Dissertation Editing Services – MBA, PhD, MA


Dissertation editing services play a very important role in the lives of the aspiring PhD and MBA graduates. Students whose English is not their first language will find difficulty translating and synthesizing research materials on their own. The dissertation editor for hire could help in simple editing task including scanning the dissertation in plagiarism software.

Help for Non-native English speakers

The dissertation editing services could correct the grammar, spelling, tone, writing style, and sentence construction of the PhD dissertation. Hiring a professional editor is convenient for students who have English as their second language. The writer could articulate the concept of the study in an efficient and effective manner. The dissertation editing services could rewrite the sentences in a professional and PhD or MBA level. Most teachers often comment that students should write the dissertation in a PhD or MBA level, the dissertation company could help students restructure and organize sentences to meet their expectations.

Correct citation format

The dissertation editor could properly cite the plagiarized sentences and even rewrite them for you. The editor for hire will synthesize the plagiarized sentences as well as properly cite them. Plagiarized sentences are not a problem. They only lack the proper citation. The editing service could properly synthesize and correct plagiarized sentences using the right format.

Conceptual clarity

The role of the editors is not only for plain grammar and for spelling check. They do help students in providing conceptual clarity. Editors do understand PhD or MBA dissertation writing style and have enough experience as well as skill to maintain the tone of the professional writing all throughout the dissertation.

Tables and figures

It takes proper experience and knowledge to prepare the dissertation’s tables and figures. The editor knows that the final paper should follow the format recommended or instructed by the university. The student would want to seek the help of the editor for the presentation of the collected data. The APA style of writing has its own format for the tables and figures. The editors are familiar with the recent changes of the APA format. The usual mistakes committed by students are the tables and figures formats. It is best to hire an editing service to help in matters of style. The university would allow students to hire dissertation editing services to help in matters of style but not with the content of the paper.


Source by John Halas

How to Make Dragon Fruit Cider and Cider Vinegar


Cider usually refers to beverage made from apple extract. The taste is sweet with a blend of little alcohol. Fermented and unfermented versions exist but the first dominates the market. Acetic acid fermentation convert it to cider vinegar.

Dragon fruit is popular for its many health benefits. Many farmers engaged in dragon fruit production due to high demand and high market price. However, almost half of the produce is wasted due to low quality fruits. Wastage problems could be solved by processing.

A series of process can turn dragon fruits to cider and cider vinegar.

1. Good quality fruits are the best option but fruits with scar and broken peel can be selected as ingredients. Dragon fruits are expensive commodity. Choosing fruit with peel damaged reduces recipe cost by half.

2. Wash the fruit with running water. Cut into quarters. Remove the flesh by pulling of the peel with bare hands. Blend it in a waring blender using low speed setting. High setting breaks the small seeds resulting in an ugly looking product. Electric juicer can also be used draw out the juice.

4. Place it in a wide mouth stainless steel pot. Cover and leave for approximately 24 hours to allow floating of pulp. Scoop out the pulp carefully and get the clear settled juice. Filter through cheesecloth to remove the remaining fibers. Use the pulp to make jam or puree.

5. Adjust sugar content to 20%. Dragon fruit usually taste blunt so sugar adjustment is necessary. Use refractometer or sugar hydrometer to do it accurately.

7. Transfer it to fermentation bottle and ferment for three to four weeks or until it reaches the alcohol content of six percent. Start monitoring after two weeks using alcohol hydrometer. The natural microflora of clear extract can be used to ferment it naturally. Or, it can be pasteurized for 15 minutes at 70 degree centigrade and added with wine yeast.

8. Fill into clean sterilized bottle. Pasteurize for 15 minutes at 70 degree centigrade and cap immediately.

9. To further processed it to vinegar, skip step eight. Transfer cider to wide mouth container. Leave about five inches of head space. Allow natural acetic acid fermentation for one week. A small amount of mother vinegar can be added to hasten the process.

10. Pack the product as described in step eight.


Source by Marvin Vicedo

The Strategy of Leadership is Thinking, Vision, and Planning – The Future Depends On It


Grammar speaks of events occurring in three plains. The past was, the future will happen, and we live now, the present. However, operating in the information age, the age of instant global communication, makes the future now. Gates [1] wrote we are citizens of an information society. He noted that past generations, and past societies found ways to gather information, get more work done, increase life spans, and improve their standards of living. Time was not as critical in those past ages. A message from a ruler may take months to arrive by sea courier. The Pony Express was six days. Airmail was cross-country overnight. The time span between thought and action are virtually unidentifiable today. Although leaders rely on collective knowledge sharing, leaders who engage in strategic thinking, imagining events as happening rather than will happen, allows them to view the present as their personal and organizational future.

This paper considers how important strategic thinking is for leaders who want to shape their future and the future of their environment. Strategic thinking is the starting point for creating vision. Traditional planning gives way to flexible organizational structures that change “on the fly.”

Strategy in past generations allowed leaders time for thinking, sensing a vision, clarifying the vision, articulating it to begin considering action plans. Accepting that the future is no longer an event to happen later, this paper explores how leaders think, envision, articulate, and plan. How do leaders continue to use strategy to their advantage in a rapidly changing global environment? The answer is in the age of possibilities [2]. Today, as never before we are free from traditional bonds of work, we are free to choose our futures as well as shape them to suit our own desires and needs.

This age is an extension of Gates’ information society. We have the ability to choose our reality in a way that never before existed. In the past, a baker’s son became a baker. However, many leaders of the past came from unexpected places. The Biblical King David was the young son tending sheep (1 Samuel 16:11) and Jesus was just the carpenter’s son whose mother we know (Matthew 13:55) [3]. Truman had leadership thrust upon him. These people saw a point on the horizon but events changes their vision. The age of possibilities allows us to rewrite our future as events dictate.

Accepting that we can change as events dictate suggests that there is a less linear structure in this image and a more chaotic non-linear structure. Sanders [4] describes an organizational structure as a known initial condition but the future appears random. Using the model of the “Lorenz Attractor,” she presents a view of interacting and interrelated parts that appear disorderly until a closer inspection reveals the spiraling order hidden in the model. The Gates’ information society and the Taylor and Wacker age of possibilities do not depend on a linear progression of thought and action and Sanders holds the non-linear nature of the new science of strategic thinking allows us to understand natural order on its own terms.


Does strategy have some mythical or mystical property? Leaders and leadership use the word in many contexts, perhaps not really acknowledging what strategy is. Therefore, a simple working definition of strategy for this paper is the deliberate means of attaining an outcome, being visionary.

Mintzberg, et al [5] explains that strategies inevitably have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of setting direction is charting a course; however, the disadvantage is narrowing vision, hiding dangers. The advantage of focusing effort is coordination of activity; however, the disadvantage is groupthink. Having a definition of the organization provides understanding of the organization; however, the definition may hide the complexity of the supporting systems. Having a strategy that provides consistency establishes order in a way that reduces ambiguity; however, creative groups appear to operate with little or no consistency.

Strategy involves paradoxes as the above paragraph suggests. One paradox tells us the story of answers and questions, once you think you have all the answers, someone changes all the questions. Taylor and Wacker state this paradox as, “The more you are right, the more wrong you will be.” This contradiction confuses the reader, if you are right, how can you be wrong? How? The speed of knowledge accelerated beyond our ability to absorb it in our traditional learning pattern.

Another paradox for visionary leaders involves predicting the future. Leaders who are successful predictors of the future act as agents destabilizing the present. Taylor and Wacker explain that today’s realities and tomorrows expectations collide. The allocation of resources between present and future “produce a massive future-based political problem with huge consequences for the present.”

Strategy at Work

The State of Nebraska recently made National news with the passage of LB1024 that, in effect, created segregated school sub-districts in Omaha. The bill was the Unicameral’s way to defeat intercity lawsuits claiming “One City – One School District.” The City of Omaha annexed several small suburban communities to its west, provides police, fire, and city services to these communities; however, the communities remained independent school districts.

The City of Bellevue annexed several Sanitary Improvement Districts (SID) to its west, provides police, fire and city services to these incorporated SIDs. Previous mayors and city councils of Bellevue and Papillion drew arbitrary boarders marking the fringes of the two cities school districts in, what were then, unincorporated zones. Population growth attached itself close to Bellevue. Now, Bellevue’s city limits extend beyond the school district boarders. Therefore, Bellevue claims “One City – One School District.”

By passing this bill, Senator Chambers [6] acknowledged formal segregation of the districts. LB1024 created two super-districts, one in Omaha, and one in Bellevue. In Omaha, the super-district has three independent sub-districts. The independent sub-districts have authority over teacher hiring, measures of teacher/student success under federal No Child Left Behind, and administration of their own budget. The super-district has academic authority over the smaller sub-districts.

The strongest supporter of the LB1024 is the State’s strongest proponent of desegregation. Why did Senator Ernie Chambers of the State’s 11th district support the bill? He claimed the Omaha school district is already segregated. Segregation re-occurred with the end of bussing in 1999. Yet, no Omaha high school is more than 48 percent African American.

Bellevue Mayor Jerry Ryan acknowledged the drain on city funds fighting to redraw school district lines. The fight in Bellevue and Papillion is over federal dollars to schools with a population of children of military families. Offutt Air Force Base is located near Bellevue and military dependent children attend elementary and secondary schools in both cities. Redrawing district lines would result in more federal money to the Bellevue Public School District.

Strategic Thinking and Vision

Reading the paragraphs above may leave the reader asking, “What were they thinking?” Recall the paradox of predicting the future affects the present in adverse ways, yet successful leaders operate as though the future is now.

Another view is that nothing turns out exactly as expected. This may leave leaders in an action quandary: Strategic thinking in the midst of shifting paradigms servers to help organizations “identify, respond to, and influence changes in its environment.”

Strategic thinking allows leaders to think in terms of opportunities to innovate and influence their future and the future of their organization. Strategic thinking aids in abandonment of policies and procedures that are outdated, obsolete, or ineffective.

Strategic thinking is having an awareness of what has not yet taken shape, having foresight. Foresight has a facet that is an individual ability and behavior and it can be a process or activity in business. On a macro level, foresight is a global practice. Note, reaching a macro level must pass from micro – individual, through mezzo – organizational, to reach macro. Foresight starts with the individual leader seeing or sensing something better [7].

Foresight is more than vision; it is visionary. Being a visionary leader means being provocative and questioning rather than seeing answers. Mintzberg, et al (1998) calls upon visionary leaders to operate on emotional and spiritual resources, values, aspirations, and commitment. Leaders need a mental image, build a mental model of a desirable future state. The visionary state is as simple as a dream or complex as a written document outlining the dream in measurable steps.

Visionary leaders must next translate the dream of the desirable future state into a vision they can share with the organization. Sharing a vision must be proactive, must be like a theater performance. Mintzberg, et al addresses performance by the leader as a rehearsal. Rehearsal is the practice of the vision, learning everything they can about the vision. Upon becoming comfortable in rehearsal, the leader must openly perform the vision. Performance brings a dream to life; however, performance has no value without the attending audience. The organizational audience views the performance while feeling empowered to mimic the performance. Organizational mimicking of the performance serves as a starting point for transformation to a higher state of consciousness, becoming, as Senge [8] describes, a learning organization.

Bellevue, Nebraska is the third largest city in the state. Eight years ago, Jerry Ryan made his first run for Bellevue Mayor winning an election against a popular mayor. Bellevue’s population in 1998 was about 29,000. Improvements in transportation, cost of housing and housing developments, and growth in retail and commercial ventures has caused an explosion in population to almost 50,000 with an extended sphere of services into not yet annexed developments of an additional population of about 15,000.

In the May 2006 primary, Mayor Ryan [9] ran against a field of opponents. Mayor Ryan ran on the ideal that Bellevue has reached a size that requires a full time mayor devoted to the city. Opponents, all in their seventies, do not share his view. Mayor Ryan won the majority of primary votes telling the city his vision. In interview with Mayor Ryan, he expressed how hard it is to run a city of 50,000 part-time. “Citizens think I run the city. They are not aware that it is the City Council that approves all action. And, the City Council doesn’t want a full time mayor,” said Ryan in interview. “If there is one thing I’ve failed to do,” said Ryan, “is adequately share my thinking and vision within the council.”

In the “One City – One School District” battle in Omaha, the school district argued that incorporation of suburban districts into Omaha would create a broader tax base, allow for creation of magnet schools throughout the district, and more equitably share resources. Senator Chambers, in support of LB1024, argued that schools already segregated would have more administrative control over their districts to create educational opportunities for racially distinct schools by racially distinct administrators. Opposition to LB1024 was high before its passing, the Governor faced strong opposition for signing it, the Attorney General believes it is in violation of federal law and unconstitutional and Omaha’s most famous citizen, Warren Buffet, expressed his strong opposition.

Senator Chambers is the only African-American state senator who is controversial and outspoken. Many of his claims include racially provocative statements against police, school administrators, teachers, and fellow senators. By contrast, to Mayor Ryan, Senator Chambers does not appear to have a vision based on strategic thinking. Senator Chambers’ term in the Unicameral ends in 2008 and he cannot run again because of imposed term limits.

Morgan [10] offers some thoughts on social construction of reality. What he writes is people have images of themselves and these images unfold into their reality. Two leaders identified thus far have diversely different views of reality. One holds a vision of what can be for the city while the other fights against change using deeply entrenched assumptions of the power of others to shape events.

Another person, a division head of a large First Data Corporation region [11], offered some insight into strategic thinking and being visionary. In an impromptu interview, she held that having a focus on what is possible helped her rise within a company at a time when it was having serious leadership troubles. When everyone else was seeking safety, she sought innovation-providing direction when it appeared there was none. Her member services region is the western United States, Canada, and Mexico. She said, “I thrive on chaos. When things look the most confused, I see my division diversified, flattened, with empowered subordinate managers.”

Our dialogue continued on chaos with Kim conceding she manages chaos within set organizational plans and policies. This lead to her admission that she is more ordered in her expectations and spends more time planning than thinking and creating vision.

Strategic Planning

Hill and Jones [12] discuss strategic planning with the same cautions of Davis [13]. One concept of planning is doing so under uncertainties. In life and business, the only certain is uncertainty. Organizations cannot plan for the future because it is unpredictable. Another consideration is planning cannot be a top-management function alone. This “ivory tower” planning may result in senior leaders thinking in a vacuum, being enthusiastic about a plan and having no operational realities. Finally, strategic planning often suffers because planners have a short-range view of the current environment missing the dynamics of the competitive environment.

Mintzberg, et al devotes a section to “Planning’s Unplanned Troubles.” They explain that planning establishes inflexibility. They support the assertion presented above with the fallacy of predetermination. This fallacy says organizations are able to predict the direction of their environment, are able to exercise control over the environment, “or simply to assume its stability.” “Because analysis is not synthesis, strategic planning has never been strategy making.”

Reverse course a little, planning is not a bad thing when used in cohort with strategic thinking and visionary leadership. It is applying the controlling element strategy to planning that causes problems. Morgan argues in favor of plans and planning when created in a visionary framework that can evolve as circumstances change. What they insinuate in relating the tail of the “Strategic Termites” is unpredictability of organizational structure. An organization’s leader does not need a strategic plan to impose order. Order, like in a termite colony, emerges in an evolutionary way. Planning is not guided by plans rather by a sense of know what the organization wants to ultimately achieve. Ideas, action, and events occur separately but self-organizing yet apparently disorganized groups of termites seize the opportunity to initiate change.

The Future Depends On It

Seeing the future depends on foresight. Having a future view and strategically thinking of the future creates a new paradigm, part of the paradoxes already discussed. One old paradigm suggests future thought as a prediction and development of plans based on the prediction. Making plans establishes policy necessary to reach the predicted future. When the predictions fail to materialize an organization scrambles to recover. Another paradigm is the invention of the future. This means people both construe and become constrained by the structures they enact and change through practice. Gaspar [7] refers to the work of Mintzberg, et al, saying the old paradigms do not work in future thinking organizations. She tells us we must integrate a strategy that includes patterns and perspectives with planning and positioning.

Take a view of American companies 100 years ago. Of the top 12 companies 100 years ago, ten dealt in selling commodities. Today, of the top 12 U.S. companies, three deal in commodities. The remaining nine companies deal in services, manufacturing, and high technology [14]. The only thing certain is change and business leaders must learn to cope with it in order to manage it. Coping with change and managing it mean businesses can profit from it. The future of business is knowledge driven. Countries must be smart, companies must be smart, and people must be smart.

Countries, companies, and people must be equally smart at the same time. To win the future game, each of the three must anticipate and adapt to change in order to manage it effectively. Mayor Ryan admitted that government is slow to change. By example, he cited the city council established a steering committee to investigate whether the city needed to spend money for computers in the mayor’s office. The city has a web presence but the city council did not adopt an intra- and inter-city email system until the steering committee received confirmation from surrounding cities of their system usage. The mayor is 72; by contrast, the average age of the city council is about 63. Mayor Ryan recognizes the value of technology and aggressively seeks younger citizens to enter city government. He hopes forward thinking younger people will drive the risk adverse council toward active and aggressive risk management.

Senator Chambers is the longest serving Senator in the Nebraska Unicameral. He is 69 years old and suffered racial slurs and isolation from fellow senators when he took office. Slurs and threats, chalked on his capitol office door, remain and he considers these a badge. He does not appear on the senate floor in suit and tie. He wears blue jeans and sweat shirts in protest to conformity. However, Senator Chambers seems to exist in an era when racism and segregation were the norm. He rarely seeks coalition with other senators preferring to be a voice of defiance [15].

These two leaders view the future differently. While one hopes to achieve the future by recruiting younger forward thinking people into the political system, the other remains rooted in the past. Neither manages the future proactively but approach the future based on present and past experiences not through information seeking, strategic thinking, and visionary mental modeling.


This paper discussed strategy, strategic thinking and vision making, planning, and the future. These are not separate activities although the discussion presents them individually. By recognizing the Lorenz Attractor as a spiral of interacting parts of an organization, one can also find this model fits a non-linear process of thinking, vision, and planning. Seeing the future as an evolving present helps leaders comprehend that rigid policies based on formalized strategic plans inhibit response to change.

Strategic thinking and vision creation suggests that leaders continually test their mental model with new thinking and questioning – progressively looping thinking, vision, and new information into new thinking. This cycle process allows leaders to anticipate disruptions in the business cycle. Leaders who question themselves asking, “what if …” know “what if …” These leaders are future seeking and organizations employing these leaders are future seeking learning organizations prepared to change before change occurs.

This paper does not deny the value of planning as part of a strategic process. However, rigid planning that does not calculate the shifting horizon of organizational development leaves the company questioning, “What happened,” rather than “what’s happening.”

Foresight allows for strategic management, forecasting and positioning of an organization. The outcome from foresight in business is the anticipated future becoming an inevitable future.


1. Gates, B. (1996). The Road Ahead. New York: Penguin Books.

2. Taylor, J., Wacker, W. with Means, H. (2000). The Visionary’s Handbook: Nine Paradoxes that will Shape the Future of Your Business. New Youk: Harper-Collins Publishers, Inc.

3. Holy Bible. New International Version. Bible Online. Retrieved from http://www.bible.com.

4. Sanders, T. I. (1998). Strategic Thinking and the New Science: Planning in the midst of chaos, complexity, and change. New York: The Free Press.

5. Mintzberg, M. Ahlstrand, B. & Lampel, J. (1998). Strategy Safari: A guided tour through the wilds of strategic Management. New York: The Free Press.

6. Gaspar, J. (2005, August 21-24). Corporate foresight – an attempt to listen to the voices futures’ generations in the strategy making process. Future Studies Department, Corvinus University of Budapest. Retrieved June 15, 2006 from http://www.budapestfutures.org/downloads/abstracts/Gaspar%20Judit%20Abstract.pdf#search=’judit%20gaspar%20corporate%20foresight’

7. J. Ryan (personal communication, April 28, 2006) in discussion of mayoral leadership strategy in a metropolitan community.

8. Senge, P. M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The art & practice of the learning organization. New York: Currency and Doubleday.

9. Morgan, G. (1993). Imaginization: The Art of Creative Management. Newbury Park: Sage Publishing, Inc.

10. Hill, C. W. L. & Jones, G. R. (1998). Strategic Management: An integrated approach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

11. Davis, S. (1996). Future Perfect. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

12. Ong Teck Mong, T. (2006, May 7). Anticipating and Managing Change: The Key to Future Success. Asian Institute of Management 37th Commencement Ceremonies. Retrieved June 16, 2006 from [http://www.aim.edu.ph/home/announcementc.asp?id=741].

13. Ernie Chambers. (2006). Wikipedia. Retrieved May 31, 2006 from [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernie_Champers].

14. Blackman, D. A. and Henderson, S. (2004). How foresight creates unforeseen futures: the role of doubting. Futures, 36. 253-266.

15. Johnson, T. A. (2000). An Intellectual and Political Biography of Nebraska State Senator Ernest Chambers: Activist, Statesman, and Humanist, 1937-. Plains Humanities Alliance: Events. Retrieved May 31, 2006 from [http://libr.unl.edu:2000/plains/events/seminars/johnson1.html]

16. Nadler, D. A. and Tushman, M. L. (1997). Competing by Design: The Power of Organizational Architecture. New York: Oxford University Press.

17. Somasegar (No First Name) (2006, January 21). Strategic Thinking. Retrieved June 2, 2006 from http://blogs.msdn.com/User/Profile.aspx?UserID=3644.


Source by Paul Hoffman

Superanuation and Your Will


What happens if a spouse passes away and hasn’t left any beneficiary on his superannuation? Does it help if their Will is a mirror will of yours? Does that naturally qualify you for their superannuation as well?

Important questions and the following should help people understand the relevant issues. You should also be clear that this article refers to the current situation in New South Wales, Australia; laws differ from state to state and country to country.

Individuals frequently expect that their superannuation is part of their estate when they pass away. The same as any real estate, articles of value or cash in the bank. This is not always the case. Sadly, unless an individual’s will names their estate as the beneficiary of their superannuation, the dispersion of the superannuation will be at the discretion of the trustee of the superannuation fund. The trustee is only bound to the terms of the trust deed or the will, if it names the estate as beneficiary. Even if the estate is named as the beneficiary of the superannuation fund, the trustee may still decide to ignore it and focus on the trust deed of the fund.

Sometimes a spouse doesn’t designate his Estate as the beneficiary of his superannuation. Sometimes they also haven’t set up any binding or non binding assignments on the trustee of the Superannuation Fund. These would normally set out who was to get the superannuation and by definition are binding or not.

A binding nomination is the best way to go to be confident that your superannuation goes where you want it to. The trustee of the fund is bound to distribute the fund assets according to the binding nomination.

A non-binding nomination simply list the people you would like your funds to go to. The trustee is not bound to follow these instructions. They can include any dependents you had at the time of your passing including family, spouse, child or other person.

If your spouse has passed away without a binding superannuation nomination, you should appoint legal counsel at the earliest opportunity. Counsel will review the superannuation trust deed to assess how the trustee can disperse the superannuation. Your legal counsel will also be able to negotiate with the trustee for your entitlement. The fact that you can show mirror wills goes a long way to support your claim.

To sum up, it is always good practice to consult legal help when writing a will, dispersing a will or challenging a will. This assures you and your loved ones that your intentions are followed as closely as possible.


Source by Daz Giles

Things to Do in Cork, Ireland


Cork is a county located in the south of Ireland and is the largest county in Ireland. Even though it is the largest county in Ireland, it is not the capital city as Dublin takes that reign.

You can find many places to visit and things to do in Cork. You may of heard of the Blarney Stone which is located in County Cork, it is said that when you kiss the Blarney Stone, you will receive the gift of the gab.

Fota wildlife Park is also located County Cork, this is a large park where animals are allowed to freely roam so that they can be enjoyed by all of the family.

Patrick Street is the main street in Cork city and is filled with clothes shops, coffee shops, boutique shops and much more. You may enjoy a visit to the english market for some fresh seafood or fruit. This market is one of the most famous markets in Cork and a visit is highly recommended.

If you are lucky enough to be in Cork city while the Cork hurling or football team are playing in a championship game, you should definitely think about visiting Pairc Ui Chaoimh which is the stadium where Cork play their GAA games. It is located along side the River Lee which is the main river that runs through Cork City.

If you have some time to spare while visiting Cork, you should consider visiting Mizen Head which is the most southerly point in Ireland and boasts some fantastic views. It is however a long drive, from Dublin to Cork takes approximately 2 hours and then you will find that to drive deep into West Cork to visit Mizen Head may take another 3 hours. Take caution when using these roads as they are very narrow and windy and are also poorly maintained.

If you are after visiting Cork during the summer time and are looking to hit the beaches, then you are in luck as Cork is known as the sunny south east. Look for directions to Youghal, Co.Cork and you will find many beaches including a beach located in Youghal town itself which is a small fishing town. If you visit Youghal in late July or early August, bring your fishing rod and you may be in for a large catch of mackerel of the pier in Youghal.

There is a range of hotels in Cork to stay in while you are visiting and you will also find many cheap Cork hotels ranging in price from €40 to €100 if you are looking for Cork hotel.


Source by Ronan Carr

Indian World Cup Win No Fluke, Suggests Flash Cricket Simulator


Earlier this year, the Indian cricket team won the 2011 edition of the Cricket World Cup. Although India were the favourites leading into the tournament, cricket is a sport where any of the top teams can beat any other on their day. Thanks to the existence of online cricket simulators, we can try to determine what the chances were of India winning, and how the other placings should have gone.

ODI CricSim is a flash cricket simulator that determines the results of matches by crunching over 200 variables from each player’s actual world career, including the average length of a batsman’s innings, the chance of hitting a four or a six on any given ball, the bowler’s strike rate and the bowler’s economy rate. For this experiment I used the ODI CricSim engine to run 1,000 simulated World Cups based on the quarterfinal standings of the various teams. The teams for each match were the same as the teams in the actual world, and in cases where a simulated team advanced when their actual world counterpart did not, the quarterfinal team was used for their next match.

The results were as follows:

First Quarterfinal – Pakistan vs. West Indies:

Pakistan 572
West Indies 428

Second Quarterfinal – India vs. Australia:

India 576
Australia 424

Third Quarterfinal – New Zealand vs. South Africa:

New Zealand 399
South Africa 601

Fourth Quarterfinal – Sri Lanka vs. England:

Sri Lanka 568
England 432

The results from these quarterfinal matchups suggest that New Zealand beating South Africa was the biggest upset of this stage of the tournament. South Africa was the only losing team that the simulator suggested should have won. In fact, South Africa were the team with the highest simulated chance of winning their quarterfinal, which will add more heartbreak to Proteas fans who felt that this tournament was a great chance for their team to break their Cricket World Cup duck.

First Semifinal:

There were four possible matchups for this semifinal, and the following were the predicted chances that the matchup in question would have resulted:

New Zealand vs. England (172 iterations)
New Zealand vs. Sri Lanka (same as actual world) (227 iterations)
South Africa vs. England (260 iterations)
South Africa vs. Sri Lanka (341 iterations)

The simulator results were as follows:

New Zealand vs. England: NZL 105, ENG 67.
New Zealand vs. Sri Lanka: NZL 134, SRL 93.
South Africa vs. England: SAF 181, ENG 79.
South Africa vs. Sri Lanka: SAF 180, SRL 161.

Second Semifinal:

There were four possible matchups for this semifinal, and the following were the predicted chances that the matchup in question would have resulted:

India vs. West Indies (247 iterations)
India vs. Pakistan (same as actual world) (329 iterations)
Australia vs. West Indies (181 iterations)
Australia vs. Pakistan (243 iterations)

The simulator results were as follows:

India vs. West Indies: IND 197, WIN 50.
India vs. Pakistan: IND 238, PAK 91.
Australia vs. West Indies: AUS 138, WIN 43.
Australia vs. Pakistan: AUS 186, PAK 57.


There were sixteen possible matchups for the final, and the following were the predicted chances that the matchup in question would have resulted:

India vs. South Africa (157 iterations)
India vs. Sri Lanka (same as actual world) (110 iterations)
India vs. New Zealand (104 iterations)
India vs. England (64 iterations)
Australia vs. South Africa (117 iterations)
Australia vs. Sri Lanka (82 iterations)
Australia vs. New Zealand (78 iterations)
Australia vs. England (47 iterations)
Pakistan vs. South Africa (53 iterations)
Pakistan vs. Sri Lanka (38 iterations)
Pakistan vs. New Zealand (35 iterations)
Pakistan vs. England (22 iterations)
West Indies vs. South Africa (34 iterations)
West Indies vs. Sri Lanka (24 iterations)
West Indies vs. New Zealand (22 iterations)
West Indies vs. England (13 iterations)

The simulator results were as follows:

India vs. South Africa: IND 98, SAF 59.
India vs. Sri Lanka: IND 69, SRL 41.
India vs. New Zealand: IND 63, NZL 41.
India vs. England: IND 54, ENG 10.
Australia vs. South Africa: AUS 65, SAF 52.
Australia vs. Sri Lanka: AUS 57, SRL 25.
Australia vs. New Zealand: AUS 47, NZL 31.
Australia vs. England: AUS 37, ENG 10.
Pakistan vs. South Africa: PAK 22, SAF 31.
Pakistan vs. Sri Lanka: PAK 19, SRL 19.
Pakistan vs. New Zealand: PAK 14, NZL 21.
Pakistan vs. England: PAK 12, ENG 9.
West Indies vs. South Africa: WIN 13, SAF 21.
West Indies vs. Sri Lanka: WIN, SRL 14.
West Indies vs. New Zealand: WIN 8, NZL 14.
West Indies vs. England: WIN 6, ENG 7.

These results give the following percentage chances of winning the 2011 Cricket World Cup, given the quarterfinal standings and given that the simulator is accurate:

India 28.5%
Australia 20.6%
South Africa 16.3%
New Zealand 10.7%
Sri Lanka 9.9%
Pakistan 6.7%
West Indies 3.7%
England 3.6%

It is important to note here that these rankings do not reflect the relative merits of each team, but their chances of winning the tournament given the quarterfinal standings and eventual opponents in the semifinals and final. Perhaps disappointingly for the tournament itself, the two top teams met each other in the quarterfinal stages, robbing it of what would have been a titanic final between the eventual champions and the triple defending champions.


Source by Vince McLeod

UK Abrasive Products – Manufacturing and Distribution


Many products are used while finishing off any work to give it a refined look. Abrasive Equipment and Accessories are used widely across Europe to shape and polish a work piece. Rubbing of it on the materials results in the coarse removal of excess material, cleaning and calibrating a surface and are important in separating and slicing off sections of materials. They are majorly used for the purposes of buffing, drilling, grinding, sanding, sharpening, cutting and polishing.

They come in different shapes because of their different purposes, having varied properties which involves their hardness, color, chemical compositions, crystal shapes, and friability. In the UK, companies and distributors sell the bulk of Blast cleaning equipments and abrasive products directly to the customers. This enables them to deliver the highest quality product at the lowest costs.

Natural abrasives that are mostly used include garnet, cerium oxide, flint, emery, aluminum oxide and diamond. Manufactured abrasives are created through a manufacturing process as opposed to being mined from the earth. Both synthetic and natural Abrasives can be found in a wide variety of shapes and are typically bonded to a polishing wheel, made of wood, leather, canvas, cotton, plastic, felt, or a variety of other materials. The use of abrasive equipment depends upon the product and they must be chosen carefully, because if an abrasive is too rough, it will create deep grooves, resulting in more damage to the surface.

It is always advisable to seek the help of a professional while choosing abrasive systems and cleaners that are made with different levels of abrasive materials. SearchMe4 provides online local information and is a business directory for the top UK abrasive products manufacturing and distributors. The Grinding Centre is a leading independent supplier of grinding wheels, diamond dressing tools and coated abrasive products. Similarly Alpine Abrasives Ltd is a leading manufacturer of high quality abrasives and has been providing solutions for all major industrial sectors, construction, automotive repair and DIY applications all over the UK.

Carlton Abrasives, Abrasives for Industry, Saint-Gobain Abrasives and Advanced Abrasives are other reputable suppliers of abrasives and machines established in the UK since many years and are global abrasive suppliers with products sold worldwide.

For more information on Abrasive Products – Manufacturing and Distribution, visit our business directory.


Source by Malik Afzal Asif

Fuel Octane Rating – Premium or Regular?


I’m sure you’ve wondered at least a few times when filling up, if it’s worth spending more on premium fuel. Most drivers choose to bypass the premium and use the cheaper regular unleaded gasoline. But did you ever wonder what exactly is the difference between the different octanes?

Most gas stations in the U.S. offer three different octane levels:

  • 87 – Regular

  • 89 – Mid-grade

  • 91 to 93 – Premium

An octane rating, according to Exxon Mobile, measures the fuel’s ability to resist engine knocking, or pinging. The higher the octane, the greater resistance the fuel has to pinging during combustion. Certain gas stations may offer up to five different octane ratings. Other places may call their mid-grade “plus” or “special” and their premium “super”. If the description confuses you, just look at the octane level.

The Benefits of Regular Unleaded Gas

The single biggest benefit of using regular unleaded gas is the cost savings. Regular gas typically costs around 30 cents less per gallon than premium. Over the year, depending on how often you fill up, that can lead to significant savings.

When talking about the effectiveness of regular gas, the Federal Trade Commission says there are no advantages to using premium gas in cars that don’t require it. The FTC states that using a higher octane on cars that don’t require it will not lead to better gas mileage or to the car running cleaner or faster.

You can find the recommended or required gas for your bought or leased car in the owner’s manual. Today in most newer cars, the engine control systems could compensate for low octane by monitoring knock activity and adjusting ignition advance to avoid knocking. Basically, today’s sophisticated cars can effectively tune their engines on the fly.

When to Consider Mid-Grade Gas

Mid-grade lies somewhere between regular and premium. There are very few cars that require or recommend mid-grade gasoline. People whose cars require premium, will sometimes use mid-grade to save money but still use a gas that’s a higher octane than regular.

Premium Gas – Is It Worth the Cost?

Different states have different regulations regarding what represents premium, usually it starts at 91 and goes to 93. The only cars that require premium gas, are cars with a high-compression or turbocharged engines, to prevent the engine from knocking. If your car does not require the use of premium or has a low-compression engine, than there is no benefit to using premium.

Higher-compression engines require the higher octane so that the fuel doesn’t pre-ignite in the combustion process and damage the motor. Octane slows and controls the detonation of the fuel during the compression and detonation of the fuel.


Source by Emma Kalman

Samsung SCX 4600 Multifunctional Laser Printer and Toner Review


Samsung has a superb line of printer models. From black and white printers to multifunctional laser models, there is a machine for any home or office scene. The Samsung SCX 4600 is one of the more advanced models when it comes to features and functionality. For example, it is known for its high level performance for printing, copying, and scanning.

Multifunctional machines are awesome for saving space and money. Think about it…instead of buying a printer, copier, and fax machine, you can have one device that handles all the everyday tasks. Fax machines and copiers can be extremely bulky and are becoming increasingly unnecessary as printer technology expands. It is smart to have a central device like the Samsung SCX 4600 if you are looking to save space and money.

Are you familiar with AnyWeb or Easy Screen Print? These are both features of the Samsung SCX 4600. Basically AnyWeb is a software that lets users easily gather and print information without having to resize or edit projects first. You can drag content from multiple different pages and drop them into one new blank document. Easy Screen Print is great for those that perform a high number of web based projects. This lets users print the entire screen or just the open and active window. All you have to do is just press the “Easy Screen Print” button.

Another compact feature about this model is the hidden paper feeding system. Not only does this protect paper from dust, but it adds to the streamline design. The enclosed paper tray also makes for a quieter print which is ideal for any focused setting. Paper capacity is 250 pages.

A really cool feature of the SCX 4600 is the Blue Compass Navigation button. This button lets users easily scroll through organized menu options for every function. It also helps with troubleshooting and alerts users when toner is running lower, the paper is empty, and if the cover of the device is open. It also shares the status of the task at hand.

Users are reminded that compatible toner cartridge refills are an option for the Samsung SCX 4600. This should help users save money on toner refills and help preserve the environment. Another environmentally friendly benefit of this model is its compliance with Energy Star. Energy Star is devoted to supporting energy efficiency.

This model is a great option for those looking for a central device. Its sleek and compact design is not only space saving but it is reliable and economical.


Source by Paul A Buchanan

Features of a Good Registry Cleaner


When you install a new windows operating system on your personal computer or laptop, a registry folder is created. Due to faulty installation of software on your computer system, the windows registry of your computer gets corrupted. The registry will also stop proper functioning if you delete certain files from the system. When the windows registry is corrupted, your computer will hang up or you will need to reboot the system frequently. If your computer is connected with the internet then too, malicious codes may enter the registry folder from the internet. To remove these problems, you need to install an effective registry cleaner. Registry cleaners are capable of removing the defects in the windows registry.

You can purchase registry cleaner software online as antivirus software companies generally create these software. For buying a registry cleaner, you can visit various online shops. You should thoroughly read the features of the product, pricing, licensing terms, etc before confirming your order for a registry cleaner.

Choosing an effective system cleaner is very important, especially if you use the internet on your computer. A quality cleaner removes malicious codes from the windows registry, adds missing information and enhances the processing speed of the computer. Many software scanners can take a backup of old files and documents. If by mistake you have erased a file or software from your system, the registry cleaner having a backup feature can retrieve the erased files or program in the memory.

Registry tools are available in both free and paid versions. The free windows registry cleaners are available free of cost. A computer user can install a freeware on his system for scanning the window systems and programs. The full features are missing in a free window scanner and you should avoid using free software for the scanning operation. Many freewares release trojans & spywares in your computer system. The paid version of window scanners are fully featured products. You should buy a complete scanner for fixing up the problems in your computer.

The latest scanning tools are compatible with higher versions of windows operating system such as windows vista, window XP, etc. You can search online regarding various system cleaners.

Installing many programs on your computer system will also slow up the performance of your computer system. Therefore, to improve the performance of your computer, you should periodically repair windows registry with a system scanner.

Frequent hanging of program functions, automatic system restarting and low processing speed of the system will obviously impede your important business tasks. Therefore, you must get the latest registry repairing tool to get rid of all these problems. If you have already installed other security tools on your computer such as antivirus and antispyware programs then you should get a compatible scanner program. It is always preferable that you should shop for all security products from one software company. Buying maintenance software from a different company may corrupt the registry rather than cleaning it. You should also be careful about the size of the system repair tools. If your computer does not carry enough memory space then you should download a program with a smaller size.


Source by Rachna Pradhan