: Focus of mind power and strong Qi can shatter after a period of Bigu.

~ Collective Qi Adjustment: Group practice of Five-Element Qigong to form a strong Qi field and to strengthen the inhibitory effect of the Qi cultivation.

In the United State, Dr. Kam Yuen ( is a 35th-generation Shaolin Master who has created a healing system which combines the power of qigong practice with the diagnostic techniques of applied kinesiology. He, also, has had great success working with a whole variety of conditions, including cancer.

Similar in many ways to Taoist qigong practices are the Tibetan practices described in Tulku Thondup’s two books: Boundless Healing: Meditation Exercises To Enlighten The Mind & Heal The Body; and The Healing Power Of Mind. The specifics of the practices vary widely, though what many have in common is the use of an internally-cultivated energy of “blissful heat” to resolve whatever imbalances are at the root of the condition. He presents, in these two books, a number of practices designed specifically for those working with cancer. Tulku Thondup also travels quite widely, offering workshops & retreats in which he presents these Tibetan healing techniques.

Chinese Medicine offers yet another paradigm through which to examine mesothelioma. The diagnostic system of Chinese Medicine is quite dramatically different from that of western medicine. If in fact we were to present to the Chinese physician, say, ten people who had all received the western medical diagnosis “mesothelioma,” it is entirely possible that this Chinese physician would ~ after his or her examinations ~ present us with a different diagnosis for each of those ten people! (The reasons for this are complex, and beyond the scope of this essay, but the basic reason is because Chinese medical perception looks at patterns present within the entire person, and in relation to every aspect of their lives; while western medicine tends to focus primarily on individual symptomotology.)

In Chinese Medicine it is understood that emotional imbalance is often a root cause of physical imbalance. The emotional state that damages the lungs (and its corresponding physical structures, which include the skin & mesothelial cells), and which also tends to appear when the lungs are out of balance, is grief. The emotional state which signals a balanced, healthy lung organ system is courage. There is also a belief, in Taoist philosophy (the root of Chinese Medicine), that the lungs are the equivalent in the human body to the atmosphere/ionosphere of the Earth. So an aspect of Chinese Medical treatment for a lung imbalance of any sort might well be to do practices to release (individual & planetary) grief ~ e.g. a “healing sounds” qigong practice ~ and to augment our feelings of courage and righteousness: our willingness and capacity to stand up strongly for Truth, for Beauty, for Love, for Kindness … or whatever other values we hold most deeply, for ourselves, our communities and our planet.


Source by Elizabeth Reninger