Frozen Ambrosia Cream Squares Dessert Recipe


If you enjoy making frozen-style desserts for your family, I think you will enjoy this easy to make Ambrosia Cream Squares recipe.

This recipe is done in a 4 layer technique. Please read the entire list of ingredients needed before beginning the recipe. Once it has been completed, you will need to place it into the freezer for 2 to 4 hours before serving. If desired, you can garnish the top of it with some fresh pineapple slices or cherries.

Layer 1 Ingredients:

1/2 cup butter, softened

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

In a large bowl, cream together the above ingredients in the order that they are given. Press the dough into the bottom of an 8 x 8″ square baking pan that has been lightly sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes, remove and set aside to cool.

Layer 2 Ingredients:

1/2 cup butter, melted

1 egg, well-beaten

3 cups confectioner’s sugar

Melt the butter in the microwave or in a small saucepan. In a medium-sized bowl, combine the melted butter, beaten egg and confectioner’s sugar together until creamy. Spread this mixture onto the cooled first layer in the baking dish.

Layer 3 Ingredient:

1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapples

Drain all of the juice from the pineapples. Spread the crushed pineapples over top of the second layer of ingredients in the baking dish.

Layer 4 Ingredients:

1 package of Dream Whip

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons confectioner’s sugar

In a small mixing bowl, beat together the package of dream whip, vanilla extract and confectioner’s sugar until creamy and smooth. Lightly spread this mixture on top of the third layer in the baking dish.

Cover the dish and place into the freezer. Once the dessert is firm, remove from the freezer and let stand at room temperature for 5 minutes. Cut into squares before serving.


Source by Shelly Hill

Whirlpool Mastermind 30 Elite


Ever heard of a refrigerator that performs the balancing trick? Yes, a fine balance between storage space, technology and looks is what your Whirlpool Mastermind 30 Elite will give to you. It is a twin door, frost-free refrigerator that comes with technological specials like Twin Tower Cooling and Quick Ice maker and also with many user-friendly conveniences.

Key Features

Capacity: The capacity of Mastermind 30 Elite is a reasonable 280 Liters which provides more than sufficient space for a small family with a big appetite! The freezer space is 70 Liters which makes the freezer also very roomy to hold not only larger quantities of ice but also bigger bricks of ice creams! There are nine storage shelves that give you enough room to arrange your storage conveniently.

Sixth Sense Tower Cooling System: It is a marvelous technology that not only detects the changes in the climate outside but also changes the inside technology accordingly. Its Twin Cooling Towers circulate cool air uniformly in the refrigerator maintaining equal temperature and freshness.

Sixth Sense Auto Power save Mode: You left for your vacation worrying all the time about something that you’re forgetting? Was it your refrigerator that you forgot to switch off? Well not to worry. If you are the proud owner of a Whirlpool Mastermind 30 Elite, then your fridge will do the homework for you. It comes with a technology that understands your absence if the refrigerator door is not opened for more than 24 hrs and switches itself to an auto power save mode reducing the consumption of electricity and at the same time maintaining an even cooling.

Sixth Sense Ice Accelerator: Remember that advertisement where the neighbor comes for ice and it is over? Well, not any more. The Sixth Sense Ice Accelerator in this refrigerator makes ice super quick at the press of a button given at a temperature control panel on the door and even chills your bottles much quicker. Swarovski Crystal Studded Handle: A designer handle is one thing but Swarovski crystals in a refrigerator? Well that’s going a step ahead and that is what our Mastermind 30 Elite does. With Swarovski Crystals in the handle and six elegant colors to choose from this fridge is surely star studded!

Flexi Chill and Ice Twister: A convenient freezer feature, Flexi Chill enables you to manage your freezer space more efficiently by adjusting the storage compartment. A twist ice tray with a container is provided to collect ice more conveniently.

Crisper with Humidity Control: The crisper of this refrigerator is extra large to take care of your big grocery shopping. Even if you decide to store softer vegetables over here, the humidity control keeps them fresh.

User-friendly Features

Door Lock and Alarm: This fridge rings a bell. Each time you or your hurried family leaves the door open, the fridge will start ringing an alarm for you to rush back and close it! Magic Rails and Wheels: The roof of the refrigerator is equipped with railings to make a space not only inside but also on the outside of the fridge to store things or even decorative items. For easier movement, wheels are given at the bottom to shift your refrigerator to whichever convenient location.

Toughened Glass Shelves: Here is a surprise – out of the total shelves in this refrigerator, three are made of toughened glass that can hold weight up to 90kgs. Go ahead, don’t think and just store it in! Drop down Chiller Compartment: The chiller compartment is a drop down one which ensures easy management of things inside.

Magic Light and Deodorizer: Magic light illuminates your Refrigerator in every nook and corner for a clearer vision and beautiful glow and the deodorizer eliminates any kind of odor keeping your food smelling nice and fresh for long.


A technologically advanced refrigerator, the Whirlpool Refrigerator will give you a wonderful combination of looks, convenience and science. By falling in the price bracket of medium priced refrigerators, this beauty is up for grabs. We say, don’t think, take it quick!


Source by Pooja Kumari Lapasia

Keep Meat Fresh Naturally


Meat is a highly perishable food item, so extra care and special attention are needed to make sure that you keep meat fresh so that it will remain a high quality, wholesome product. Spoilage and unwholesomeness of meat are caused by bacteria and other microorganisms. There are two different groups of bacteria that affect refrigerated meat. Pathogenic bacteria make us sick, whilst spoilage bacteria make our food go bad and make our refrigerators smell. By smell, sight and taste, you cannot identify whether meat contains pathogenic bacteria, unlike meat contaminated with spoilage bacteria.

In a refrigerated state, spoilage bacteria thrives. The fact that all food in a refrigerator eventually spoils proves this. Spoiled food doesn’t make you sick, it might taste bad but unless it contains pathogenic bacteria, your digestive system will be fine. Unrefrigerated meat, if left out on the counter for a few hours, might smell and look okay, but may be loaded with pathogenic bacteria. This contamination usually happens during cutting and processing. These bacteria require certain conditions to grow; a very low acidity level (near neutral pH) within the meat; a supply of water or other moisture, for example meat juices, or a warm temperature, usually somewhere between 45° and 127°F.

There are five basic meat types, each one requiring special storage techniques. They are cooked, frozen, fresh, cured and canned meat.

Cooked meats should be used within a week of preparation, or properly frozen and wrapped for use later. Meat can be kept for longer periods of time if it is frozen at -10°F or below. After it is frozen, maintain the temperature at 0°F or lower. Most side-by-side and chest-type freezers can maintain this temperature while most ice compartments in refrigerators cannot, so it is not recommended to store meat in this compartment.

Try to limit freezer storage time on all meats to maintain their quality and freshness. Freezing meat won’t improve the quality, but it will retain its natural color, texture, nutritional value and flavor.

Refrigerate fresh meats at temperatures of 38° to 40°F for as long as possible.

Fresh meat should be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator, this in usually towards the back, away from the door. If it is to be used within two days, leave the meat in its original wrapping. If it is to be stored longer, rewrap the meat in freezer wrap and freeze.

Cured, smoked, and ready-to-eat meats include bacon, ham, sausage products and smoked pork. The heat, processing and smoking of these items inactivates most enzymes and bacteria. These products should remain in their original wrapping to prevent any further contamination. After opening, most cured meat will stay fresh for approximately a week in the refrigerator and should be stored in airtight containers to prevent odors in the fridge. Luncheon meats should not be frozen.

There are two varieties of canned meat, some require refrigeration, like hams, and some don’t, like corned beef, chili con carne and dried meats.

Storage suggestions for cooked, fresh and processed meats

Meat in the Refrigerator
Ground beef, veal, and lamb – 1 to 2 days
Ground pork – 1 to 2 days
Sausage, fresh pork – 1 week
Veal (fresh) – 2 to 4 days
Beef (fresh) – 2 to 4 days
Lamb (fresh) – 2 to 4 days
Pork (fresh) – 2 to 4 days
Luncheon meats – 1 week
Smoked ham, whole – 1 week
Ham slices – 3 to 4 days
Sausage, smoked – 3 to 7 days
Sausage, dry & semi-dry (unsliced) – 2 to 3 weeks
Bacon – 5 to 7 days
Stews (cooked) – Not recommended
Meat pies (cooked) – Not recommended
Swiss steak (cooked) – Not recommended
Leftover cooked meat – 1 week
Prepared meat dinners – Not recommended
Beef, corned – 1 week
Frankfurters – 4 to 5 days
Refrigerator should be 36 to 40°F

Meat in the Freezer
Ground beef, veal, and lamb – 3 to 4 months
Ground pork – 1 to 3 months
Sausage, fresh pork – 60 days
Veal (fresh) – 6 to 9 months
Beef (fresh) – 6 to 12 months
Lamb (fresh) – 6 to 9 months
Pork (fresh) – 3 to 6 months
Luncheon meats – Not recommended
Smoked ham, whole – 60 days
Ham slices – 60 days
Sausage, smoked – Not recommended
Sausage, dry & semi-dry (unsliced) – Not recommended
Bacon – 1 month
Stews (cooked) – 3 to 4 months
Meat pies (cooked) – 3 months
Swiss steak (cooked) – 3 months
Leftover cooked meat – 2 to 3 months
Prepared meat dinners – 2 to 6 months
Beef, corned – 2 weeks
Frankfurters – Not recommended

Freezer should be 0°F or lower


Source by Mark Gold

When You Buy Melanotan 2 Tanning Injections How Should You Store It?


When you buy Melanotan 2 tanning injections you must be aware that the product needs to be stored correctly. Unfortunately if not stored correctly the ingredients within it are very unstable and once reconstituted won’t be as effective. Below we offer a few tips that you may find useful to ensure that you store yours correctly.

Tip 1 – Upon receiving the Melanotan 2 in powder form those vials which you don’t mix with bacteriostatic water should be immediately placed in a freezer. The reason for this is the frozen powder last for several months before it begins to degrade.

Tip 2 – You should make sure that you place the vials not being used in a thick box or bag when placing in the freezer. This will help to prevent light from entering the vials whenever the freezer door is opened and so speeding up the process that causes the powder to become unusable.

Tip 3 – When you do make up the solution of Melanotan 2 with the bacteriostatic water to create the tanning injections make sure that you store it in the refrigerator. Again this will help to reduce the solution from degrading too quickly. However, be aware that once the solution has been made up it should be only kept in the refrigerator for several (6-8) weeks rather than several months in a freezer.

Therefore you may find it much more cost effective to actually make up the solutions completely and freeze the whole batch. The actual solution does not take too long to defrost when taken out of the freezer. Plus the opportunities for bacteria to grow in the Melanotan 2 tanning injections is reduced as well, reducing the risk of it becoming ineffective.


Source by Dawn Ramsey

Home-Cooked Pre-Made Meals


Whenever someone follows me to our pantry they inevitably utter amazement at our preserves and pre-made meals and say: “How do you find the time?” Actually I find this activity saves me a lot of time and a heck of a lot of money. Here I’ll share some tips to help make this activity a lot more efficient and do-able.

Don’t be intimidated by the size of some recipes – most are freezer friendly. And remember, it is just as much work to double or triple a recipe as it is to do just one batch. You have to wash the same dishes, clean the same kitchen and use the same heat. Having packages of meals ready to go is a great help to a busy and budget-minded household.

Divide very involved recipes into steps. For instance, you might make the sauce on Monday, the filling on Tuesday and put it all together for the freezer the next night. Breaking it up into steps like this helps the work fit in with tight schedules and makes the recipe more do-able.

Save all take-out foil containers and purchase a few so you always have some on hand. Likewise, save as many plastic clamshell containers from berries, salads or baked goods. Also, have a box or two of large sealable bags, or a lot of clean bread bags that you can reuse. All these bags and containers can be washed and reused dozens of times, and are recyclable when they have reached their end-of-life.

Try making at least one large recipe every week during peak garden harvest season. For instance you might make 8 small lasagnas, keep one meal out to serve that day, and perhaps leftovers the following day, but prepare the other 7 meals for the freezer. Before you know it you will have prepared dozens of meals varying from different types of pasta and lasagna to enchiladas and chili.

Most desserts can be baked in advance, stored in a freezer and taken out whenever you need something to serve or take with you on a trip. We like to have several different kinds of cookies frozen, a few loaves of bread, buns, flat breads and muffins so that we each have a choice of desserts and snacks available in the freezer. Having snacks on hand, and meals ready to pop in the oven, helps ease the chore of creating homemade meals and reduces the urge to buy fast food.


Source by Dave Brummet

Best Storage Method After You Buy Melanotan 2


There are a couple approaches for the storage of Melanotan 2. Both methods are recommended to give perspective to prospective users. Pre-loading doses and storing them individually in the fridge or freezer offer insight as to how much product is being drawn. Often times folks get less than expected from a vial from measurement error. Drawing from the multi-dose vial is standard practice for the seasoned tanner.

Melanocyte stimulation takes very minute amounts (micrograms) of amino acid peptide hormones. Preserving and measuring Melanotan 2 is necessary for consistent results. Current data suggests low accurate dosing offers less permeation to peripheral areas melanocortins reach, including the brain.

When buying Melanotan 2 for the intention of tanning you must be aware that the product needs to be stored in the refrigerator. If not stored cold the ingredients within it can become unstable. For the product to remain effective it needs to be stored away from light and heat. Melanotan 2 is a very resilient durable peptide able to sustain plenty of abuse, however, it is no way to ensure consistency. Expectations can be controlled and trials become more reliable through best handling and practice.

Upon receiving the Melanotan 2 in powder form place in the refrigerator. Those vials which you don’t mix with bacteriostatic water for over a year should be placed in the freezer for long term storage. The reason for this is the frozen powder lasts for years before degradation issues occur. Place the vials in an area of consistent temperature and keep things dark. Light and heat are general areas to avoid to preserve the amino acid protein peptide Melanotan 2.

Pre-loading the product can be more cost effective as when the solution is completely measured out simply by having more certainty of dosage. The actual solution does not take too long to defrost when taken out of the freezer when stored long term. I like to place in my fingertips for 20-30 seconds until product turns to liquid. Another benefit of long term storage is the opportunity for bacteria to grow in the Melanotan 2 tanning injections is reduced. Stay safe, use best practice for Melanotan II results!


Source by Chris T White

How to Build a Kegerator


Bottles. We home brewers collect them, store them, wash them, and fill them. It takes time and space. Eventually we want a faster way to enjoy the beer we brew. Ultimately we want it on tap for not only saving space but to have that “Brew Pub” beer at home. Here is an easy low cost way to enjoy your own brewed beer at home straight from the tap without spending your hard earned money on a commercially made Kegerator.

When I went from single batch 5 gallon extract kits to an all-grain setup brewing 10 gallons at a time, I too got tired of the bottles and wanted to keg. I came up with an alternate way to refrigerate the kegs and tap the beer without converting an old refrigerator with a tap on the door. I went for a lower profile unit that would also look good in my living room.

I bought a small upright freezer on sale making sure I would have enough room inside to fit three 5 gallon carney (soda) kegs. I also purchased a separate temperature control unit that would run the freezer as a refrigerator. More on that later.

I needed a way to mount the tap(s) without going through the side of freezer. I also knew that I would need additional top space on the inside for the keg fittings and hoses. The lid as it was did not allow enough room, so I thought of raising it with a frame to make the unit taller. Now I was set to go.

I built a wooden frame out of 1″X4″ wood, securing the corners with L-brackets on the inside. Holes were drilled for two taps in the front and the gas line in the rear. The lid was removed and the frame placed on top securing it with window insulation between the frame and the cooler. The insulation “adhered” the frame to the freezer. The lid was placed on top. The additional height of the frame now raised the lid higher.

The lid has two brackets for mounting it to the freezer. Each bracket has two holes, a top and bottom to accommodate mounting screws. The top hole of each bracket was over the frame with the bottom holes aligning with the top holes in the freezer. The bottom holes in the freezer were now unused. The lid was secured by replacing the screws through the bracket holes. Each bracket had a mounting screw into the frame and into the freezer. The lid was secure and closed on the frame evenly.

I have a three way port to split the CO2 line into three. One for each keg. Also I have one CO2 line and a tap dedicated for a commercial 1/6 keg. I now have the option of tapping my own brew or a bought microbrew.

An external temperature control unit was attached to the side of the freezer and plugged into an outlet. The freezer plugged into the control unit. A thermocouple wire was placed through the rear hole on the frame with the CO2 gas line and hung freely in the freezer in order to monitor only the inside air temperature. A desired temperature of 60 degrees was set on the controller. In addition, I mounted a drip tray to the front with double back foam tape. My living room was now graced with a wonderful addition that truly served a purpose.


Source by Mark Garber

Chest Freezers Are More Useful Than You Would Think


When you think of a Chest Freezer a box type of commercial refrigeration equipment comes to mind. Although this is mostly true, these units are available in various sizes and designs. Plus they can be used by different people or establishments.

Chest Freezers are popular amongst home owners who have to cater for many family members. They need to have enough freezing space to stock meat, chicken and other frozen food items. Such space is essential especially when bulk meat sales take place at certain times during the year and families want to benefit from the discount. For home use, the smaller units such as the 192, 194 or 197 litre options would be more appropriate. In addition, the design of it needs to be aesthetically pleasing. Chest Freezers with granite tops blend right in to a homely kitchen setting. It looks beautiful and like it was meant to be part of the kitchen. They are also available with a white or grey exterior. Depending on your kitchen’s size there are varying sizes of units that will fit right into your kitchen space.

For commercial establishments, such as restaurants, hospitals and hotels, Chest Freezers need to be sturdy and durable in order to handle the busy environment. They also need to be larger to store more meat, chicken and food items. Commercial establishments usually need to cater for large numbers of people so they need to ensure that the Chest Freezers are stocked sufficiently to cope with the demand. For this purpose, there are 520 litre and 570 litre options available. Aesthetics are also important in the catering industry therefore having a choice between standard and granite tops or white and grey exterior is a benefit.

Cafés may require a bit more when it comes to Chest Freezers because they sell more enticing little treats such as ice cream or other frozen treats. These treats need to remain frozen but also need to be on display for customers to see them. For this purpose a glass top Chest Freezer is ideal as customers can view the contents before opening the catering equipment. They can view the full array of ice cream and decide which one they want to get. Essentially the café owner wants to entice the customer with the colours of the ice cream wrappers.

Chest Freezers can be used for freezing meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and fruit for home owners and restaurants while it can also be used to keep ice cream, ice lollies and uncooked pies frozen for cafés or food retailers. These items are essential in the hospitality industry.


Source by Stana Peete

How Much Space Does Nutrisystem Food Take Up?


I recently received an email where the writer asked me how much room she would need to store her nutrisystem meals. She lived in an apartment which was relatively small and she did not have access to a freezer so she was not sure if this diet was going to work for her. I reassured her that, depending on which plan she chooses, she should be able to make it work. I will discuss this more in the following article.

Storing The Nutrisystem Advanced Meals: Now, there are frozen entrees with this diet, but they come in a separate plan called Nutrisystem Select. These are restaurant quality meals that are quite good, and do require a freezer. However, most people order what is called Nutrisystem Advanced. And these meals have gone through what they call a “soft canning” process that allows for the meals and packages to be in a soft pouch or small container and to lay flat.

Different foods have different packaging but all of them are pretty compact. For example, many of the dinner and lunch foods like the pastas, stir fries, and meat type meals come in a round container. These easily stack on top of one another. The hamburgers and hot dogs come in sort of a flat box. And the shakes and puddings come in a very small package that takes up almost no room.

Honestly, I think that even an entire monthly package that includes five small meals per day could almost completely be stored in one kitchen cabinet. If you don’t have the cabinet space, then you could easily just place your meals in a plastic bin for storage somewhere else. In fact, a lot of the meals are small enough to fit inside of a pull out drawer. The point I’m making is that you don’t need to set aside tons of room and you don’t have to limit yourself to small orders just to be able to fit everything.

Buying small orders is going to cost you more money in the long run and isn’t necessary anyway. By placing small orders, you’re sacrificing being able to use the really good and substantial coupons that take your cost per meal down significantly. So if you’re one of those folks who worries that you don’t have the room for nutrisystem, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. And honestly, this food takes up less space than regular groceries, at least in my experience.


Source by Ava Alderman

Latest Range of LG Fridge Freezers


It seems that the current must-have kitchen appliance is a big fridge freezer. The Americans got there first, but the UK is catching up quickly, and bigger is certainly better. But it’s not just size that counts – looks are important too – and if you have a modern kitchen, one of the new American-style fridge freezers from LG will complement your built-in units and other appliances magnificently.

LG may not be the first company that you’d think of when choosing a new fridge freezer, as the Korean manufacturer is perhaps better known in the UK for its mobile phones and flat screen TV’s, but the latest range of fridge freezers from LG will look simply stunning in your kitchen. However the range of products on offer can be quite confusing, so in this article we take a look at the latest batch of LG fridge freezers released just in time to store the Christmas 2010 leftovers.

The top-of-the-range products in the range are the American-style side-by-side fridge freezers, which are the largest in the range and offer the convenience of having both the refrigerator and the freezer sections at eye level. The three models of this type are the LG GS7161AELV, with a gross capacity of 613 litres and a Brushed Steel finish; the LG GWL227HHXV, with a gross capacity of 606 litres and a Shine-Steel finish; and the LG GWB207FVQA, finished in Glossy White and with 591 litres gross capacity.

Features common to all the side-by-side range are:

– Total No Frost, which eliminates the hassles of defrosting, keeping the inside of the refrigerator de-iced, odour-free, and easy to clean. And, because the refrigerator isn’t working harder to compensate, it saves you money on your energy bills.

– The Moist Balance Crisper uses a unique, lattice-type sheet that prevents moisture accumulation in the storage bins, keeping fruit and veg fresher for longer.

– A Bioshield, which sounds like something out of a Sci-Fi film, but simply means that the gasket is treated with an anti-microbial agent, preventing mould growth which could distort and stain the seal.

– LED Display located on the outside of the door to enable easy adjustments to all settings.

– Digital Sensors – monitor temperature throughout the machine to maintain the fridge and freezer compartments at the desired temperatures.

– Door Open Alarm.

– A child lock, helping to keep your children safe and your food safe too!

The GS7161AELV is the largest of the three, measuring 894 x 1753 x 790 mm (Width x Height x Depth) with a refrigerator capacity of 372 litres and a freezer of 172 litres. The GS7161AELV features a door-mounted ice maker. The Vacuum Fresh option sucks air out of the vegetable compartment to keep your veg fresh for longer. Refrigeration is provided by a linear compressor, which is quieter and more energy efficient than conventional compressors. Energy efficiency is also aided by the use of long-life LED lighting instead of conventional light bulbs. You should be able to buy the LG GS7161AELV for around £1,300.

The GWL227HHXV is the middle-sized unit, measuring 894 x 1753 x 753 mm (Width x Height x Depth) with a refrigerator capacity of 365 litres and a freezer of 172 litres. Like its larger brother, the GWL227HHXV uses a linear compressor, making it quieter and more energy efficient than a conventional fridge freezer. It also has the Vacuum Fresh feature and a door-mounted ice maker. The GWL227HHXV is a plumbing-free fridge, so no pipes need to be plumbed in and there’s no need to change a water filter. Instead you just need to fill a fitted container with fresh water to generate chilled water and ice. You should be able to buy the LG GWL227HHXV for around £1,000.

The GWB207FVQA is the smallest of the three, measuring 894 x 1753 x 725 mm (Width x Height x Depth) with a refrigerator capacity of 349 litres and a freezer of 178 litres. It is the least energy efficient of the three units, consuming approximately 20% more energy than the two larger machines as a result of using a conventional compressor to provide refrigeration. It also lacks an ice dispenser, although there is a normal ice tray in the freezer compartment. You should be able to buy the LG GWB207FVQA for between £600 and £700.

Hopefully this article has helped to explain the differences between these three fridge freezers. Needless to say, all three are great-looking products from a reliable manufacturer and any one of these would be a welcome addition to anyone’s Christmas stocking!


Source by Stephen T Morris