Error 1935 Windows 7 – What Causes Windows 7 Error 1935, How Can We Fix It?


What causes error 1935 in Windows 7 and how can you fix this error that appears whenever you try to install certain applications such as Visual Studio, Microsoft Office and other.Net applications which use the Windows Installer MSIAssembly. Microsoft related literature describes that this error can be caused due to a number of reasons such as presence of orphaned registry keys. In order to fix Windows 7 error 1935 you may need to clean your system’s registry.

Although you can manually remove the invalid registry keys from your computer but it is not recommended for the basic computer users. For such users a good system cleaner software with registry cleaning feature can be of great help.

These are the steps which you should take in order to fix error 1935 in Windows 7:

> Fix Windows 7 registry with some good registry fixing software that has the feature to automatically create a registry back up so that you may revert your system to an earlier stage in case the registry repair results in some other unwanted change to occur in your PC. The registry in Windows 7 is a very important component which is the key to successfully run all computer programs. It stores information about all computer programs, software and hardware. Error in the Windows registry can cause several errors in your PC.

> Mostly the error 1935 in Windows 7 is caused due to internal errors in the system. Besides running the registry repair scan it is also helpful to clean system junk and defrag Windows 7 registry with a reliable software. Registry defrag is a different thing than the registry cleaning. In Registry defrag the scattered and fragmented registry keys are organized in order to let programs function without errors and crashes.

> Remove.Net framework from your computer and then reinstall the most latest version. You can find the recent version of.Net from Microsoft official web site.

> Fix Mscoree.dll: Mostly error 1935 occurs in Windows 7 is caused by the corruption in Mccoree.dll file. In order to fix error 1935 Windows 7 it is recommended you run the registry repair scan to fix.dll issues.

> Remove the previous versions of the corrupted applications and programs such as Visual Studio or Microsoft Office. Now try to reinstall the chosen program. May be in this way the installation error will not come again.

It is important that you create a restore point before taking these steps.


Source by Faisal Irshad Khan

Save Money, Save the Earth


It does not matter what side of the global warming debate you are on, this article will help anyone who wants to save money. By making simple changes in our lives and thinking about particular habits and routines that we have, all of us can take simple actions to improve the quality of our lives, live a more eco friendly life, and save money by going green.

Most blogs that discuss saving money and the environment will include tips such as walk or bike rather than drive, try public transportation and carpool, and think about using an alternative fuel vehicle. Unfortunately these are not an option for everybody. However, there are many different things we can do to become a part of the national movement of “going green.”         

Simple Actions to Save You Money and Save the Planet:

  1. Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs. If every household in the United States changed only 1 frequently used light bulb to a fluorescent light, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for one year. This is one of the easiest changes to make in order to save money and help save the earth.
  2. Expand your batteries life span. It is best to buy rechargeable batteries but if that is not an option here are some tricks to increase the life of a battery.  1. Do not replace all 4 batteries. When your device stops working, it may be because only one battery is dead. Try buying the self-testing batteries and check each one, only replace the dead batteries. 2.  Keep your batteries in the refrigerator to make them last longer. 3. Believe it or not, your laptop computer does not belong on your lap. Laying a notebook on a soft surface restricts air flow and heats up the battery. To prolong the life of the battery, invest $5 to $20 in a “cooling pad.”
  3. Get a home energy audit: Check to see if your utility company offers a free home utility audit to help you find air leaks, poor insulation and determine your homes energy efficiency.
  4. From the home energy audit, you will likely be told to seal and insulate your home. You can hire a contractor or for the more adventurous try a “Do-It-Yourself-Guide.” This may cost some money up front but will definitely save money in the long run.
  5. Keep your water heater warm by wrapping it in an insulation blanket. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, adding insulation to your water heater can reduce heat loss by 25-45%, thereby saving you 4% to 9% in water heating costs. You can buy these at any home improvement store for about $20.
  6. Insulate your car’s battery. Check to see if your car’s battery is insulated properly, if not buy a plastic insulated battery blanket for $10 to $30.
  7. Charge your batteries with solar power. Pay a onetime fee of $80 to $200 and then charge your batteries for free for years and save money.
  8. Unplug unused electrical devices and save money on your electricity bill. This is easier said then done. Start by unplugging your cell phone and iPod chargers. In addition buy a power strip that allows you to turn it on and off easily.
  9. Turn off the lights and go green! This may seem like a no-brainer but it is amazing how many people keep their lights on, television running, and computers going. Turning these off will not only save money on your electricity bill but will add in our efforts to save the earth.
  10. Keep your thermostat between 68 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Use blankets, open windows and take off layers of clothes. For most of us, this is easier said than done. Remember to turn off your thermostat when you go to work and when you go to bed. If you forget, get a programmable thermostat. This can save a considerable amount of money on your heating bill.  Important facts to keep in mind: First it does not require more energy to reheat your home than it does to keep it at the same temperature. Second, turning the temperature up higher does not make the house warm up faster, it only makes the heater stay on longer after turning it off. 
  11. Stop using store catalogs and shop online. Most of the time you save money online anyway.
  12. Stop receiving junk mail. Millions of trees are lost each year on junk mail alone. You can try to get your name deleted from the junk mail sources or spend a little time and write on each junk mail received, “Return to Sender.” You do not have to pay for the postage and eventually you will stop receiving mail from them.
  13. Print less often. Write down directions on small note pads, do not print emails. If you need to print there are free software programs out there that allow you to edit web pages to only print the content that you need.
  14. Ways to Save Water: 1. Take shorter showers  2.Turn the water off while shaving or brushing your teeth 3. Repair all toilet and faucet leaks immediately. A leaky toiled can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day, a leaky faucet a little less. 4. Be smart when irrigating your lawn and landscape. Only water when needed, early morning is best. 5. A water saving-energy efficient dish washer used with the right dishwashing soap can save water, energy and save money.
  15. Eat out less. Restaurants use more energy to produce your meals.  
  16. When staying at a hotel, practice what you do at home. Turn off the lights and television when you leave, don’t waste water, turn off the A/C when you leave the room. Reuse your towels and use your own toiletries. The hotel’s toiletries are cheap and are always over-packaged.
  17. Conserve and use less and transition to “living green.” Use less shampoo, cleaning detergent, soap, toothpaste and paper products. It is amazing how much conserving saves you money and how beneficial it is in our fight to save the planet.
  18. Buy used: Search online classifieds and newspapers. You can find gently used furniture, appliances, cars, and many other things.
  19. These next two items are the easiest, quickest way to start “going green” and living more eco friendly. Invest a little money in reusable shopping bags ($1 to $5). My favorite is the Chico Bag that clips onto your purse or keys and are therefore hard to forget. Use them at the grocery store, the mall, or any other place where you need to pick up a few items. This not only saves plastic but it brings public awareness towards the living green movement. 
  20. Avoid using plastic water bottles. Instead buy reusable aluminum or stainless steel bottles at any Target or Sports shop. This truly helps in the effort to save our planet but it is also beneficial for our health. 
  21. If you have to use the one time use plastic water bottles, fill some bottles up (not completely full) and put them in the freezer. This increases the energy efficiency of your freezer by allowing it to run less and you can use the frozen water bottles when you need an ice pack. When they melt, it makes for a wonderfully cold drink.
  22. Save your left over’s. You can save bread bags, butter containers, and other packages that you can use to store your left over food. Buy cheap labels at the dollar store and label everything.
  23. When possible avoid using disposable plates, cups and utensils. These cost a lot of money and take up a lot of space in our landfills.
  24. Use cloth diapers not disposable. It is not as difficult or inconvenient as most parents think it is. There are many great articles on the cloth versus disposable debate.

More difficult steps towards “going green.”  Spend a little time and money in the short term, save money and/or save the planet in the long run.

  1. Composting your food and yard trimmings lessens the amount of garbage that is sent to landfills and also reduces the amount of pollution to the atmosphere.
  2. Efficient Landscaping:  This can save money, save energy and save the earth.
  3. Install solar panels. Solar is quickly becoming more affordable and efficient and many states have tax incentives now.
  4. To help get you motivated towards “going green” and eco friendly living, research incentives and tax rebates for home improvements at the U.S. Department of Energy
  5. Last but not least, PLANT A TREE. One tree, over its life will absorb over one ton of carbon dioxide and put healthy oxygen into the air.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people who believe that the problem is much too big for one person to make a difference. But that is simply not true. Every time you choose to recycle instead of throwing it in the trash, or walk to the store instead of drive, or spend a little extra money on organic and eco friendly products, you alone are making a difference. And if 100,000 people just made simple changes in their daily routine, our efforts will significantly improve our chance to save the earth and save the planet. For more detailed information, links and resources to start living a more eco friendly life, visit GreenGardenEcology [](Article: Save Money). 


Source by Alicia Thompson

Need a CCTV System


This article helps you to specify a CCTV system; the intended audience for this guide being either an installing company or an end user. You should be aware there are many types of CCTV systems available on the market; these range from cheap cctv systems for basic monitoring, best value security camera systems for some form of identification and to high resolution security systems that lead to identification and prosecution.

A good security camera system will offer best value for money without compromise on the quality. There are many products available on the market which makes it very difficult to identify what products are suitable for your requirement. Sometimes, it is equally difficult to identify areas that are vulnerable and a suitable cctv camera to target that area. Most people forget that a cctv camera system is a long term investment and they should discuss their requirements with a technical sales person before they make the purchase.

Understanding cctv terminology can also be daunting, see our FAQ section for more details.

Understanding your Security requirements

Main reasons for your requirement of cctv security cameras will reflect the type of system you need. Some of the reasons for needing a security system could be:

– Shop theft

– Shop or home break-ins

– Vandalism

– Industrial espionage

– Danger to individuals from attack.

– Health and safety of individuals on the premises or site.

– To replace or reduce manned guarding.

– To supplement manned guarding, making them more efficient.

– To monitor persons entering and leaving the premises.

– To provide visual confirmation of intruders activating an alarm.

– To monitor a remote, unattended site.

Reasons for a system could be endless, but for a particular site, there will finite reasons for considering CCTV. If they cannot be listed, you probably don-t need it.

What is the possible solution-

Once a problem is understood, the next step is to find how a solution can be achieved. The solution could be in many forms – it could be an intruder alarm system, some form of deterrent (lighting, fencing and gates), a cctv system or manned guarding. Your need will depend on the circumstances and requirements on any particular site, but it is important to at least make a list and consider all the possibilities. Some options maybe impracticable and others maybe too expensive but you should finish up with a short list of possibilities. Quite often, the solution will point to a cctv system as this will be cheaper and more affordable.

Decided that you need CCTV Systems-

Before selecting the type of cctv system that will fulfill your requirements, you should consider; the type of cctv cameras you need, how you will monitor the system, will you require network access (remote internet access) and cabling.

Type of cctv cameras you need:-

Colour cameras generally require a higher level of lighting than their Black & White counterparts do. Colour cameras give the advantage of being able to easily distinguish and detect objects simply by their colours where Black & White cameras offer better resolution in low light conditions.

– Covert cameras. These cameras are so small they cannot be easily seen or are disguised as a different device (such as smoke detector, PIR etc).

– Day/Night cameras. These cameras switch from colour to black and white depending on lighting levels. They are ideal for variable lighting conditions.

– Night Vision cameras. These cameras have their own light source in a light spectrum that can’t be seen by the naked eye.

– Outdoor cameras. These cameras have hardened, waterproof outer bodies.

– Speed Dome cameras (Pan, Tilt, Zoom). These cameras allow for remote control of what the camera is pointed at and what it is focused on.

– Vandal Proof cameras. These cameras come in hardened cases that can resist physical abuse.

How you will monitor the cctv system-

– Main Output- Most CCTV DVRs have composite video output which can be viewed on standard TV Monitors (like AV input or SCART input)

– Spot out / Call output- This output is also composite Video which can be used to monitor cctv cameras in full screen mode in sequence.

– VGA output- this output is standard output used on PCs. Any VGA TFT LCD monitor can be used.

Network Access / Remote Access- CCTV DVR Access over the internet (broadband)

– Internet Access- Most CCTV DVRs now days have remote access via the internet

– Simplex- DVR can only perform either record or play back but cannot perform both simultaneously.

– Duplex- DVR can only perform two things simultaneously (record, play back or remote viwing but not all three simultaneously).

– Triplex- DVR will perform all three things simultaneously (record, play back and remote playback)

– Pentaplex – cctv DVR can carry record, playback, remote access, remote playback.

What type of cctv cables are there-

– Pre-made leads- these are pre-fabricated leads with BNC and power connectors already terminated on the cable. Very simple to install, no real skill required. These leads are design to carry low voltage (12V DC) upto a distance of around 35m. Distance greater than 35m will cause picture corruption with the camera.

– Local AC power – where the distance is greater than 35m, if cameras are powered locally, you can cover much greater distances. For distances upto 100m, RG59 coaxial cable could be used.

– Combined Coaxial cable with power- RG59 coaxial cable but 2 core power cable attached (like a Shotgun).

– CAT5E- Longer distances can be covered CAT5E in-conjunction with passive transceivers.

Selecting the most suitable cctv system is a compromise between the quality, area you want to cover and the overall budget. It is advisable that you have in-depth discussion with the technical sales person before you select the security cameras or the diy cctv system you need. A good technical person will try to understand your need, explain the difference between the various cctv cameras before any recommendation.


Source by Alan Hayden

Here’s a BRIGHT Idea: Upgrade Your Lighting to Save Money


Over the past decade, lighting technology has grown by leaps and bounds. LED bulbs, low cost automated switches and low energy safety lighting have made both savings and security available to every business owner and home owner. This means that upgrading lighting is literally a “bright” idea for business developers and persons renting commercial or other business space. It’s an easy way of making the business location more energy efficient, more secure, and in turn save the renter a lot of money on their utility and insurance bills.


LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology has been at the forefront of the lighting industry. In addition to being long lasting, LED bulbs only require a fraction of the energy of their incandescent and fluorescent counterparts.


* The person paying the utility bill (typically the renter) replaces the existing bulbs with LED bulbs. The savings adds up pretty quickly.

* Changing from fluorescent to LED bulbs, the energy savings is still 80% of the energy cost for using fluorescent bulbs. (LED lights require less energy to operate; hence the cost savings.)

* LED bulbs generate half the heat that incandescent and fluorescent bulbs produce. Given the number of bulbs in the average commercial space, replacing existing bulbs with LED bulbs will save money by reducing AC energy usage.

Because the savings is constant per bulb, a small business and a large business both save 80% (fluorescent to LED) or 90% (incandescent to LED) on energy costs for lighting. LED lights come in a variety of shapes, sheens, and widths to match nearly any light fixture. Retrofit bulbs, and u-shaped, and circline tubes are among the many options available. In most cases, the savings pays for the LED bulbs in three years.


Low cost automated switches turn lights on when a room is occupied and off when the room is empty. While most commercial spaces need to be continuously lit, some commercial spaces are used only intermittently, like bathrooms and storage rooms. These intermittently used spaces only need lighting a fraction of the business day.

As with LED bulbs, most automated switches can be easily installed by the building owner or renter. Given the average usage for restrooms in commercial spaces, automated switches can pay for themselves in three years even when they control LED bulbs.


Many businesses turn off lights at night, leaving their space dark and vulnerable. Some businesses leave their lights on to discourage vandalism and theft. Another alternative is to install low energy safety lighting.

In recent years, several companies have developed low energy LED lighting built into outlet cover plates and switch plates. Coming in both standard outlet and Decora outlet styles, these outlet plates have photosensor controlled LED bulbs that use less than 1 watt per hour saving 90% compared to a standard commercial space LED bulb.

Replacing existing outlet plates with safety light plates is simple for any building owner or renter. The cost of replacing the majority of outlet plates with these safety light plates is quickly recuperated in three years compared to after hours lighting.

Businesspersons who use rented space should also keep the old bulbs, original switches and outlet plates when they upgrade to LED, switches and safety lighting. Why? The LEDs will last 50,000 operating hours on average. For most businesses, that translates to 1,500 operating days or nearly five years! When moving to a new location, they should switch the bulbs, switches and outlet plates, putting the old bulbs, switches and plates back and taking their LEDs, automated switches and safety lighting with them to install in the next location.


The morale of the story: Replace LED light bulbs, install automated switches and safety lighting whenever you have the opportunity, and become more energy conscious of other potential cost savings. Your efforts will also lead to a greener tomorrow.


Source by William Carson, Jr

How Reliable Are Iseki Tractors?


Few companies are as respected as Iseki tractors when it comes to reliability, affordability, and overall quality of machinery. The company has been around for nearly 100 years, and they’ve provided the same types of machines the entire time. Rather than constantly jumping from trend to trend, they focus on what they are good at and do that right. They design tractors and mowers, and if you’re after the best, you can’t do better than going with them.

Iseki designs tractors in both 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive configurations. The 4 wheel drive types are more popular, but the 2 wheel drive options exist for those that don’t need the extra power. Typical models have between 22 and 40 horsepower, which might not sound like a lot on paper but it is actually all that you really need. That’s part of how Iseki keeps their prices down so low. Rather than squeezing in extra features in order to increase the price, the only give you what you need and nothing more. This is actually a good thing, because the fewer features there are, the less likely a problem will occur.

The most popular models from Iseki are the TX1500 4X4 and the Tu175 4X4. These are perfect for just about any task, whether you want to strap on some attachments and use them as riding mowers or attach cultivators and use them for farming. Either way, you’ll plenty of use out of the machine, and you won’t spend much (if any) on repairs. In other words, an Iseki machine is designed for those that know exactly what they want to do and don’t have time to be fooling around with repairs.

So while you might be thinking about looking into Challenger or John Deere, you might be better off with Iseki Tractors. Many people buy one and never need to invest in a mowing tractor again.


Source by Mark J Sinclair

The Importance of HVAC Repair and Service


The term HVAC refers to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in your home. If you think about it, it really is one of the most important pieces of equipment you own. Keeping your HVAC system properly serviced and repaired is essential to ensure that it runs properly and efficiently all year long.

The industry typically recommends that you service your HVAC system twice a year, usually in spring and fall. They specify these two particular times of year because they mark the transition from using air conditioning to heating and vice versa. During these routine service calls, the HVAC specialist will inspect the system for any problems. He will clean out the unit and lubricate all moving parts. Once this is complete, he may make recommendations for system improvements or repairs.

Having your HVAC system break down is not only an inconvenience, it can be dangerous when the temperatures drop below freezing. Staying in a home without working heat can put your life at risk if it is extremely cold. It can also cause your pipes to freeze, which could result in water damage and expensive repairs to your plumbing system. The heat can be just as dangerous as the cold if you live in areas where the temperatures soar during the summer months. The young and the elderly are especially vulnerable to the effects of overheating.

One of the main concerns when your HVAC is not operating correctly is energy efficiency. Heating and cooling your home is a large percentage of your utility bill each month. When your system is not running correctly, it may require more energy. This means higher bills for you. A certified HVAC service professional will be able to check all systems and make recommendations for repairs. Having your system assessed by a professional twice a year will ensure that it is running efficiently and you are not wasting money.

Many expensive repairs could be avoided if homeowners did not neglect routine preventative maintenance. Just like a vehicle, your HVAC needs to be routinely inspected and serviced to prevent small problems from turning into big issues. It is much easier and less expensive to keep up with maintenance than it is to repair or replace a neglected unit. It is an investment in your home and will last longer and perform better if it is properly maintained and serviced by an HVAC service professional.

Many companies offer service contracts to homeowners. With this plan, the homeowner pays a fee and the company comes out twice a year to inspect, clean and service the unit. Often these customers enjoy discounts on repairs as well as receive top priority for service calls. It is a good way to guarantee that professionals you know and trust will properly maintain your system each year.

Don’t put off HVAC maintenance until your system malfunctions or stops working completely. The last thing you want is to end up with no heat on the coldest day of the year. Protect your system and ensure that it is working efficiently all year long.


Source by Matt Hord

The History of Elephants


Elephants are the largest land mammal and can be found in both Asia and Africa. African elephants live in areas that are south of the Sahara Desert while Asian elephants are found in India and other countries in Southeast Asia. Elephants are interesting animals because of the way they travel together and care for their young. They’re also interesting to many people living in Asia and Africa because of their size and the way they can contribute to the economy. Learning about elephants can be fun for people of any age, so starting off with the basic facts is the best way to start learning about these huge creatures.

Environment & Nutrition

The natural environment of the elephant depends on the type of elephant. African forest elephants typically roam the forests while African savannah elephants roam open African plains. The Asian elephant also lives in forests. Elephants need a large range of land to roam so that they can find enough food and water to survive. They often follow elephant trails to get from one area to another to look for more food. Elephants eat bark, grasses, twigs, and leaves and they drop seeds in their dung, making them act as gardeners as they go about their travels.

Elephant Adaptations

The elephant has several adaptations that help it survive in its natural habitat. To stay comfortable in the heat, an elephant can flap its ears and create a cooling effect. The large molars in the elephant’s mouth are used for chewing and grinding very fibrous plant materials. An elephant’s trunk has many uses including picking up food, drinking water, and communicating with other elephants. Elephants also have very low-pitched sounds that allow them to communicate with each other.

Elephants & the Ecosystem

Elephants are a very important part of the ecosystems they inhabit. By dropping seeds with their dung, they are helping to create new plant life. Their large bodies can also knock down small trees and other obstacles so that smaller animals can get through to find food. If there is some kind of water drought, elephants will dig to find water deep beneath the ground surface.

Elephant Family Life

Elephants are very family-centered animals. They travel together under the supervision of a female called a matriarch. The matriarch of a herd has knowledge of food and water sources and is responsible for helping her sisters, cousins, and other family members to stay safe and healthy. When it’s time to reproduce, the female elephants mate with bull elephants after a period of courtship. The female stays pregnant for 22 months while her baby elephant grows and develops inside of her. During labor, the pregnant elephant is given help by another female elephant. Once a baby elephant is born, it may drink its mother’s milk for up to four years and will be cared for by everyone in its herd.

Elephants & Society

Elephants have had a number of key places in society. Asian elephants have been used as work animals for many years and often haul heavy loads from one place to another. They have been also used as a method of transportation in Asian and African countries. Some elephants are taken out of Asia and Africa to travel with the circus and provide entertainment. Still others are used for their tusks so that ivory products can be made. Other members of society have revered elephants and worked to protect them from harm.


Source by Michael Tasner

Phase Change Materials – Eutectic Thermal Energy Storage Products


Ice Thermal Energy Storage (TES) has the advantage of universal availability, low cost and transport ability through other system components. However, a conventional ice TES system for air conditioning application requires low temperature chillers and therefore standard water chillers must be replaced with low temperature glycol chillers which operate with a lower evaporation temperature and consume more power.

If we can offer designers an ice which freezes and melts above or below 0°C (32 °F) these new products will open new horizons for environmentally friendly and economical systems for both New and Retrofit type process cooling / heating load shifting applications.

Phase Change Material (PCM) Eutectic solutions are  mixtures of two or more chemicals which, when mixed in a particular ratio, have a freezing / melting point below or above water freezing temperature of 0 °C (32 °F) and they offer a thermal energy storage facility between -114 °C (-173 °F) and +164 °C (327 °F).

Eutectics are well-known and in fact early applications date back to the late 18th century however the separation and the life expectancy of these mixtures were unpredictable and therefore their wide spread usage was limited.

The disadvantages of a conventional HVAC chiller and ice (water ice) storage system can be overcome by utilising the latent heat capacity of various “Eutectic” mixtures without the need for minus circulation temperatures. 

Phase Change Material (PCM) thermal energy storage not only enables the designer to utilise existing chiller technology but also enables charging by means of free cooling, i.e. without running the chillers

Although the term “Eutectic” is widely used to describe the materials we are interested in, a better description would be “Phase Change Materials” (“PCMs”). Unfortunately, very few of the documented PCM solutions are true Eutectics and so many have to be modified to obtain a material suitable for long term use.

PCMs can be broadly grouped into two categories; “Organic Compounds” and “Salt-based Products”. The fundamental requirement for a modified Eutectic (PCM) Solution can be classified in three categories, namely stable solution (no separation or degrading), minimum supercooling / heating and finally close freezing and melting temperatures.

There are three fundamental additives commonly used to modify hydrated salt based Eutectic PCM solutions. These three components are firstly Nucleating Agent which encourages Crystal formation and therefore minimizes super cooling and the secondly additive is Freeze Depressant to achieve a lower phase change temperature and thirdly Gelling / Thickening Agent in order to overcome separation and degrading problems.

Once the above components have been carefully applied, a satisfactory Eutectic PCM Solution can be produced from the physical and thermodynamic point of views and commercially available solutions offer a range of  -114 °C (-173 °F) and +164 °C (327 °F).

However, majority of suitable PCM solutions for HVAC and refrigeration systems are corrosive to commonly used pipe and line components and therefore suitable encapsulation techniques must be applied to overcome this problem while providing the best thermal performance. Various encapsulation techniques such as tube, flat container or alternatively ball concepts have been developed whereby the PCM solutions are encapsulated in plastic and / or metal shell.

The heat transfer between the surrounding media, which flows around or inside the unit and the surrounding PCM solutions, takes place from the outer or inner or the combination of both surfaces of the encapsulated PCM unit. These techniques are generally eliminates the contamination risk and offers an efficient, cost effective, practical and flexible new type of TES designs.

Modern society’s reliance on refrigeration and air conditioning indicates that refrigeration and the associated environmental issues will be with us for a considerable time and therefore one has to utilize existing and available alternative technologies with minimum usage of energy.

A Positive Temperature Eutectic Phase Change Material (PCM) Thermal Energy Storage (TES) not only provides the end user with an Environmentally Friendly design but also the following additional benefits can be obtained:

o Reduced Equipment Size

o Capital Cost Saving

o Energy Cost Saving

o Environmentally Friendly Installation

o Improved System Operation

o Flexibility for the Future Capacities

The temperature ranges offered by the proposed PCM solutions utilize conventional chilled water temperature ranges for both the charging and discharging sides of the system. Hence, they can be applied to any new or retrofit application with minimal technical and economical impacts.

Furthermore, the possibility of Free Cooling Cycle, Absorption Chillers, Co-Generation, Solar, Hot Water and Heat Recovery TES system combinations offer new horizons for designers to control the energy balance to match the load and electricity demand / consumption of the system as a whole.

The task for designers is to explore all available technologies towards achieving improved efficiency regardless of which refrigerant is used, and apply where and when possible diversification technologies in order to minimize the overall CO2 emission related to energy usage. A carefully balanced Eutectic, Phase Change Material (PCM) Thermal Energy Storage (TES) may be the answer for some of the cooling applications for an Environmentally Friendly and Economical alternative.


Source by Zafer Ure

The Basics of How to Get Pepper Spray Out of the Air in Your Apartment


There are many scenarios wherein a bottle of spray can be troublesome. What if a bottle of pepper spray or mace ruptures outside your apartment? Or perhaps a bottle of spray was accidentally spilled inside your apartment. Even with just a small amount is spilled on the floor, it can already become irritating to the eyes and the respiratory system. You are going to experience coughing quite a bit. Perhaps you would ask what you can do about it.

When this happens, the best thing you can do is open all the windows in your apartment and turn on your ventilation systems such as the fan or your air conditioner. The process will allow the smell to be carried by the air or wind outside your apartment through the window. It is best to put your ventilation systems at maximum capacity so that the process can yield results faster.

It is important to take note that the whole thing may take a while to progress. You may have opened all the windows of your apartment and set the ventilation systems to their maximum capacity and still feel the irritation in your eyes and respiratory system. Remember that the contents of the pepper spray were meant to be strong enough to cause such irritation.

The best thing you can do under these circumstances is to wait for the air to neutralize. Unlike solid materials, air is not something you can just sweep like trash. Air is very dense and so it can come and go inside your apartment from time to time. Just keep your windows open and your ventilation on and wait for the bad air to be gone completely.

By this time you have done what you can and your apartment should be the way it is. But there is still one thing you should do. The foul air is going to come back if you don’t get rid of the source. Make sure you have taken care of the leaking pepper spray bottle wherever it may be located. It may still be leaking and it would be a waste of so much time doing the whole process of neutralizing the air again.

Once you have done all these things, you can then do the finishing touches. The air may seem already neutralized to you but there may still be residues of the contaminated air somewhere in your apartment which you are not aware of. To make sure, you can apply air freshener to your apartment to make it fragrant and more comfortable for you.

To avoid such occurrences, it is advisable to keep and store pepper spray bottles in areas where it cannot easily fall. Keeping it secured in a holster, or tightly locked inside the drawer will prevent it from unwanted use. It is best to keep it properly so you will not be harmed by its irritating smell.

Going through this kind of incident is really disturbing. Should these circumstances occur within your apartment, you can do something about and revive your home’s comfort by doing the things mentioned above.


Source by Joseph Pressley

NJ School Align On School Canteen Foods to New Lunch Program Rules


Taste and calories had perhaps gained predominance in the menu of school foods that catered means in NJ among a few lunch providers with raising degree of acceptance had changed into a trend amongschool lunch providers who wanted to served the palate as desired by school children.

But diet on high carbo was perhaps the reason for the concern on health but without giving up on calories, the new rules only asks for inclusion of the fruits, vegetables and whole grains- source of vitamins and minerals.

None of us will compromise in making the future citizens of America less healthier and would never in fact like to increase the malaise of health disorder among these age group for which we have to pass the promises we as a nation have to keep.

Therefore, the federal school lunch program new rules only have tried to address this concern much known but left with no other option but to include the necessary ingredients for which the lunch program will offer some amount from the budget but will have to be invested from the school budgets or by parents.

The National School Lunch Program of the United States is a subsidized program for school both private and public which are catered to by the school lunch providing vendors to various schools. The remaining amount is mostly charged from the parents who have a choice to take a decision to opt-out for any reason they feel.

But the new rules are have nothing new if one goes by the prescription necessary for children where school lunch services vendors who might be going without the new rules of what it has said. There can be no disagreement on the fact that nutrition should have priority in providing food within the lunch program for children which can provide for their growth and health.

There can be no second opinion on the fact that school where children have to imbibe fresh learning and learn new skills have to have sound health which can be provided only by nutritious food. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are source of rich vitamins and minerals which is essential for growth and also dissipate faster due to the metabolic activity of the body and should be available in abundance, especially for the growth of the brain where it plays an important role in developing cognitive abilities.

Irrespective of new nutrition rules of the national school lunch program prepared school meals in NJ has had vendors who were mindful of the fact and now they are encouraged to further the necessary step in bring the right kind of food for the age group and develop a healthy palate. School lunch food service providers like, Karson Foods belief in the conviction of the new rules of the program. Such school lunch providers will be encouraged to explore their culinary skills in the much understood situation of providing the right school lunch meal without compromising on the required calories.


Source by John Smith