Car Maintenance – Will it Really Help Gas Mileage?


As gas prices continue to rise, the auto industry is out in full force touting the benefits of car maintenance. Many repair shops even have custom “fuel saver” services. While maintaining one’s car is indeed important, does it really save gas? Before we answer this, let’s step back and look at auto maintenance for today’s cars.

The first question we need to ask is – what does my car need (according to the manufacturer) for it to be considered “maintained.” Today’s cars no longer have distributor caps, rotors, points, and a variety of other ignition components – so these don’t need maintenance. Many vehicles now come with extended service parts such as 100,000-mile platinum spark plugs and life-time fuel filters. Oil change intervals have been extended to 5,000 miles or more. The 3,000-mile oil change is ancient history. Coolant flushes and transmission services aren’t needed until 100,000 miles if at all. Yet, even if we performed all the above services, will they increase fuel efficiency? Probably not. Unless your vehicle is misfiring (i.e., not running on all cylinders), you’re gas mileage is likely fine.

So what part of car maintenance adversely effects gas mileage for the average driver of a late model vehicle? Three things: tire pressure, air filters, and excess carbon.

Tire Pressure: Setting your tire pressure is free, and is the best maintenance service you can perform to maintain maximum fuel efficiency. It’s that simple.

Air Filters: Air filters can indeed get plugged after a considerable amount of driving and can then restrict air flow, which will not allow your fuel to burn efficiently. This can also cause excess carbon build-up, which can reduce miles per gallon. The good news: air filters are cheap ($15 to $30), are easy to install, and usually only need replacement every 30,000 miles.

Excess Carbon: There is another auto maintenance service that “can” help gas mileage. It’s called a fuel system cleaning service. Some repair centers call it fuel injector auto maintenance, or a fuel injection service. Simply, chemicals are added to your fuel system through a variety of orifices to clean out excess carbon deposits on your valves, pistons and intake manifold. This naturally forming carbon (in excess) is not good for gas mileage. Excess carbon absorbs gasoline, which would otherwise be used to power your vehicle. However, before you run out and spend the $150 + to have this service performed, there is one important consideration – the service will only work for vehicles that need it. In other words, yes the stuff works, but you’re vehicle may not have any excess carbon build-up. You wouldn’t wash clean clothes – right?

When you see those “fuel saver” services for $100 to $300, they’ll likely include an air filter, tire pressure check, and a fuel system cleaning service. If you’re wondering whether or not your vehicle needs it, ask yourself the following:

1) Do I use quality gasoline consistently? 2) Have I replaced my air filter at least every 30,000 miles? 3) Have I checked my tire pressure recently?

If you can answer these questions affirmatively, you’re probably ok. Buying cheap, no-name gas once-in-awhile is ok. Replacing the air filter and setting your tire pressure is common sense. Also, if you drive like grandma, get out on the highway and press the vertical pedal at your right foot “all the way to the floor” until your vehicle accelerates to speeds at which you’re not all too entirely comfortable. Then repeat a few more times. This will help clean out excess carbon – FREE – less the cost of fuel. Be careful. Watch out for cops.

In summary, follow your manufacturer guidelines for your car’s maintenance – not ones designed by those who stand to benefit most. Use name-brand fuel, set your tire pressure now and again, pop in an air filter, according to your car’s recommended interval, and don’t be afraid to drop the hammer now and again.


Source by Theodore Olson

Cowardice of Culture for Collusive Consensus – 1


Cowardice in a culture of sameness, contrived by the lameness of intellectual regression, portends the recession that harkens the end by collusive and contrived consensus. For a viewpoint arguing contrary to the herded powers of mainstream dominion, the pretended collective for the greater good intends the folly of the American Dream. As the fading echo of poetic expressions once claimed, to rebel against much and be subservient to little as possible, wiser fragments of time gather dust and lose their shine. In cowardly times, the poorly disciplined attributes of historical references, psyche portals erupted from quiet intentions to disrupt the mainstream for onslaught of heroic adventures. Yet, the more powerful elites, the oligarchies and their minions among the political aristocracies, in shadowy realms foment the collusions of herded submission. Where militant tyrannies and terroristic theologies are less cumbersome, ideologies pervade the senses with more subtle seductions. Cowardly, a culture falters to the arrogance of ignorance.

In a 21st century post-modern context, ripe with the incestuous urgings of global electronics, and associated techno-wizardry, a more profound delineation of cowardice is found. Subtle, behind the scenes, cunning linguistics, and sleight of hand memes, foolhardy notions absent credibility argue the sad defect of a mainstream gone increasingly more stupid. Well-groomed, laced to the hilt, bound to the silk, the smoothed skin arrogance of self perpetrates treacheries with purposeful stealth. For the cowards of modern times, the laptop, the cell-phone, the swipe of masked digital selfiness ejaculates the egregious fallacies of fraudulent spew. As to a coward, there are diverse representations. From an attempt at etymology, the unfolding human ecology represents admonition of centuries long past. On a simplistic spectrum, perhaps even a basic primordial range, cowardly ways are that which shuns the courage to meet a threat, a danger or a delicate probing adventure. Modernistic perspectives find cowardice more broadly applied.

Using the bully as one possible example, the weakling has changed. Bullies are cowards, but their disguises are more cunning and deceptive. Of tormentors, intimidators and oppressors, their intimidation tactics and techniques are diverse. Here, reference is not the generic movie making blather of backing away from an actually physical fist fight. Instead, it is of a deeper moral sense of individuality versus maladaptive status quo consensus. The standard issue usual template of the bully versus the victim in physical confrontation devolves to a more sinister reality. Cowardice has become more covert and deceptive, so much so, the average person will miss it.

While it does not take extraordinary effort to be smarter than the average, beyond thinking and acting at an 8th grade middle school level, most will fear the sacrifice of intellectual betterment. Regardless, cowards come in all sizes, dimensions and expressions of selfishness. From academia to government, from corporate intrigues to mass marketing consumptive gluttony, pontificating gurus of “celebrity worship” conspire to spoof their adherents. with the shortcomings of their wadded superficiality, the haughtiness of infantile narcissism respects no boundaries. For a moment pause, that suggests the origins of such dissonance as to the characterizations. From an Anglo-French to an Italian derivation, the word dissects toward a derogatory reference of a “tail” of something. In a metaphoric sense, as may be associated with the alimentary canal and the expulsion of excremental wastes, verbiage likely refers to “tucking the tail between the legs”. Or, could apply to the expressiveness of suggesting “turning tail and running”. Regardless, such descriptors take on divergent perspectives in contemporary application.

With more fascinating reference, an Old-English manifestation is that of the “cow-herd”. Or, also a “pulpit”, by which an appeal to authority castigates or otherwise discourages dissent, controversy, challenge, debate and argumentation. Other historic and philosophical distinctions suggest fearfulness related to a spiritual, physical and psychic sense of individuality. But, suffice it to say more fun can be postulated by the playfulness offered in use of “cow-herd”, or maybe a cow in a herd. In no way does the mention here reflect negatively upon hard working agriculture interests in any way. Rather, the suggestion is toward those of a fraudulent and deceitful nature. Wonderful metaphorical ascriptions can unfold in a jesting manner. This could be particularly satirical in application to politicians and political processes where hypocrisy and untruthfulness roam freely. As to that point, the modern coward resents truthfulness, facts and rationality over the expanse of logical analyses. One writer calls it the fear of honesty.

In one article from a blog about politics and society, the author lists a number of malevolent characteristics of the modern coward. Distressed that others might disagree with him or her, and that some will argue with authentic credibility, the scaredy-cat is terrified his or her “world of fiction” will be exposed for the fraud that it is. The psycho-physical weakling elevates his or her fantasies to pretentious and unrealistic expectations for self-gratification. Intentionally insulating the selfiness against the harsh realities of the real world, social media along with mainstream media ignorance reinforce nebulous notions in emotional reactivity. While lying is not particularly creative, as savvy inquisitors easily observe, the coward relies on herded collusions.

The cowardly come through loud and clear for the astute observer. In a mass-marketing culture, where everything is for sale and everything can be justified, the insidious and incessant promotion for gluttonous consumption is everywhere. In an expression of contemporary philosophical inclination, reflecting what one researcher lamented, that a lifetime of ease invites softness and weakness for the senses to please. From that, words come to mind. Soft, weak, timid, emotional and cowed. There is that reflection to the “cow-herd”, which infers intimidation, browbeaten, scared, and bullied. As such, from a vast profit-making corporate monstrosity of infotainment industry, the proliferation of scare mongering is good for business. Superficial, shallow, dishonest and deleterious to social ascendancy, the poisonous spew of bloated conjecture admonishes the independence and individuality of courageous creativity. So easily, the fear mongering colluded to the success of promoting weakness and perpetual subservience.

For the dark ages of modern times, the culture of cowardice reaches to every aspect of socio-economic interactivity. As a “herd animal”, a variety of historic philosophers accused western cultures as becoming intellectually malnourished, lazy, eager to please pretentious authorities, socially enslaved and uncreative. In rebellion to the malaise of fat and foolish complacency, a few valiant ones assert their liberation toward creative individuation. Heroic and passionate as to craft and vocation, their genius is found in their exceptionality to herded conformity. Again, as to the exhibition of their uninhibited personification, the brave ones reside in a niche of smaller contrast to the overwhelming tyranny of the massive mainstream. Quiet, courteous, humble and innovatively diligent, they are in stark contrast to the ostentatious selfiness of the crowd. There is singular and potent expression in their aloof anonymity. Building a “higher self”, theirs is not one of constantly reinforced of communal validation. Transformation is essential.

For a brevity of life chances, the cost of being human, the vast majority mirror the sentiments of past historians who assert the selfishness of the majority. Shunned conceptually and physically, many reject the nobility of individuality, separation from “cow-herd”, and solitude of ingenuity. Among the human chattel of grazing idleness, the adventurous spirited sensuality of the mature ones is frightening. As children in adult bodies cower in confrontation with such noble individuality, social media flows with deception, hypocrisy and deadly animosity. As such, the proliferation of malevolent recriminations unfolds with divisive context. Among the sluggish and contemptible, the incompetent and the impotent, societal degradation prefers the cowardice of immaturity in collective consensus. Timidity finds refuge in greater numbers.

Run, hide, and cringe, fear the mysteries lurking on the fringe. As a person enslaves himself or herself, or whatever self, around him or her others enslave themselves. In the surrounding collective, and attention is paid to that word, the status quo consensus is typically contrived by those more influential and manipulated for selfish interests. Astute investigators pay attention to key words. For the aggregated many, the group, the crowd, etc., the collusion is in the collectivism of the motivational factors. In the activism of power and control, the centrality of interaction aims to ensure a lesser role for individuality and identity and dominance of the collective. The hive, the group, and all the associated consensus building, diminishes the role of the individual and stifle imaginative creativity. Freedom, liberation of the senses, visionary creativity flourishes when the nature of individuation roams willfully free. Yet, constraints manifest in diverse ways through interaction within a multiplicity of institutional frameworks.

Unfortunately, and to the detriment of social processes, including free expression of ideas in various artistic forms, the social mainstream fears singular differentiation. Instead, for most one size fits all, one template for everything and one equation explains the simplicity of complexity. Among the worst offenders for the “free expression thereof… ” comes from the corporate monstrosities of infotainment. Politicians are easy, they fall in line quickly given the ease by which they salacious gratify their egoistic ambitions. Pundits, politicians, proselytes of collective contrivances enjoy the smug piety of their immaturity. Habituated to the collective conformity of pretentious normality, the vast majority of the populace relishes in the complacency of dulled expectations. In reference to one writer’s admonishment of contemporary society, the majority sips the bitter venom of servitude in small doses over time. Cowardice is easily embraced.

One researcher, writing about the “pussification of America”, cites with fascination the characteristics of becoming sissified. Taking liberties with the book references, and keeping an association with classical criminology, such is the intentional process of purposefully acquiescing to the lower realms of infantile narcissism. It is the many-faced purposes of clinging to the immaturity of child-like selfishness, and forsaking the viability of individual growth and maturation. Added to that, is the resistance to self-evolve into a more profound and wisely ascended individual. As to that admonition, gender is irrelevant, courage of convictions and pursuit of heroic quests become the vibrant and energetic impetus for transformation. For the stupidity of simplistic and magical thinking, the warrior pursues his or her journey of intense authentic realization. He or she fights back against the idiocy of cowardly cultural oppressions.

Added to this debasing mix of cowardly oppressions comes the rise of the “techno oligarchs”. Self-righteous smugly pious, presumed pontiffs of cyber culture, divine right of tech-aristocracy for cultural normalcy, adult children claim societal rulership. Self-centered infantile narcissism among the vast reaches of the infotainment ministries of thought control assert their domination. For the “gulags” of social media ostracizing, or the “corrective labor camps” of thought control, the power elite have new faces and old intentions. By what is really the limp and impotent immaturity of adults with privilege throwing temper tantrums like spoiled children, wealthy technocrats strive to dictate the status quo. No deviations are allowed, free speech becomes a threat, individuality is dangerous, and alternate ideas are seen as contrary to the collective. Power, control and domination over the population manifests in sinister instigations. Everyone must be the same and relish in the safe mediocrity of gluttonous consumer subservience.

For the new “robber barons”, the high-tech gurus of pretentious silicone enclaves, tech is good, tech is for everyone, tech fits all and tech is god. Those who control the nexus of the cyber networks dictate the dogmas of behavioral consistency. To deviate, to question and to resist is dangerous to the slick corporate cyber con artists. For the few and the rebellious, the true social warrior, not the fake foolish ignorant ones, differentiation to a higher state of personal being is the mission of private individuation. Speaking out and expressing conflicting and confrontational perspectives threatens the adult-child to actually consider the freedom of ideas. Tyranny is cowardice, like cultural complicity to enforce collective consistency, the cowardly invoke all manner of condescension and derision to those who resist. The force of individuality is in danger, as communal complicity reinvents the simplistic templates of sameness.

And yet, thinking outside the box, or the incestuous relationship with techno gadgetry, is challenging to the independent free thinker. Cowardice of culture for collusive consensus spans a spectrum of multiplicity in a complexity of cyber interactivity. To recall the reflection of one literary luminary of 19th century America, the antidote to social media and government abuses of liberty is the individual who demonstrates the potency of his or her character and growth. In the past, the brutality of dictatorships devalued the vitality and importance of individual creativity. As to the modern context, in an alleged democratic republic, tyrannical instigations transcend freedom of expression by diverse means. Politicians, pundits, and self-appointed proselytes of “rules for behavior”, as from techno-empires of mainstream media, subtly decry and oppress the important nature of individuality. Cowardice in culture is found in herded ideologies.

For the false bravado of hiding behind techno gadgetry, the cowards among us fear the damning terminal nature of their terrestrial existence. Villainy of all manner unfolds. As one cultural anthropologist asserted, most people are terrified by the dark terrors that life and death invite. On the one hand, extraordinary heroism, the creativity of the ascending mindfulness of individuality. Fingers of the other clap the admonition to higher enlightenment. Yet, at the same time, the hand that shakes the first one loathes the necessity of its nobility. Instead, for many, the efficacy of truth devolves to the selfish reflections of infantile self-worship. By contrast, the other dimension, or multiple psychic frameworks, demand an overcoming of mundane rudimentary subsistence. To the carnal desires of one’s eye, peering through the maze of darker intentions, resisting the heartfelt passions of ingenuity beyond self, purposes collude to perpetrate deadly inflictions.

As to the presupposition of personal divinity, the creator of loftier possibilities retreats into the malevolence of disingenuous motivations. For nothing of this is new, except for the egregious ignorance of all that has been done before. Demon or demigod, evil or potentiality of good, the duplicity struggles to know what it would. For the sake of the enslavement to the ease of status quo abatement, in the sheep filled crowds of subservient weakness, many adhere to the dominance of a lashed whipping for self-punishment of gutless weeping. As opposed to claiming the godly qualities of profound creativity, the demonic insistence to primordial collectivist absurdity profanes the essential vitality of exceptional differentiation. In the cowardice of culture for collusive consensus, negating the fearful horror of final termination, bargains and even begs illicit conspiracies for salacious personal enrichment. No limit as to the evils of timidity.

In earlier times, eras lost and gone and seldom re-discovered, the brutal disdain for cowardice expressed astonishing disgust. Shunned, avoided, cast out, and excommunicated from the realm, cowardly behaviors received severe retribution. To lose shield, sword or spear, metaphorically speaking of course, to fail to stand up for oneself exuded the sweated stench of faint-hearted childishness. Nakedly brave, unclothed by virtue of self-evolving uninhibited bravery claims the divinity of individual distinction. From a diverse more dynamic metaphysical perspective, heroism in the unique madness to claim courage, to overrule fearfulness, the valiant warrior asserts his or her liberation in personal transformation. By prosocial activity in selfless service, imaginative ascendancy in genre of artful invention, he or she labors strongly to go beyond the commonplace. By an assortment of settings in modern times, personal warfare has many fronts. As to that, courage of convictions frightens the cowardice of culture for collusive consensus.


Source by Randy Gonzalez

Alcohol, Aging, and Curing Cancer


Recent media coverage has been devoted to the ability of alcohol to extend human life span. A rather insolent statement considering the historical barrage of disparaging findings regarding alcohol and its secondary ill health effects. However, if we isolate this one finding without examining the broader context of alcohol’s adverse health effects, in the long run, we probably do more harm than good.

Using Albert Einstein’s famous equation,


I have formulated the Time Longevity equation. By replacing the velocity of light coefficient with its equivalent velocity variables (distance/time), I have generated the Time or Longevity equation. Time equals the square root of distance squared times mass times the inverse of energy. I have proclaimed this formula, The Rainer Time Longevity Equation.

Rainer’s Time Longevity Equation

T=√D2x M x 1/E

Rainer’s Time Longevity Equation states that an organism’s life span is interdependent on three variables. Those three variables are Distance (D), Mass (M), and Energy (E). Animals of various species, including man, may alter these three variables in order to prolong life. Since time is relative to movement through space, animals may slow the aging process by forward movement through space. The greater the distance covered, the greater the positive impact on longevity. Animals that have the capacity to fly have an increased (D) variable compared to their non flying counterparts. Likewise, animals that typically fly or swim large distances will have a similarly increased life span. In short, caging migratory animals equates to a death sentence. The Galapagos Tortoise for example, has capitalized on all three variables of Distance (D), Mass (M), and Energy (E) in order to maximize its average life span of 150 years. The tortoise shuttles through the ocean’s currents (Increased D); It possesses a large inert shell that requires no metabolic maintenance (Increased M); Tortoises possess exceedingly slow movement with a similarly decreased metabolic rate (Decreased E).

Man has achieved greater longevity through modernization which includes amongst other things, more rapid travel modalities (Increased D). Air travel has helped push man’s life span to higher limits. Space travel shows even greater promise in extending man’s life span. Increased Mass allows larger mammals to extend their life span by increasing the (M) variable. Man may also alter time by manipulating the Mass (M) variable. Ancient Egyptians brilliantly utilized this fact by spending time residing in pyramids. Bear in mind, that a pyramid by virtue of its construction, is virtually entirely mass. Modern French researchers were astounded when they placed a dead cat and raw fresh meat in the interior of the Great pyramid, only to find both items exquisitely preserved days later. Likewise, Dinosaurs improved their life span by virtue of their enormous mass.

Lastly, this brings us to Energy (E), the final variable of the Rainer Time Longevity Equation. Given that time or longevity has an inverse relationship to energy (E), all things that decrease Energy will invariably increase time. However, I would like to point out that items that decrease the (E) variable and therefore increase longevity, may not necessarily improve the quality of life. Items that decrease the Energy (E) component and cause a decrease in Basal Metabolic Rate and secondarily increase longevity, include the following: love, marriage, hibernation, sleep, coma, stupor, caloric reduction, prayer, meditation, medicinal substances that suppress the central nervous system.

This brings us to the discussion of alcohol. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Furthermore, it decreases brain endorphin production. Alcohol may increase longevity by decreasing the Energy (E) variable thus reducing Basal Metabolic Rate. However, we must not overlook the obvious ill effects that alcohol has on our overall health. Alcohol causes brain atrophy, liver cirrhosis, and promotes the formation of various types of cancer. Alcohol in a broader context has damaging effects on the body. Additionally, by reducing endogenous brain endorphin levels, alcohol robs our subconscious mind of its creativity and severs our link with God. Alcohol steals our ambition which, many may argue, is our chief purpose for existence.

Invariably, future studies will likely support findings that opiates such as heroin and codeine increase longevity by inducing a comatose state. But few would claim that periodic heroin use is beneficial in improving one’s life. Let’s not be seduced into accepting isolated research findings as virtuous advances. Embracing a morally sound lifestyle shows the most promise in extending and improving the quality of life. Enhancing endogenous brain endorphin production by routine exercise and meditation, facilitates a quality lifestyle. Naturally, man desires a longer life span. Likewise, an associated increase in life span will occur as man adopts the following lifestyle and behavior modifications: swifter travel modalities (increased D); decrease in obesity(decreased E); acquire more sleep (decreased E); prayer (decrease E);universal love (decrease E); consumption of minimal amounts of wine (decrease E); reside in structures composed of denser building materials (increase M) such as granite high rises.

I would like to add a caveat while on the topic of Energy (E). Contrary to current popular belief and aside from acute injury, a lower bone density contributes to a longer life span. High bone masses require increased metabolic rates to maintain. Likewise, an increased Basal Metabolic Rate shortens life span. As Man evolves, he sacrifices the development of high bone density for superior brain development. Asian ethnic groups, known to have the lowest bone density, likewise have the longest life span. Hence, lower bone density promotes longer life. This may ultimately encourage the use of medicinal agents targeted to enhance osteoclast activity (cells that reabsorb bone tissue) in order to improve life span. Additionally, this may discourage the use of aggressive medicinal treatments used to build bone in order to prevent osteoporosis.

The human body, given its fine tuning due to an extensive evolutionary process, capitalizes on the energy (E) component of the Time Longevity equation. The body utilizes fever as a weapon to combat bacterial and viral offenders. By raising the body’s core temperature when faced with a crisis, effectively increasing Energy (E), the body’s immune system selectively shortens the life cycle of the offending bacterial or viral agent. Hence, fever can assist the body in its effort to destroy infecting organisms. However, the body must precipitously drop the temperature once the offending threat has been thwarted in order to circumvent its own demise. Fever, although an effective defensive tool, can also prove extremely hazardous if left unchecked. Severe systemic infections may increase the basal metabolic rate (E) beyond limits compatible with life.

We must also avoid the temptation to implement detrimental behavior patterns in an effort to extend life span. This is particularly true if newly adapted practices jeopardize the quality of life or blunt the creativity of the human mind. Our minds are our cherished tools that serve as the link to connect us to our higher power. Our minds resonate with one another allowing us to share our creativity and inspiration which may then develop into a material equivalent. No substance, compound, or medicinal agent should ever compromise this higher cerebral function. Our minds empower our capacity to connect to one another, our environment, and with God. We live to promote our thought capacity for now and beyond. Our bodies merely serve as our mind’s temporary housing. Alcohol excess can evoke the brain’s capacity for addiction, a biological disease. In all fairness, two glasses of red wine consumed on a weekly basis may have some positive health benefits. Red wine with its antioxidant properties coupled with relaxants, may enable us to cope with life’s rigors. But stronger types of alcohol such as whiskey, bourbon, rum, and vodka often tax the capacity of our liver’s detoxification capabilities and therefore cause systemic illness.

Time travel is also implicit to this discussion. As we photograph a tennis player strike a ball without the aid of a freeze frame lens, we see that motion is composed of a sequence of independent movements separated by distance and time. Likewise, photographing our solar system gives us the same effect. Photos of seemingly independent planets appear separated only by distance. But, however, this is effectively one of the same. Our solar system is the evolution of one planet only– Earth. Mars is earth’s future and Venus is earth’s past. The volcanoes on Mar’s surface are merely eroded Great Pyramids of Egypt. The eerie face peering at us from Mar’s surface is our own Great Sphinx looking towards the heavens. However, the dimension of time is well into our future. Time travel is before our eyes. What appears as a seemingly array of independent objects separated by various distances is merely one of the same. Given the temperature variation of Mars, global warming then becomes a moot point.

Let’s turn our sights to one of our most challenging issues, cancer. Is there a cure in sight? We race to find a cure but we must force ourselves to look beyond the narrow scope of our lens. Increasing distance (D) and mass (M) while decreasing energy (E) will not only increase life span but also may hold the definitive key to cancer’s cure. If we focus on energy (E), from a metabolic standpoint, we make reference to Basal Metabolic Rate. Whatever variable decreases basal metabolic rate likewise decreases the incidence of cancer. Current medical standards must be revised. At best, our attempts to preserve bone mass by medicinal means is in fact an absolute route to promoting the formation of cancer. Raising bone density increases metabolic rates. An increase in Basal Metabolic rate increases energy (E) which in turn shortens longevity (T). Hence, increasing bone density increases cancer. An increase in metabolic rate is an increase in energy (E) which causes a decrease in time longevity (T). Medicinal agents that increase bone density in post menopausal years directly shorten life span. God’s naturally occurring hormonal transition has been correct all along. The production of progesterone in women’s twilight years with the corresponding decline in bone mass potentiates the duration of life. Cancer is merely the byproduct of stimulating basal metabolic rates to an extreme thus creating a cellular replicating, self perpetuating vortex. We cannot eliminate this vortex by applying more energy such as radiation. In fact, we must do the very opposite. Hence, the promise for an absolute cure for cancer lies in the basal metabolic reductive capacity of cryogenics and frigid cold baths.

The following items below decrease energy (E) or Basal Metabolic Rate and therefore help PREVENT CANCER and increase Life Span:

– Decrease in Basal Metabolic Rate

– Decrease in Bone Density

– Osteoblast inhibitor

– Antibiotics

– Sleep

– Hibernation

– Estrogen Blocker (Tamoxifen)

– Osteoclast activator

– Meditation

– Coma

– Prayer

– Exercise

– Sex

– Love

– Classical and Jazz Music

– Relaxation

– Laughter

– Caloric Reduction

– Fasting

– Progesterone

– Depo Provera

– Excessive Cold

– Moderate Wine

– Lupron

– Decreased Body Mass Index

The items listed below increase Mass (M) and therefore help PREVENT CANCER and increase Life Span:

– Residing in the Great Pyramid of Egypt

– Residing in Stone House

– Residing in a Cave

– Burrowing and residing underground

The items listed below increase Distance (D) and therefore help PREVENT CANCER and increase Life Span:

– Space travel

– Flying

– Migration

– Forward Movement

– Swimming

The items listed below increase energy (E) or Basal Metabolic Rate and therefore CAUSE CANCER and decrease Life Span:

– Increase in Basal Metabolic Rate

– Increase in Bone Density

– Osteoclast Inhibitor

– Cigarettes

– Infection

– Fever

– Carcinogenic exposure

– Excessive Heat

– Genetic Predisposition

– Bacterial exposure

– Viral exposure

– Obesity

– Osteoblast Activator

– Sleep Deprivation

– Hate

– Anger

– Stress

– Fosomax

– Androgenic Steroids

– Unopposed Estrogen

– Cocaine

– Excessive Sun

– Mifepristone (RU486)

The items listed below decrease Mass (M) and therefore CAUSE CANCER and decrease Life Span:

– Residing in a trailer

– Residing in a tent

The items listed below decrease Distance (D) and therefore CAUSE CANCER and decrease Life Span:

– Sedentary lifestyle

– Stasis or staying still

*Some items listed above are currently theoretical and require case-control study to be regarded as scientific fact

Optimizing the physical laws of nature will assist us as we make progress in increasing longevity and eradicating cancer as a health menace. We must carefully observe and analyze many of nature’s obvious examples of perfection and harmony. These examples in nature all have purpose and intent and have required exponential years of evolutionary trial and error. As man universally harmonizes in the spirit of love, all things will ultimately be achieved.


Source by Robert E Rainer

Importance of Power Saving


It has been noticed and observed with great care and attention that the power saving concept is becoming common day by day. This issue has always been taken into account that the concept of power saving is vital and important because the entire world has been getting a crisis in this aspect. It is the need of the hour that we should start giving some serious attention in this area to overcome this mess and nuisance as soon as possible. Due to advanced type of research and advancement in this sector, many efficient and effective schemes have been proposed by the experts and technicians to get the task done in the best possible way. To save the power is a kind of challenging task of each and every individual. Read on further and you will be able to get to know about the importance of power saving in a detailed way. In this way, all of your queries and questions will be solved right away.

It has always been the question that why power saving is important! To come up with a reliable answer and also with some facts, it has been viewed that to reduce the amount of electricity bills, power saving is important. As we know that the costs of gas, electricity, food and fuel have been increasing day by day. They are rather on seventh cloud. Various and maximum number of tips have been introduced up till now that suggest and recommend the ways to save the power in a best possible way.

This is only a tip of the ice berg! We really need to save the power. Because this is the only way face this particular crisis efficiently and effectively. Advanced types of products have been setting up in the markets that do consume less amount of power. You can easily and conveniently invest these particular electric saver products right away. Get up and go and make the best choice for you. This piece of writing will surely let you know about the significance of power saving in the best way and manner.

It has also been viewed that majority number of countries are facing critical type of situation. To make their economy strong, to cut down their costs in each and every sector, there exist a serious need for them to know the importance and significance of power saving in a detailed and précised way. Try to go for those reliable products that consume less amount of energy and also help and guide the individuals to come up with lesser amount of electricity bills.

Hence, from the above mentioned discussion it is quite and rather evident that the importance of power saving is of immense importance! Efforts and attempts are being done to bring out the best part from the reliable schemes been introduced up till now. Hopefully, in the future time period, we will be able to overcome this hurdle as soon as possible. That day is not so far when we will be saving the power in a best possible way.


Source by Aaliya Twain

The Best Christmas Toy – A New Red Tricycle


You never forget your first bike, right? If you’re thinking of getting a bike for your favorite child this year, make it an awesome a memory.

The outdated boring tricycle of our childhood has been replaced by new trikes that are much safer and have cooler accessories. The old red tricycle of times past is still a favorite but it has grown up. Generally speaking, tricycles are substantially safer and have more bells and whistles – literally – than the bikes we had. If you plan to give a trike as a gift for your child this year, here are some things to know as you make your selection.

1. Anti-Tipping

The leading criticism about some of the new styles of trikes is how easily it is to tip over. While some bicycles are constructed with handlebars shaped with a rounded curve, other tricycles are created with a straight-across design. A child who is riding a bike for the first time might not realize how much effort it takes to steer the bike. The child could unintentionally over correct and turn too far to the other side, thus tipping the bike to one side. Then, if the child loses confidence, they might lean too much and make contact with the ground.

Some bicycle designers are well aware of this simple fact when they plan new models. They will typically design the tricycle to have a lower center of gravity or will have a wider wheel base. A curved or longer handlebar is one fix that can be made. The modifications have made it simpler for the bike to remain upright. Though counter-intuitive, a bike is easier to control if it is moving.

2. Inexpensive Plastic or Welded Steel?

The bicycles from our childhood that still exist were in all likelihood made from steel, not plastic. Heavy steel. This durability created a bicycle that could tolerate the rigors of years of use. Radio Flyer was one of the very first companies to use the hollow steel construction in mass produced bicycles, offering strength without adding a lot of extra weight. Throughout World War II the use of plastics increased and many kids toys were converted to plastic as well.

Bicycles and trikes were redesigned to a plastic version but they couldn’t compete with the quality of a steel frame. The classic “Big Wheel” was an example of that. If you’ve even been fortunate enough to see a 20 year-old Big Wheel, it most likely didn’t look like it survived the decades very well. The modern-day steel bicycles are strong and durable while still being lightweight enough for a child to manage. The best choice in a bike or trike is steel construction, good quality rubber tires and a comfortable seat.

3. Additional Options

What tends to make a bike cool is the amenities and accessories. Kids aren’t the only ones who really like accessories; we grown ups really like our fancy add-ons, even if it means shelling out a few extra dollars. Youngsters are the same. They want the cool colors, tires, streamers, bells and lighting. There’s barely a manufacturer that doesn’t also include things like wire mesh storage baskets and toy GPS devices for their bikes.

Speaking of GPS units, I’ve heard of some parents getting a tracking unit that is permanently connected to the bike as an additional safety benefit.

4. Helmets

When riding a bike, a youngster should always wear an authorized safety helmet. Numerous devastating brain injuries result from simple tumbles from a bicycle. Those of us from a prior generation rode bicycles all day long without helmets! I’m in that group as well. That being said, our technology is much better now and while the chances are tiny that it will be your child who gets seriously harmed, it’s not worth the risk. It will give you great satisfaction if you know your child has the best protection you can provide them.

Dream big and get that amazing brand new bike to place next to the Christmas tree! Go to your local hobby store and pick up the largest red bow you can find. Tie it to the handlebars and watch the magic happen!


Source by Janie Peterson Waege

Living In Harmony With Nature In Melbourne’s Sustainable Homes


In today’s day and time, helping to conserve nature by reducing our carbon footprint and wastage should be one of the first priorities as human beings. Therefore, I think the first step we can take is by setting up our very intimate living area in a sustainable manner. Which is why I have compiled a list of the best sustainable homes in Melbourne that take care of nature even while enjoying all the amenities to make life comfortable.

• Ferreira House, Hamilton Hill

This standalone house is supported by Solar Dwellings and The Forever Project. This spacious home has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Chris who is the owner of the house began retrofitting his house, which belongs to the 1950, and now he has opened the garden to visitors to show how it has bloomed to life! He has tours that provide food production workshops, soil improvement, fertiliser use and how to use different plants for natural heating and cooling purposes! Imagine the number of possibilities this house offers for all of us to take home.

• Lake Weyba Drive House, Noosaville

This house entirely runs on solar energy! This house has been built with one concept in mind, which is to maximise the electricity production and then minimise the consumption thus promoting economic use of energy. The house has also a very precise mechanism to charge a fully electric car. The surplus energy is transported back to the grid. The house has produced around 48 Kilowatt hours per day for three consecutive years and has used only 9 Kilowatt per day which is quite impressive! The house also processes wastage from food and the garden is used for food production and even the front of the house has some low-maintenance native plants.

• Ben Boyd Road House, Neutral Bay

This house was built in the site of a burnt out bungalow. The new house is built in the old house’s model. The house has a 5 Kilowatt photovoltaic system that provides energy to all the electrical systems in the house. When the house was built, the old common bricks were stored, the brick cavity was insulated that reduced wastage. The house has a rainwater tank built of cast concrete that captures the entire roof rainwater, which is then processed to be used as drinking water.

• Solar Sollew, Seaholme

This house has used sustainable methods to the maximum for making a very environment friendly house. The house has their essential features listing with the following: Food production with the help of seeding-raising greenhouse, the landscaping is completely indigenous; there are systems for water collection and re-use, implementation of grey water irrigation technique, and a lot more. The house comes with a 9.1 energy rating.


Source by Mousumi Gharami

Xbox Easy Fix – Learn About Xbox 3 Blinking Red Lights (Red Circle of Death)


Since you are reading this article, I assume you are looking for information regarding Xbox red circle of death or 3 blinking red light fix. Well then sit tight and keep on reading. After reading this article you will no longer be in any confusion about where to go for an Xbox easy fix.

In most of the times we need to go for an Xbox red circle of death fix when our Xbox gets in trouble with problems like system overheating which is believed to be the reason in 20% to 30% red ring of death cases. But as a matter of fact, if you follow few simple steps, you should be able to prevent this irritating problem before its hits your machine.

Step: 1 Put your console at an open space

This is very much important. Although it may sound a bit strange but it is the fact that like you, your precious Xbox needs air to live. When you run the console, like any other electronic gadget considerable amount of heat generates within the system which is needed to be driven out of the box. If this heat gets trapped inside the machine then this may lead towards problems like system overheating and you may see that red circle of death fix around the power button. Therefore, it is important that you keep your console at an open space so that the ventilation system can work properly.

Step: 2 Playing for longer hours? Give it a break!

Well this is quite obvious isn’t it? You play for a long time and you will find your Xbox all fried up. This is a natural process and to deal with it, you will need to give your Xbox a break once or a while. If you feel the machine is getting a bit too heated then simply turn it off and keep it that way for an hour or so.

Step: 3 Give additional support to the cooling fan if necessary

Now another reason for which you may need an Xbox easy fix can be the cooling fan planted inside the console is not working properly. If this is the reason why your Xbox is getting overheated then try to provide that malfunctioning cooling fan some extra support by setting up a fan beside the Xbox. This might help you to cool off the machine a bit.


Source by David Shell

Commercial HVAC Systems Provide Healthy Indoor Air


Maintaining a healthy indoor air quality is one of the most important jobs of any commercial HVAC system. There is not much you can do about breathing in smog, allergens, airborne bacteria or pollutants outdoors. However, once you’re in your own building it’s up to you what kind of air you’d like to breathe. It’s generally accepted that it’s healthier to breathe in clean, filtered air. Breathing in indoor pollutants and chemicals from every day cleaners can lead to long term health consequences. This is why it’s absolutely necessary for your commercial HVAC installation to be maintained and have the air filters changed regularly. Having access to fresh air via proper ventilation can also help alleviate the concentration of lung irritants.

Indoor air is now known to often be more polluted and dangerous to human health than outdoor air even in large populated cities. The majority of people spend their time indoors. In your building, whether it’s full of tenants or employees, it’s your responsibility to help reduce these risks to their health by keeping the air they breathe clean. If your employees are using toxic materials on a regular basis, in addition to providing proper breathing filters, you should also keep up with regular maintenance of your commercial air conditioning unit to filter the air indoors. If a building is used as a factory or warehouse which is dusty or produces particles which can collect in the air, air filters should be changed more often than in any traditional setting. People who are particularly in danger of the effects of breathing in polluted indoor air are young children, elderly people, those with certain illnesses such as heart disease or respiratory problems.

Your commercial HVAC system will need to be able to filter out a wide variety of particles from the air each day. Allowing smoking in the building can increase indoor pollutants dramatically. Common cleaners, furnishings, dust, dirt, mold, airborne bacteria, fumes from paints, insulation containing asbestos, and even furniture can release pollutants into the air every day. Major sources of indoor pollution are oils, kerosene, wood, coal, and gases.

Indoor air pollution may be the result of contaminated commercial air conditioning ducts and ventilation systems, poor commercial HVAC maintenance, and poorly located outdoor air intakes. Health problems can be avoided by performing regular maintenance on the commercial HVAC installation, controlling the indoor pollution sources, increasing air ventilation throughout the building, and using air filtering devices. Opening windows can help alleviate sudden spikes in indoor air pollution. Keeping air supply vents clear can also have a positive impact on indoor air quality as well.

Many of the long term health effects that result from poor indoor air quality are noticed several years after being exposed to the pollution. The only way to prevent your employees or tenants from getting long term health problems from poor air quality is to properly maintain indoor pollution levels to a minimum. People who live and work in buildings which have high quality clean air are happier, healthier, and over all more productive.


Source by Brian Figlioli

Fresh Ideas on a Healthy Lifestyle for You and Your Family


Wish to live a long and lead healthy lifestyle? Then it’s time to do something about your habits and about the way you live. Let’s take a look at a few practical, fresh and useful tips on healthy lifestyle for you and for your family.

It’s all about planning, instead of dreaming.

There is a big buzz in the society about healthy lifestyle. It is fashionable and trendy. So, many people dream about how they would start a new and healthier life. Dreams are good, but they won’t do you much good in regards to a healthy lifestyle, unless you start planning things.

Shifting to a healthy lifestyle for the entire family is even harder. It does take tons of practicality and planning. So, where do you start? You start by discovering your unhealthy habits and doing some practical planning to change them. This may include meal planning, grocery shopping planning, eat out planning, etc.

One of the things you can do to significantly improve your lifestyle is to change your diet. And one of the key things to do here is to start cooking more meals at home. Yes, it can be hard and troublesome. But the fact is that you get full control over your eating habits, if you cook at home and plan your meals and your grocery shopping.

First of all, you can start by throwing away your fryer or at least but cutting down the amount of food you cook in it. Foods cooked in oil are not healthy. So, you should plan your meals ahead of time to avoid getting tempted to cook something fast in your fryer.

This also means getting in control of your grocery shopping. Avoid ready made foods or half made foods. Put together your shopping list way before you go shopping. Put whole grains, fresh veggies and meats or fish instead of ready made foods, snacks, chips and other junk food. Most ready made snacks are very unhealthy. Plan your shopping so that you can substitute them with healthy lifestyle alternatives, such as nuts, seeds, veggies or whole grain breads or cookies.

Once you learn to shop healthy, then you can more easily shift to a healthy lifestyle.

And, you would get more control over your eating habits. If your home is stuffed only with healthy foods, then no matter how much you crave for the unhealthy ones, you just would not have much choice.

So, as you may see, you gain much more control, if you plan your cooking and your food shopping. The next one of the healthy lifestyle tips is to learn planning your nights out dining. Start by looking up healthy foods restaurants in your neighborhood. Check out their special offers, discounts and other things to benefit from. Then start planning your nights out or your eating out in those restaurants.

This would help you to gain more control over your healthy lifestyle eating even when you eat out of your home.

Hopefully, these easy and practical tips on healthy lifestyle and planning would help you to start changing your habits towards healthier and happier living.


Source by Vitaliy Knysh

Northern Pike Recipes: Ideas You Can Use


Do you need a recipe for that big Northern you just caught? Northern Pike recipes range from the traditional to the exotic. However you prefer to cook it, there are a few preparation tips to keep in mind.

First of all, get rid of the “y” bones by filleting the Northern. Those bones are one of the main reasons some people say they don’t like to eat pike. Learning to fillet may seem difficult at first, but after a little practice you’ll wonder why you haven’t used the technique more. A northern pike meal is even better when you don’t have to worry about bones. After filleting, the fish will keep a couple of days under refrigeration, but the sooner you eat it the better. You can freeze the fish for later, either individual pieces or the whole fish; freezing the fish in water with sea salt or broth will add extra flavor. To preserve the texture, thaw the fish slowly in the refrigerator rather than under running water.

Northern pike can be successfully baked, fried, steamed, grilled, smoked, poached or used in pie or stew. Because the flavor is very mild, the fish can be combined with many different ingredients such as lemon, parsley, potatoes and onions, mushrooms, green pepper, carrots, tomatoes, lime, green onion, different kinds of cheese and many spices.

If you decide to bake or fry the Northern, you can dip it in egg or milk and then roll it in a variety of coatings. (Some Northern pike recipes suggest soaking the fish in milk for an hour or so in the refrigerator before you bread it.) You can get creative using flavored bread crumbs, corn flakes, crushed potato or nacho chips, or pancake mix or use traditional boxed fish coatings. When you combine these with spices such as cayenne pepper and lime or lemon juice and your favorite vegetables, the possibilities are nearly endless. Serve the Northern with rice or potatoes and a green salad for a very healthy meal.

My favorite Northern Pike recipe (if you can call it that) is catching, filleting, and pan frying the fish for a fresh shore lunch!


Source by Dave Selleck