Top 5 Things You Need To Know About Sterilite Containers


Sterilite Containers can be used to organize all your household items. It usually takes a lot of effort to store the items in such a way that they occupy minimum space and make your house look clean. You need a flexible and practical storage system that meets your specific requirements. They are an ideal storage solution if you have small space at your home.

The Sterilite containers are safe for storing food items as they are made of polypropylene and polyethylene and do not use any harmful chemicals in the manufacturing process. They are also safe for storing crafts, fabrics, hobby items, photos and other household items.

The clear view of these containers helps you see what is kept inside. This ensures that you do not keep searching for household items that you need. You may be able to save a lot of effort and time because of this. They can fit in any shelf or closet easily and can also be stored under the bed.

Top 5 Things You May Not Be Aware About Sterilite Containers

  1. All Sterilite storage containers that are used to store food are microwave safe and can be used to reheat food in the microwave. However it is best to exercise caution when you are reheating food that has high content of sugar or fat.
  2. The food storage and kitchen items that are made by Sterilite containers are BPA and phthalate free. These products are also top rack dishwasher safe. You can wash Sterilite storage containers easily without any fear of damaging them. This helps in removing any stain or odor that can be caused when you store food items.
  3. It is very easy to assemble these products and you may be able to do this easily by following the assembly instructions that are provided along with the product. Most of the containers are usually available in 30 – 60 quart capacity and the 59 quart is the most popular size that is ordered.
  4. The Sterilite containers are available in different containers and these include food storage, garage, kitchen, laundry, storage and wastebaskets. They are available in different sizes and you can choose the size of your choice.
  5. These containers are available in the smallest to the largest sizes depending on your specific needs. You can use them to store almost anything. They can be put to many uses and are perfect for storing all kind of items easily. Avoid stacking the containers on top of each other.

The grip on the containers is secure and this ensures that the content kept inside is safe. The Sterilite storage containers offer flexible storage solution so that you can store and organize items in your home with minimum effort. Some of the big containers that are available have wheels and these can be used to move them from one place to the other.

You may be able to buy all your storage solution needs at a great bargain. Compare the various items that are available so that you are able to get the best deal.


Source by Rahul Shariff

Food Prices During the Great Depression


Food prices of the great depression in the 30s, were somewhat of a paradox, when you look back and consider how everything was so cheap, and, yet, at the same time, way too expensive for many people living through those times.

Food prices weren’t so much a problem for those who were employed during the great depression, as they could afford the daily essentials, and, perhaps, some extras, like a movie or ice cream; but, for the unfortunate ones who were unemployed, even the every-day, basic necessities were totally out of reach.

Actually, it wasn’t that the food prices were high, but it was the lack of, or absence of money that kept most things people not only desired, but needed, at arms length, or on the other side of the shop’s glass window.

Imagine not being able to run to the store and grab your desired food items, clothing, and, if you needed it, medicine; and then not being able to afford the mortgage or rent, or the electricity or gas for cooking. Could you go without?

Who, in our prior affluent day-and-age, could deal with that kind of inconvenience, when we’re used to flipping the light switch on in the morning, and turning on the automatic coffee machine to dilute some of those twelve-dollar-a-pound grounds we bought from the specialty coffee beanery-after already enjoying a six-dollar mocha grande with friends.

No such thing for families during the great depression, under their poor circumstances. Imagine buying just a plain (if you can get one today) cup of coffee with cream and sugar, for five cents; a two-egg-bacon-and-toast-with-a-piece-of-pie-and-a-cup-of-coffee breakfast, for 25 cents; or a candy bar for a dime.

It doesn’t sound like a lot, except those who were employed might only have been earning $2 or $3 a-day, but when you don’t have those few small coins, food prices of the great depression seemed pretty high! For those who had money, life was, undoubtedly, more comfortable even considering the times, but for those who had to scrimp and scrape to put food on the table, their days were filled with worry and strife.

Many mothers often went without food, so their children had more to eat. She didn’t spend her pennies foolishly, if she had them, but used them for the things that were vital to her family’s survival. She’d account for every cent.

With money during the great depression being so scarce, families frequently ran out of the little bit they may have acquired, from some type of labor, or, perhaps, from hocking something of sentimental value.

And, to make things worse, families lives were often compromised, or drasitically challenged, as the men would set out for other parts of the country seeking employment. Some men, never returned, but, instead, turned to illegal activities in hopes of gain, or to alcohol, only making their own, and their family’s problems worse. Some even chose suicide.

At any rate, most people had nowhere to turn, since borrowing from their neighbors or relatives would cause them further problems. Local stores might have extended credit to certain people, but they were rarely let off the hook to pay, as some people were still paying off bills that were outstanding, long after the war, which followed The Great Depression, ended.

Money-or, the lack of it-was the main thing that dominated millions of lives for many years during the earlier part of this century. And, it’s no different today. Money, for many people, in one way or the other, still rules.

Tough times are coming again for those who don’t think so, as many people world wide, are already experiencing our plummeting economy. I sure notice the presently rising food prices (or, more realistically, decreasing dollar value), as it costs way more for a half-empty grocery bag today, than it did not so long ago.

But, hey! There is hope, and for those who are informed, there’s no need to be surprised and led to despair by these coming hard times. We can take precaution, and plan and prepare for our now, and our future lifestyle management, by getting ahead of the game.

We can learn more about food prices of the great depression, and valuable ways on how we can prepare ourselves and our families, for what likely will, in some form or other, depending on our circumstances, be much like, or worse than, The Great Depression of the 30s.


Source by Erin Smith

How To Stop Using Food As Your Way To Relax


We need to stop using food as our way to relax, then we will start losing weight fast. Let’s face it, that is what we all want. It is so easy to grab food – especially “junk food”, to help us settle down and relax. Many people not only grab food, but they will use alcohol or cigarettes as their way to relax. None of the these are good for us. Alcohol, cigarettes, and food, yes food, can all be addicting.

We need to eat food to get nutrition and energy, not as the primary way to relax. We can easily change our daily habits into new habits that will help us to relax easily without food, feel good and achieve the weight loss we are striving for. It normally takes approximately 21 days for a new habit to take place. That may sound like a long time – but it’s not. Just think about it – three weeks to a new you. Someone that can now lose weight fast and relax without food.

Don’t confuse “eating to relax” with “emotional eating”. They are two completely different issues. Many people suffer from emotional eating. They eat from different emotions such as fear, nervousness, being upset, having an argument, or just anxious about something. What I am referring to is people eating for no other reason but relaxation. Many people use the excuses such as, “I’ve been working all day, I just want to relax”, or “I’m done for the day, I’m going to sit and read or watch TV and relax”. Sound familiar? It sure doe’s to me!

So now that we recognize our problem with eating to relax, we need to learn how to change “eating to relax” to “relaxing without eating”. We can do this easily. And this is how:

1. We simply make dinner our last eating time. Now I know this can be hard. Especially if dinner time is late afternoon or early evening. The later evening is when we need to settle down for the day and to have the low calorie snacks, such as raw vegetables, without the dressing, or popcorn without the butter.

2. We need to make it a rule not to eat in front of the TV. All meals, and snacks should be eaten in a designated eating area such as the dining room, nook, or kitchen counter top. Also sit down when you eat and appreciate what you have and how good it tastes when you eat it slowly. You will feel full faster when you eat slower. No more unnecessary eating in front of the TV or computer for extended times – we can tend to eat much more this way. Instead, sip on a large glass of water, or even a decaf coffee.

3. Talk a walk for at least a half an hour. Carry a large water bottle with you and sip on it slowly. You don’t need to walk fast. Just walk slowly and enjoy the scenery around you. Walking is very relaxing.

4. Chew gum – this can help trick the brain into thinking you are chewing food.

5. Find an interesting activity to keep your mind busy. Many times we feel “we need to be doing something” to help us relax. This may sound silly for adults – but think of the things you used to do when you were a kid. Paint-by-numbers, crossword puzzles, word search books, putting puzzles together, coloring, writing stories, etc. If you are really “into it”, your mind will be busy thinking about what you are doing, not being bored and tempted to eat.

6. Surf the internet. You will be amazed at how much information, on any topic you are interested in, is available to you. But, this is not the time to be eating. Make it a rule not to eat at your computer.

7. Spend time with your family or friends and show them how you don’t need to keep eating all the time.

Take it step by step and you will see your progress each day. Be satisfied with your progress and don’t be hard on yourself if you slip up. It’s okay. Just get back on course and always focus on relaxing without eating. Remember if you feel stuffed after eating a lot of high carb foods, you are going into fat storing mode. You don’t want to over eat and feel stuffed, you want to focus on being full, satisfied and feeling good; versus feeling tired and stuffed.

Natural relaxation is extremely important for our health. We need to relax and give our body a break so it can naturally repair itself. But remember, you are not helping your body if you are eating for no other reason but to relax. It is important when we eat, that we eat the foods that are good for us as you can find in our original PowerFood reports.

Try some of the things mentioned and you will be on your way to relaxation, feeling good and easy weight loss. It will get easier for you as you begin to lose weight, look and feel better, and have new habits for relaxing.


Source by Nikki Canyon

Oxygenate Your Body With 35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide


What if I told you one of the most powerful things you can do for your health requires very little effort and very little money? I’m not going to tease you into reading on and on to find out what it is. My purpose is to simply share some advice I read in a book called “Love Has Forgotten No One.”

The advice is to oxygenate your body by ingesting drops of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled water several times a day. I’ll give you more precise instructions after I tell you a little more about the source of this advice.

Gary R. Renard has written three books on spirituality, mostly helping students understand “A Course in Miracles.” His message is remarkable and empowering. In his third book, he surprises readers with 12 simple things you can do to improve your health. The 12th suggestion was by far the most startling.

The idea is that oxygenating your body is one of the most powerful things on the level of form you can do for your health. The way to do it is simple. Ingest 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide by adding drops to distilled water. “Love Has Forgotten No One” refers readers to another book called “The One Minute Cure” for detailed instructions and urges readers to follow the instructions and not to take too much.

After reading this suggestion I did some research and found that there are more and more articles being published on hydrogen peroxide in medical journals. There are advocates and detractors but no definitive conclusions. I can tell you there is a good deal of misinformation out there. I like the fact that the recommended regimen is very simple and very inexpensive. I plan to invest about $10 to purchase 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide and another couple dollars in distilled water. I was able to read “The One Minute Cure” by googling it and opening a pdf file. In addition to specific instructions on how to take 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide, the book explains why the idea is not being welcomed by the medical establishment.

This is something any one can do. The investment is so small and the potential benefits so great that I recommend it to everyone. The one exception I read about in ‘The One Minute Cure” is that this form of oxygenation is not recommended for anyone with a transplanted organ.

According to “Love Has Forgotten No One”, lack of oxygen is the most overlooked problem in the human body. “If you could properly oxygenate all the cells in your body, then most diseases would be prevented, or cured if you have one.”

I will conclude this brief article with another important quote from the book:

“As we said, the instructions must be followed to the letter, and most people won’t do it because they don’t have the discipline. But if you do, it’s one of the most powerful things on the level of form that you can possibly do for your health. Don’t take too much. It’s taken by putting drops of it into water. Follow the instructions.”

Those instructions are readily available in “The One Minute Cure”. I’m not recommending anything I will not do myself as I am ordering some 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide today!


Source by Kirt M Hill

Foods for Strengthening The Sphincter Muscle


The sphincter muscle is a circular band of muscle that surrounds an opening or passage in the body, and is located above the stomach opening. It is also responsible for allowing food to keep in the stomach for proper breakdown and also for keeping of the acid in the stomach which helps in the digestion of food. A weakened stomach valve can cause many stomach disorders like acid reflux, indigestion, soar throat and damage the tissues of the food pipe. Before you can cure any of these diseases, the best thing to do is to cure it from the root by strengthening it. Unfortunately, conventional medicine doesn’t have a complete solution to this. Antacids and other conventional medicine only relieve heartburn pain temporarily.

To strengthen the stomach valve, it is advisable to subscribe to the use of natural remedies.

The following foods and drinks have been found to be very potent in strengthening the stomach valve.

1- Honey: Pure Manuaka Honey contains substances, which heal damaged or weakened tissue. Taking 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey 20 minutes before each meal, can help to strengthen it.

2- Decaffeinated green tea taken with honey: Green tea is known for stomachs upset relief and for enhancing effective digestion. The effects of honey and green tea can help to strengthen a weakened stomach valve.

3- Aloe Vera gel: Aloe Vera is known for being effective in healing tissue. You can add aloe Vera to green tea mixed with honey to achieve a quicker result in the reviving the lower esophageal muscle (LES).

4- Raw fruits and vegetable: eating raw fruits and vegetable are very effective in curing a weakened it. These fruits are known to have high content of enzymes, that helps the natural process of digestion. Apple, for instance, is good for the treatment of a weaken sphincter. Vegetables like legumes are also good.

5- Apart from these foods that can strengthen the LES, there are other foods, which weaken the stomach valve. Such food should be avoided. To keep your LES alive and healthier don’t eat acidic food and other food or drinks made from citric fruits. Smoking affects it and should be avoided. High fatty food, chocolate, coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are known to disturb the normal function of the sphincter muscle.


Source by Mike St-John

Advantages to Computers in the Food & Beverage Industry


Computers have revolutionized the food and beverage industry as they have nearly every other industry. Computers have had positive, measurable effects on the front end and back end of hospitality operations. Computers systems have improved employee performance, and food and beverage quality and consistency. Within the food and beverage industry there is no longer a question of should technology be used, but rather a question of which technology to use? In the food and beverage business, computers are here to stay.

In the hospitality industry, customer service is an absolute critical factor for success. Computers are helping in this area in several ways. In many restaurants, the wait staff can process various forms of payment at guest tables, which allows guest to leave directly from their table without the need to stop at a centralized checkout station. This has removed long unsightly lines, which annoy customers, and disrupt the flow of traffic in food and beverage businesses. This service is made possible by either small hand held computers which handle credit card transactions using wireless technology, or via remote point of sale systems that interact with a central computer system. This improves the customers dining experience, which should be the goal of any food service business.

A key management concern of any food and beverage business is the profit margin. In this vital area of business, computers have also proven to be an indispensable tool. Computer systems help manage the entire food service process from ordering the ingredients needed to produce menu items, to forecasting the amount of items to prepare for each dining period based on historical patterns. This helps to reduce wasted food, which is very expensive and comes out of the businesses profit. It also helps in preparing menu items before hand, which reduces customer wait time. Computer can also forecast with high accuracy rates the volume of business to be expected which allows managers to properly staff their business. This is vital because having too much staff on hand can consume unnecessary amounts of payroll, and not having enough staff on hand will cause customer service problems.

Computers are also being used in very innovative ways by some food and beverage businesses. For instance, Darden Restaurants that owns and operates the Red lobster and Olive Garden chains uses computers to help choose new building sites. This computer system uses a software program called the Darden Site Analyzer. The software gathers critical information needed to select a site, such as demographics, distance to other restaurants and customer information specific to the Darden business model. The program then analyzes the site and provides a series of reports to help Darden make the final decision. Darden plans to improve the software so that it can evaluate things such as whether a new Darden restaurant will negatively effect other Darden restaurants in the same area.

Computer systems have become a vital part of all aspects of the food and beverage industry, they help with purchasing decisions, inventory control, employee scheduling and training, and customer acquisition and retention. A leading indicator of this growing trend is the fact that many hospitality training programs now include computer and technology courses in the curriculum.

Each year innovators are creating more unique ways that technology can be used to enhance the overall commercial dining experience. Computers make out of home dining a more enjoyable experience for the consumer and a more profitable manageable experience for business managers and owners.

(c) 2006, Marcus Barber


Source by Marcus Barber

Ferret Food – The Pros and Cons of a Raw Diet


The lack of truly ideal ferret foods is one reason there is growing interest in more natural diets for ferrets.

Basic Feeding Rules

Ferrets have unique feeding requirements, which are now finally being addressed by commercial pet food manufacturers, though with varying success. Ferrets are obligate carnivores, and food passes through the digestive system of a ferret very quickly. They have a sweet tooth but do not give in — avoid sweet treats (including raisins and other fruits).

Ferret diets should list meat, poultry or fishmeal, or animal by-products as the first ingredient. Ferrets love fruits and veggies, but their systems don’t. They do not digest fibre well at all; a banana in comes out a banana. For this reason, a ferret diet must be high in animal protein, high in fat, and low in fibre.

Feeding Young Ferrets

Whether you are feeding raw or commercial food you should always feed at least two types of food in your young ferret’s daily diet to prevent them from imprinting on one food. Ferrets imprint on foods when they’re young, so varying the diet will make things easier if you need to change your ferret’s food later on.

There are vitamin supplements for ferrets and hairball remedies, which ferrets generally love, and they provide some benefits.

Raw Diet Pros

Good diets tend to be expensive, but are worth it. I researched raw food diets further and found a diet combining raw meaty bones and mince which keeps our ferrets in top condition. Feeding whole raw meaty bones help to prevent tartar forming on the teeth and provides calcium in the diet. Even if not feeding a raw food diet they can be fed alongside dry complete a couple of times a week to keep the teeth clean.

You will see an overall improvement in your ferret’s energy and coat condition. One bonus of a natural diet is that the stool volume decreases as more of the food is absorbed and the smell is greatly decreased.

There are many websites containing information on raw feeding. When feeding groups of ferrets watch to ensure no fighting occurs over bones.

Raw Diet Cons

The biggest drawback to feeding any fresh, cooked meat would be the ferret’s normal habit of stashing food for later. It is pretty unhygienic and dangerous to have a pile of stashed meat in the corner of the cage. Make sure you collect any leftovers after every feed. When first fed raw bones it can cause your ferret’s stools to turn a white/grey colour, the ferrets digestive system will develop stomach acids to break down bone and should soon return to normal.

(Note not all veterinarians promote a raw food diet) In the wild a ferret’s natural diet is a mixture of small mammals, some birds, fish, amphibians and invertebrates. When feeding groups of ferrets watch to ensure no fighting occurs over bones.

Getting the balance right

Perhaps the best thing to do is to pick up a bag or two of the highest quality ferret food on the market. Make sure you check the ingredients on the pack and see that the first ingredients are meat. Make up a meal of some dry food, some raw bones and meat and even a vitamin supplement. Gradually you can increase the amount of raw food in the diet. Make sure you keep up the vitamin supplements to ensure your ferret is not missing out.

Canned ferret food can be given as a treat or supplement, but only occasionally.

The diet you feed your ferret is vital to their health and overall well-being and could even help your ferret live a long and happy life.


Source by Catherine Smith

Dishing Out The Best of Korean Food in New York


Korean food has always been synonymous with Kimchi, Bibimbap and barbecues at the table. Over the last few years Korean culture has been building steam all over New York City. Many Korean restaurants in New York have set up shop in a tiny slice of the city called Koreatown. This jam-packed neighborhood boasts of the best spas, delicious Korean barbecues and mouth watering Korean food in NY.

Here you will find authentic Korean food options ranging from fine dine, fast food, casual dining and the best Korean delivery in NY. Restaurants in K-town have definitely gone and put Korea on the map with their take on traditional food as well as a modern approach, showcasing their culture on the plate.

If you are into karaoke, Koreatown is the place to be. After enjoying a few drinks along with Karaoke you can enjoy a great Korean meal at the restaurants in Koreatown. Many restaurants here have been in the business for more than a quarter century and are the go-to place for many Karaoke-ers. A few restaurants are open 24 hours and serve authentic Korean comfort food to its diners.

One of the most famous dishes among the locals here is the Seolleong Tang. It is a delicious bowl of broth, which is made by boiling ox bone for more than twelve hours to extract all the flavor, and is served with noodles and rice. Another delicacy here is the Kimchi (spicy pickled cabbage), which is made using high quality ingredients imported directly from South Korea. You can choose between the cabbage and radish Kimchi. The famous Korean dish is also incorporated in other dishes like the Kimchi Jeon (Vegetarian pancakes), which are a perfect takeout or delivery option.

If you are planning to visit this compelling neighborhood anytime soon, start your meal by ordering for a glass of soju. Soju is an alcoholic beverage of Korean origin that is traditionally made from rice, wheat and barley and is consumed neat. If you are not too adventurous you can choose from a list of beers, or try a ginger ale paired with their fried or steamed Mandu Dumplings. These are homemade pork dumpling that pair perfectly with soju, beer or ginger ale. If you do not have a big appetite, you can try out the Cured Salmon Bibimbap with ikura or try a traditional Korean dish called Bulgogi.

Some of the other dishes that are a must have at these Korean restaurants are Bossam and naengmyeon (cold noodles) which are a hit during the summers. You can also choose between their pork or beef barbecue dishes. If you are having trouble understanding the names of the dishes, ask your server, they will be more than happy to help you and take you through each dish.

Apart from being open 24 hours, all year around, many restaurants here offer weekly specials like ‘Happy Hour’ and ‘Taco Tuesday’, which are a treat for most of the regulars. If you are too lazy to visit this bustling neighborhood, some restaurants here offer an order online option. You can now enjoy delicious Korean food in the comfort of your homes with a click of a button. You can browse through the menu, select the dishes you like and have it delivered to your doorstep.


Source by Peter D’souza

Advantages of Natural Food Preservatives


Natural food preservatives have been used and known to mankind since long time. These are used in both raw as well as cooked food to increase the shelf value of food so that aroma, taste and the food itself can be stored for a longer period of time. Also food decomposition is prevented by them. Apart from the preservatives, in natural preservation, freezing, pickling, deep frying, salting and smoking also come.

Food preservatives whether natural or artificial work in three different ways as antimicrobial, antioxidants and act on enzymes. In antimicrobial, growth of microbes like bacteria and fungi is inhibited. In the second one the process of oxidation is either delayed or stopped. And the one that acts on enzymes stops the ripening or aging of foodstuff.

Methods of natural preservation include salt, sugar, vinegar, rosemary extracts etc. Salt is a natural preservative that with the process of osmosis dehydrates the microbes. With this the growth of bacteria is inhibited that otherwise causes the spoilage of food. Protection from yeast and molds is also given by salt.

In many other food items sugar is mainly used as preservative. It also works like salt and through the process of osmosis inhibits the growth of microorganism. The process of osmosis draws the water out of bacteria so either sugar kills it or inhibits its growth thus protecting the food. To preserve food with sugar either sugar syrup or powder is used in the food.

Vinegar is another very important natural food preservative that is acidic. It is produced by the process of fermentation of sugar and water. Microbes and bacterias are killed by the acetic acid in vinegar that are responsible for food spoilage.

Advantages of Natural Food Preservatives

Artificial preservatives are responsible for causing many health problem pertaining to respiratory tract, heart, blood and other. Although if you have the problem of blood pressure and sugar the over consumption of salt and sugar should be avoided. But besides this there is no major health concern associated with them.

These naturally do the process of osmosis that is safe and economical. Also these are absolutely safe for consumption. It does not alter the color of the food and gives the required flavour. Different methods of preservations are used for to preserve the food through these.


Source by R Oberoi

Women Food and God Review – A Christian View


Women Food and God by Geneen Roth has shone a spotlight on compulsive and binge eating. The author’s premise is that “how we eat is how we live.” She says that our eating behavior expresses our emotions, life approach, and even how we view God. The latter connection is what drew me to the book. This review is written as information if you are seeking a Godly solution to healing binge eating.

Now I must say upfront that I approached the book with a certain expectation; I suffered from compulsive eating for over 20 years, eventually reaching 240 pounds. But through the power of God, I learned to manage my emotions and restored a right relationship with food. I ultimately ended up losing 85 pounds and have kept that weight off for several years. My healing would not have been possible without a personal relationship with God. Through the person of Jesus Christ, I came to know God as my Redeemer, Healer, Strength, Wisdom, Joy, and Comfort.

So it was the God who loves me that I was hoping to see in Women Food and God. The book started off promising – it affirmed the importance of refraining from self-condemnation. This is an important key to healing. Condemnation makes you feel ashamed, frustrated, and depressed. The bible tells us that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God is always about restoration, not condemnation (Romans 8:1).

I also found value in a startling conversation in the book; a woman revealed that she compulsively overate because food was her only source of comfort from emotional pain. That is a core issue of healing binge eating; because the woman believed as truth that food was her only comfort, she defiantly told Ms. Roth that she would not deprive herself of it.

However, I cannot recommend Women Food and God for those seeking a Godly solution to overcoming binge eating for one reason: On page 16, Ms. Roth says “It doesn’t matter if you believe in one God, many gods, or no god.” This contradicts the bible: “Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel, And his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: ‘I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6).

As Christians, we are told to gird our waists with truth. In ancient times, the waist/stomach area was viewed as the seat of the emotions. So we are to secure our emotions with the truth. We believe there is only one God and we use the bible as our source of truth.

I chose not to continue reading Women Food and God because by Ms. Roth’s statement, she says that you can take God out of the picture and her methods would still work. If that is the case, then what role does God play in her book? Is it God as he defines himself or is it god however the reader defines him? From personal experience, I found that having a stable view of God’s love as expressed in the bible, knowing that he has a future and a hope for me, and believing that I could trust him in my healing was vital to my success.

Again, this review was written to help you make a more informed decision about the book before purchase. I urge everyone to please use spiritual discernment regarding your ultimate buying decision.


Source by Kimberly Floyd