Faster, Quicker Stronger: Intravenous Nutrient Therapy for Optimal Health


As a Naturopathic Doctor, I am privileged with education and experience using a multitude of treatment options for my patients, including various natural medicines as well as conventional medicines. However, the exact therapy or “tool” used to treat patients is not as important as what the goal of treatment is…. That is, to treat the underlying cause of disease. In the many treatment modalities I utilize, one particular therapy I find exceptionally helpful in treating both chronic and acute conditions, using natural vitamins, minerals, botanicals, antioxidants, homeopathics, and other nutrients. The therapy I am referring to is called Intravenous Nutrient Therapy, or IVNT. There are times when various factors inhibit the body’s usual ability to heal itself, such as exceptional stress, nutritional deficiencies, certain medical conditions, etc, where the immune system is unable to function at its best level. In certain situations, IVNT provides the missing link in achieving optimal health benefits from natural medicine. Before continuing to explain why IVNT is so beneficial, first we need to discuss why oral supplementation and healthy diet alone may sometimes need a boost to achieve results.

Nutrient Depletion Despite Super-Supplementation

Very often, I encounter patients who have modified their diets, are taking high quality and appropriate supplements and nutrients, yet still are not experiencing expected improvements. Sometimes they are already on these programs when they show up to my office, yet sometimes they are established patients that have not achieved desired result from treatments. Is the answer that they are taking the WRONG supplements and nutrients? Maybe. Is it possible that they are taking low quality, minimally absorbable supplements? Perhaps. Is it possible that there is something else causing their symptoms? Possibly. However, perhaps they are taking the right type of supplements and treatment plan, the diagnosis is correct, but something else going on….

The Problem of Absorption

In order to have a therapeutic effect, nutrients need to be adequately absorbed and delivered to the cell. Even with the very best, highest quality, most expensive supplements there are issues that prevent adequate absorption nutrients derived through oral supplementation and foods. For some people, these issues can be corrected over time with natural medicine, yet for others, malabsorption may be a long-term condition.

Many factors are needed to elicit optimal absorption and delivery of nutrients, including:

  • Optimal gastrointestinal health: when nutrients are taken orally, the gastrointestinal track needs to break down foods and supplements to release the core nutrients, and transport those nutrients to the blood for delivery to the cells requiring them. This requires many steps and is dependent on numerous variables to be intact, including optimal enzyme activity, proper acid production, healthy gut flora, healthy gastrointestinal lining free of inflammation and irritation, absence of “bad” bacteria, healthy parastaltic tone (pumping action of the GI tract), as others.
  • Healthy liver function: after the nutrients are transported to the blood, they are then delivered to the liver for filtering and detoxification before having opportunity to reach other cells in the body. This is referred to as “first pass metabolism.” A compromised liver can make certain nutrients inactive, ineffective, or bound for excretion before given the opportunity to have their effect in the body.
  • Healthy cell membranes: cell membranes contain energy requiring pumps to maintain proper levels of essential nutrients inside the cells. Often nutrients need to be in higher concentration inside the cells compared to outside the cell. In any mixture of substance, there is a natural predisposition for solutes (aka nutrients, minerals, etc) to flow from levels of high concentration to lower concentration, which is called the “concentration gradient.” This is analogous to an overcrowded train. People in the overcrowded train will tend to move to an empty train if one is available, so there is more space to breath. However, it would take a little force to squeeze in additional people into an over packed train, requiring some shoving and pushing to make room. Similarly, in order to keep higher levels of nutrients inside the cell where they can do repair and healing, the cell membrane needs to be healthy, and have enough energy (ATP) to fuel the pumps to transport the nutrients from outside the cell (the empty train) to the inside of the cell (crowded train) against the “concentration gradient.” This is called “active transport”.

Most People Have Suboptimal Absorption

Nutrient, vitamin and mineral absorption from both foods and supplements are suboptimal in most people. Many essential minerals have as little as 1% absorption, and most only have 10-25% absorbed and available to the cells in healthy adults. This is often related to suboptimal functioning of the systems involved in absorption due to various causes.[i] [ii]

  • Most people have some degree of gastrointestinal compromise, even when that is not their major complaint. As a naturopathic doctor, I always look to gastrointestinal health as an initial cause of disease. So many diseases and symptoms have direct correlation with gastrointestinal compromise because this leads to malabsorption of nutrients necessary to maintain health! If the body is starving for nutrition, it starts to decay and breakdown. There are numerous factors in modern society contributing to such widespread gastrointestinal dysfunction, which cannot always be avoided. Poor diet, inflammatory foods, processed foods, transfatty acids, environmental toxins (heavy metals, PCB’s, pesticides, dioxins, smog), chronic medication use, synthetic hormones, bacteria, viruses, Candida, fungus, chronic stress, and so on all engender decreased gastrointestinal health. With sub-par gastrointestinal function, is it a surprise that most people are unable to absorb nutrients requiring optimal gastrointestinal function?
  • We as a society tend to ascribe to the thinking of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” As a naturopath, I hope to change this thinking to “If it ain’t broke, lets keep it that way!” Not as catchy. However, until this paradigm shift fully occurs, people tend to seek healthcare when they are already sick or starting to have symptoms. By that time there is already diminished function down to the cell itself, with decreased energy production causing compromised membrane function. To recall, membrane pumps require energy to bring in essential nutrients and transport out toxins. This becomes a Catch 22 situation: nutrient depletion and toxins lead to cellular dysfunction, decreased energy production and “disease”; this leads to impaired membrane pumps required to maintain optimal intracellular nutrient levels and export of toxins (the cellular trash); often the nutrients may be present in small concentration surrounding the cell; if the cell could take those nutrients inside the cell, they would help promote healing and repair; however, the cell may be too sick or energy depleted to fuel the pumps required to bring those nutrients in! This is why many people taking wonderful supplements and eating a whole food diet may not experience the improvements they expect. Their cells are not healthy enough to get healthy!!!!

Some Medicinal Effects of Nutrients Only Achieved At High Levels

Though nutrients may have numerous effects in the body, some of these effects are only attained after reaching very high levels. For example, vitamin C has been demonstrated to have an antiviral effect at high serum concentrations of 10-15 mg/dL.[iii] These levels are not achievable via oral route even in a healthy individual. The highest plasma concentration achieved through oral administration of vitamin C is 9.2 mg/dL. [iv] This means that no matter how much vitamin C someone ingests, they will be unable to raise their blood levels beyond a certain point. To put that in perspective, a standard, preventative dose of 2.5 grams/day of vitamin C will only raise the serum concentration to about 1.2-1.5 mg/dl. Even if we could achieve higher and higher serum concentrations from super dosing of vitamin C, such high oral dosing often causes disagreeable gastrointestinal side effects such as diarrhea and nausea. A similar effect is found with magnesium supplementation, where oral supplementation has a peak serum concentration beyond which even super-dosing with oral magnesium cannot surpass.

Playing The Game of Nutritional “Catch-Up”

Another factor hindering fast and significant improvement from healthy diet and supplementation is that by the time healthy regimens are implemented, the body may be so depleted that it needs a long time to “catch up”. In addition, many people are basing adequate supplementation levels on the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) guidelines, which are levels intended to avoid deficiency induced diseases, but have little to do with levels promoting optimal health. Therefore, most individuals are nutrient deficit, which requires even higher amounts and longer periods of time to “catch up”. This effect is further compounded when considering the multiple factors that hinder absorption discussed above (gastrointestinal health, cellular absorption capacity, etc). Often nutrients are used therapeutically in levels over and above what are necessary for baseline function (homeostasis), so it follows that before one can achieve such benefit, they must first raise their levels to baseline. The body needs to be out of debt before it can make a nutritional profit!

Overcoming The Obstacles Using Intravenous Nutrient Therapy: A Safe, Effective, and Natural Method To Achieve Optimal Health

With so many obstacles to achieving therapeutic benefit from vitamins, minerals and nutrients, does that mean we should just throw in the towel and have a Big Mac? Absolutely not. Most of the obstacles presented can be addressed and remedied using natural medicine over time. A very effective therapy to help circumvent these obstacles is called Intravenous Nutrient Therapy, or IVNT.

While oral supplementation and diet requires adequate gastrointestinal absorption and “first pass metabolism” through the liver, IVNT delivers nutrients directly to the circulation and to the cells where the nutrients are needed. In addition, whereas oral absorption may be 1-25%, IVNT provides 100% of nutrients delivered to be available to cells for repair and health. This circumvents the problem of malabsorption, gastrointestinal disease, and liver dysfunction to allow the nutrients to have immediate and direct action promoting improved health and function.

IVNT provides a “kick start” by making nutrients more readily available and easier to transport inside the cells. By providing higher nutrient concentration in the blood than can be achieved with oral therapy, cells are no longer reliant on energy dependent mechanisms to transport nutrients inside. Nutrients can enter cells via “passive transport” requiring less energy than “active transport”. Using the train analogy, IVNT supersaturates the surrounding blood, so that the inside of the cell is more like the empty train, and the surrounding blood is like the overcrowded train. The nutrients require less work to travel from high concentration (packed train, or bloodstream) to lower concentration (empty train, or inside the cell). Furthermore, nutrients delivered via IVNT can provide high enough concentrations to elicit pharmacological (drug-like) effect on cells which can only be achieved at such high levels. For example, Vitamin C can have a virus killing effect but only at very high plasma concentrations. Thus, IVNT allows for natural substances to have drug-like effect without the side effects and dangers of using synthetic and toxic drugs!

IVNT can be used as a crutch to fast track nutrient delivery which allows the body to become healthy enough to better utilize nutrients, drugs, or other therapies. As discussed, there is a therapeutic Catch 22 in cellular health, where the cells need to be healthy enough to have enough energy to bring in the nutrients required for repair, but a sick cell may not be able to do so even if those nutrients are around. IVNT provides a method of increasing nutrient absorption so that the body can become healthy enough to heal itself. For some, it is a therapy used temporarily to accelerate the healing process. For others, IVNT should be utilized long term to overcome their health challenges. ¯

Conditions Treated with IVNT[v] [vi] [vii]

IVNT is a safe and effective therapy using natural substances in high quantities which enables accelerated healing for optimal health. Most any condition can benefit from high dose nutrient therapy, from general health optimization, acute cold symptoms, to caner, migraines, and viral infections. The many conditions which benefit from IVNT include:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Depression
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Macular degeneration, Cataracts and certain Retinopathies
  • Autoimmune conditions
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Lupus
    • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  • Lyme Disease and other chronic infections
  • Hepatitis
  • Herpes Virus
  • Environmental Toxicity
  • Malabsorption problems (i.e. gastritis, ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s, colitis, diverticulits)
  • Asthma
  • Flu symptoms
  • Peripheral Artery Disease
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Post traumatic/post operative wound healing
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Dementia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • HIV

Therapeutic Effect of IVNT

Benefits seen by patients vary and depend on the severity of the illness and individual response to treatment. The desired goals expected include:

  • Stimulates and increases immune system function
  • Encourages cellular repair and regeneration
  • Accelerates the process of recovery
  • Provides preventative immune support
  • Inhibits disease progression
  • Enhances treatment efficacy
  • Bolsters cancer-fighting capacity
  • Increases energy
  • Improves circulation
  • Increases cellular detoxification
  • Enhances sense of wellbeing
  • Decreases symptoms related to chronic or acute illness
  • Alleviates nutritional deficiencies
  • Hydrates the body
  • Increases body’s ability to heal

Natural Substances Used in IVNT

· Amino Acids

· Glutathione

· Vitamin C

· Phosphatidylcholine

· Chelating agents

· Sodium Bicarbonate

· Minerals

· Multi-vitamins

· Antioxidants

· Herbal and homeopathic medicines

· Meyer’s Cocktail (including)

  • B complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Dexpenthanol (Vitamin B5)
  • Calcium
  • B12
  • B6

Complications/side effects and safety

Intravenous delivery of nutrients, when administered by a trained and qualified doctor, is extremely safe and efficacious. Some potential short term side effects include a warm sensation due to some of the minerals, hypotension (lowered blood pressure), and changes in blood sugar. There are some rare but potential side effects that occur with any time of IV administration, such as phlebitis (inflammation of the vein), allergic reaction (rare), or minor discomfort. Overall, IVNT is a very safe therapy. It is essential to let the doctor know if you are taking any medications or have any additional health complaints that were not discussed during the office visit to rule out any possible contraindications to treatment.


Intravenous infusions of certain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, homeopathics, botanicals and other nutrients can often be the missing link in achieving optimal health. It can be used as a short term accelerator towards therapeutic goals, or longer term to provide more efficient delivery of needed substances for maximal effect. It is one treatment amongst many within the realm of natural medicine, and when used appropriately, can provide astonishing results!

[i] Turnland JR. Bioavailability of dietary minerals to humans: the stable isotope approach. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 1991;30(4);387-396

[ii] [28] Schumann K, et al. Bioavailability of oral vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals in perspective. Arzneimittelforshcung

[iii] Harakeh S, Jariwalla RJ, Pauling L. Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus replication by ascorbate in chronically and acutely infected cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990;87:7245-7249

[iv] Blanchard J, Tozer TN, Rowland M. Pharmacokinetic perspectives on megadoses of ascorbic acid. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:1165-1171

[v] Gaby A (2002). “Intravenous nutrient therapy: the “Myers’ cocktail””. Altern Med Rev

[vi] Shrader W (2004). “Short and long term treatment of asthma with intravenous nutrients”. Nutr J 3: 6.

[vii] Massey, Patrick B. (May/June 2007). “Reduction of fibromyalgia symptoms through intravenous nutrient therapy: Results of a pilot clinical trial”. Alternative Therapies 13 (3): 32-34.


Source by Stacey Kupperman

Home Renewable Energy – The Best Way to Save Home Energy Revealed


Home renewable energy is a rapidly growing interest for many home owners. When it comes to household bills and expenses, nothing ever seems to get any cheaper. The cost of natural fuel sources is increasing at an alarming rate and, not surprisingly, our gas and fuel bills at home are also on a sharp increase.

These reasons largely contribute to a rapidly growing interest in people looking for alternative and cost effective ways of how to save on home energy. There are a number of very simple and relatively straightforward ways to do this that a large proportion of home owners generally overlook.

Here are just 3 of the most frequently asked questions when looking for alternate ways on saving on home energy:

1) Why Should I Consider Home Renewable Energy?

This question is one which you should come to terms with before any other. First and foremost, ultimately you want to save money on your electric bill. For reasons outlined above, this is the primary goal for your reasons for saving home energy. The other benefit is that you will be doing your little bit for the environment. By burning less energy at home, you are helping to reduce the amount of harmful toxins and emissions that conventional energy producing methods generate.

2) What’s The Easiest Way For Me To Save On Home Energy?

There are many small and simple steps you can follow to help save home energy that many people overlook. These are things such as turning lights off when not needed, switching to low energy lights, keeping doors closed (particularly in colder months), not leaving electrical items on standby, buying energy efficient electrical items and turning your thermostat down a degree or two. However the biggest impact you can have is to generate your own free electricity by building your own solar panels or wind turbine.

3) How Much Will Home Renewable Energy Initially Cost Me?

Most of the tips above cost nothing to implement. All you need is a small degree of discipline. You’re the one who’s paying for your heating and gas bills so why waste it by leaving doors and windows open when it’s cold outside – but you would be surprised how many people actually do!! They are simple steps which cost you nothing.

However, to make a real impact, a small but very prudent investment may be needed. The best home renewable energy products on the market today by far are solar panels and wind turbines.

These forms of home renewable energy are being recognized more and more with home owners across the world as a viable, cost effective means of saving home energy. It is quite possible to build your own solar panels to generate home electricity for under $200 and these will provide a long term, free, sustainable and clean energy supply for your home for years to come.


Source by James K Stewart

Food Storage for Hyperinflation


Plan Ahead, Set Up Your Own Food Storage While You Have Time

Thankfully for those having a willingness to prepare in advance, there’s time still on your side to plan, prepare and execute your own food storage plan. This will save you and your family from hunger, food shortages and extremely high prices if the economy suddenly falls apart. Being prepared beforehand, will allow your family to physically survive through hyperinflation itself.

This article will concentrate on the initial steps you and your family will need in preparing your personal Emergency Preparedness Supplies. The first part of any survival plan will be setting up and stocking up your food storage.

Food and other important items for survival such as clean water, prescription medications must be included in your family’s food storage. You should keep a minimum of 6 months on hand for you and your family this includes medications. When an economic event of this size occurs you’re going to have very long lines at stores. In fact chances are when you finally get to the stores if not before, they will already be out of everything. Expect the prices for items you buy during these times to be extremely expensive. Milk or eggs if you can get them, might cost $25.00 – $250.00 or more depending on the severity of inflation occurring at the time.

To set up your food storage you will want to find a suitable place within your home that’s preferably dry, cool, clean and level and does not have any direct sunlight such as a basement. It is important that you understand the cooler your storage area is the longer shelf life for your food. Heat will shorten the shelf life of many foods whether canned, vacuum sealed, freeze-dried or dehydrated. It is ideal if you have enough space to store a supply of food that will last you and your family at least 6 months. You and your family can rotate that food while in storage eating some and replacing it with a fresh supply as necessary, to maintain its shelf life.

Either purchase or construct suitable shelving and insure everything is level. It is also good to not keep foods directly on the ground, but at least 6 inches up in the event water floods the space from an outside leak, leaking plumbing, a broken water heater and so on. When it comes to stocking foods you can go inexpensive using canned foods which should give you a minimum of 2 years storage possibly more depending on temperature and storage conditions.

Canned Items – What To Stock Up On

Canned protein items such as beef, chicken, pork, tuna and salmon are good. Various canned vegetables, various canned fruits, canned or dried beans. Canned soups and soup stocks. Various powdered mixes for tacos, fajitas, pasta sauces, salad dressings gravy’s etc. Also don’t forget snack foods you and your family enjoy. Other items to include dry cereals, condiments such as salt, sugar non dairy creamer, pepper, hot sauce, mustard, ketchup, BBQ sauce. Baking supplies powdered eggs, cheese and milk. You will want your favorite dried herbs and spices for cooking and flavoring too. If you have any infants insure to keep a good supply of formula and all necessary baby supplies.

Packing Your Own Bulk Foods By Vacuum Sealing

Pack your own food items you buy in bulk at cheaper prices from various club food stores. Use Mylar bags or heavy-duty plastic food storage bags. Add a couple oxygen absorber packets (available online) to remove oxygen within the sealed container and lengthen the freshness of the contents being sealed. Attach a small tube from a vacuum cleaner into one corner of the storage bag, to suck out all the air. Then while the bag is still collapsed run a hot iron over the top to heat seal it, removing the tube and quickly seal the corner with the iron. Many foods self packaged this way and stored in suitable plastic containers with tight-fitting lids will last 25 years. Packing noodles, rice, grains, beans, etc work well with this method.

Freeze Dried, Dehydrated Foods & MRE’s

For those who have a larger budget you can buy pre-dehydrated or freeze-dried meals usually with a 20 – 25 year shelf life. There are many meal variations for breakfasts and lunches or dinners individually pre-packaged or in bulk size cans and all you do is add water, in some cases hot water and eat. Military style MRE’s or meals ready to eat, are complete “soup to nuts” full course meals. Some available with chemical heaters but not necessary, can also be heated by placing the sealed pouch into boiling water or eaten cold if desired. MRE’s have a 4-10 year shelf life; depending on the temperatures they are stored in and are available in over 20 different menu varieties.

Budget? Keeping it Simple With The Bare Minimums

For those on a smaller budget only able to afford the bare minimums, there are several high energy dried items listed for this food storage option. You should keep a 6 month supply on hand if possible. While the selection here is more limited, these items will keep from spoilage with a lasting shelf life. So in times of need your family can still survive even on a budget.

Stock up on and dried meat such as jerky and canned meats such as tuna, salmon, chicken, pork, and beef. Also vegetables and fruits canned by either home canning methods or store-bought. Dried pastas, assorted beans, grains, rice, instant/dehydrated potatoes and oatmeal should be vacuumed sealed (see above). Storing raisins, dates, honey and peanut butter are also excellent.

Water is must not be overlooked, it is extremely important for human survival. Each person needs at least 3 quarts of clean drinking water per day and more if in warmer climates. For the longer term option it might be a good idea to purchase a high quality water filter and filter water from other sources as you need it. Especially if you don’t have storage space for large quantities of water.

Tom Genot –


Source by Tom Genot

Getting an Oil Stain Out of a Leather Jacket and Some Cool Tips on Leather Care


Getting stains out of leather

Fresh stains from things such as blood and food can be cleaned up quickly with a damp cloth. Stains from oil or grease can be lifted by grinding ordinary blackboard chalk, sprinkling the area, and leaving the powder on for a twenty-four hour period. Resist the urge to rub the powder in. After a sufficient time has past, simply use a leather care brush to remove the powder. While fresh stains can be treated and cleaned at home, ground-in stains should be attended to by a professional cleaner who deals in leather.

Storing Leather

Remember that leather is a natural material and should never be stored in plastic because it encourages the growth of mildew and bacteria and will ruin the leather. Always store leather in a cool, dry place away from heat. If the leather item is a garment, store in a breathable bag.

Wet Leather

An important key to keeping leather in top-notch condition is to treat wet leather before it has a chance to dry. Remove any dirt, mud, or other stains with a cleaning agent, then condition while the pores are still fully responsive. It is critical to remember that leather should be dried away from heat. If the leather in question is a garment, it’s a good idea to stuff the garment to retain shape.


Leather conditioners are meant for occasional use. They contain fats and/or oils that help lubricate leather and replenish the suppleness. Look for a product that will penetrate the strong fibers in leather, but beware of any that include petroleum or mineral oils. While petroleum by-products won’t damage your leather immediately, they do over a period of time. Again, just as with cleaning, keep on the look out for thick, greasy conditioning treatments for the best care of your leather.


Source by Dianna Ennis

Dynamic Marketing in the Process Facility


Digital advertising has many assorted uses on the shop floors of industrial plants and other places of work. Its key use is to give data to workers, like manufacturing quotas, new working practices, health and safety problems, touring dignitaries and critical reminders associated with the day-to-day organization of the company. Any number of LCD advertising boards can be situated on the factory floor, based on the size of area and number of workers.

The media is quick to refresh and update as it can be also remotely accessed via the world-wide-web or in-house intranet, or by uploading the statistics onto a memory device and inserting it into the screen access point. This can be prepared in advance and set to run at explicit times, appropriate to the shift workers on the shop floor.

Much study has shown it can have a positive effect on production as little time is lost through workers’ group meetings and is visually aesthetically pleasing. It can be run with or without sound, where suitable and much more notice is taken of the moving campaigns than that of a none moving poster, or hastily written notice. Another benefit is more than one piece of information can be displayed uninterruptedly therefore several can run concurrently.

This has shown to have a constructive stimulus on workers, as information is displayed instantaneously and is rerun for reminders. It can also be utilized for social events, the refectory menu for the week, fund-raising and moral boosting. Data can of course be streamed to the office workers, were applicable.

As Digital Signage is a fitting marketing medium for both outside and inside use, extremes of weather need to be catered for.

Putting a LCD advertising screen in a ski resort is an exceptional thought, as it can offer so much data and promotion for local organizations, however with the harsh winter temperatures of -30 degrees Fahrenheit, the equipment within the poster frame demand protection. The damp from the snow, turns to ice and can destroy a hard drive therefore a thermostatically controlled temperature device needs to be deployed.

Similarly, in the scorched desserts of Arizona, electronic signage and interactive menu boards have their place too, in outlets like dining places and even a cattle diary, where milk quotas and production is monitored. This without doubt needs a thermostatically controlled cooling unit to control the soaring temperatures, without damaging the delicate systems.

Once connected to the power supply, these cooling or heating systems can be left to run, with minimal monitoring, as the thermostat will trip on or off as required, so does not have to be controlled manually. As the temperatures change in the night, as the instance of the dessert, where it can be particularly hot during the day, falling to sub-zero temperatures at night, this would need a dual controlled thermostat. The power supply is available in each countries own unique wattage, for instance, America is 120 Volts, most of Europe runs on 230 Volts (formerly 220 V) and United Kingdom used 230 Volts (formerly 240 V). The provider of the digital posters will be responsive of this and will give an opinion prior to buying.


Source by Dave Bradley

Industrial Exhaust Fans – Buying Guide


Industrial Exhaust Fans are considered as one of the most popular electrical appliances that are generally used in various types of industries for the purpose of effectively removing humidity, heat and fumes from an area. Some of the units combine these devices with intake louvers for the purpose of drawing and circulating fresh air into the building unit.

The exhaust ventilation fans help in controlling the overall atmosphere of a production unit by exhausting the contaminated air away from where the workers are working and replacing it with fresh clean air. Due to these appliances the workers get minimum exposure to all types of toxic chemicals that are present in the air as well as the flammable vapors. It is indeed one of the best alternatives for keeping the inside air clean and effectively controlling the exposure of employees to dangerous air contaminants in the workplace.

Industrial Exhaust Fan not only help in creating a clean, safe and highly productive workspace atmosphere but also help in remove airborne contaminants and bring cool fresh air in the working area. Commercial fans are considered essential for controlling and monitoring the quality of indoor air. In industries where pollutants are abundantly present because of the specific nature of the work that is being conducted there, the health of the employees is at stake. In such workplaces, exhaust ventilation create comfortable working environment and keep the air quality under control.

Buying Guide

There are various types of Industrial Exhaust Fans available on the market. Before zeroing on a particular product you have to consider the volume of the space in your workplace, for what purpose this space is being used and the environmental factors such as toxic chemicals, fumes and vapors. On the basis of these considerations you can select the overall size and type of exhaust fan that would be sufficient for your application. The first thing to consider before selecting an exhaust fan for industrial use is you need to calculate the CFM requirements and on the basis of this calculation you can proceed with your buying.

Another important aspect that needs to be considered is the type of fan that will be suitable for your establishment. You can go for an axial flow fan as well as wall fan/panel fan. Which ever type you consider, it should be effective enough to solve you problem of removing the polluted air form the workplace and replace it with fresh and healthy air. You can also opt for a customized exhaust fan in case you have a specific type of requirement.

There are certain government regulations that need to be followed while installing an exhaust fan. You must also consider this and meet all requirements. If in case you are finding some difficulties in selecting the best industrial exhaust fan, you can definitely take the help of a industrial ventilation expert as he has got all the experience and will guide you in making the best choice. It is indeed one of the most vital equipment on the basis of which the overall success of your business depends, therefore it is necessary to look after the overall maintenance aspect of this product and give it priority.


Source by Vilas Wasnik

Healthy Eating – Meal Prep Ideas


If you are like many people, you groan at the thought of doing meal prep. While you know it is something you need to do, it does not mean you like it! Meal prep takes time, but if you look at preparing say your vegetables just once for the whole week, then you will find it easier to eat healthy home-cooked meals each evening. Some foods, some vegetables are easy to prepare ahead of time and save well. There are steps you can take with your meal planning to make the task easier and then you will find you spend less time doing the meal prep and more time enjoying your food!

Let us look at a few meal-prep ideas…

1. One Recipe, Many Variations. Perhaps the most significant time-consuming task with meal prep is trying to figure out what to cook in the first place. You have to hunt down recipes, figure out what will work with your weight loss diet and then purchase all the groceries required. Time-consuming stuff!

Instead, look at finding one recipe offering several variations. For instance, you might make a vegetable stir-fry. You can just alter the vegetables you put in the stir-fry, swap out the chicken for beef as desired, and even change the sauce a little. It is the same meal overall, but with small changes that should be enough to keep you interested in continuing to carry on with your weight loss diet plan.

The more you become accustomed to preparing the same type of meals over and over, the easier it will be to plan your meal prep out for the week.

2. Two Words: Slow Cooker. Slow cooking is super easy, and a method of cooking everyone should get into doing from time to time. Just put all the ingredients in the slow cooker in the morning, turn it on, and by the time you arrive home from work, the food will be ready to serve. Plus, you can make a significantly sized batch, which means you will be eating healthy meals several times during your week.

3. Buy Pre-Chopped Vegetables. The last idea to consider is buying pre-chopped vegetables. Cutting up vegetables is often one job people dislike doing the most, so make it easier for yourself. Buy them ready to go, so there is little to no prep work involved.

While you will pay a little more for pre-chopped vegetables, it is money well spent.

There you have a few ideas to think about using to help make meal prep easier. If you follow these tips, sticking to your weight loss diet will be easier than ever.


Source by Beverleigh H Piepers

Layap – The Nomadic Herders of Bhutan


The mule skids on the wet ice and slides forward on the steep track. The man springs forward and grabs it by the muzzle. They both strain against the slope, breaking skids on the edge of the sheer precipice. The mule is lying on its belly, its forelegs dangling over the cliff. Braced precariously, inches from edge, the man strains to hold the animal on the narrow track. Within seconds, the man’s teenage son runs back and deftly unloads the mule, handing over the heavy packs to the woman standing behind the animal, holding it by its tail. Together they haul the mule back on the path. Far below them the mist swirls over the jagged rocks which line the bottom of the deep gorge.

A few meters behind, a 73 year old woman is sitting on an icy path, inching forward on her buttocks, using both her hand and feet to maintain her balance. She sits still and watches calmly as her son, daughter-in-law, and grandson save the family mule and a year supply of food grain.

An hour later, along with other families, they reach a swift stream. Without a thought the men, women, children hitch up their Ghos and Kiras (Bhutanese dress) to the waist and wade across, oblivious of the water which is at about freezing point. Young men pass lewd remarks at the women who are forced to expose their upper thighs to avoid getting their kiras wet. The women respond with quick witty remarks.

By evening, families are camped along the way in caves or under leafy trees. They care for the horses first and then sit down to a simple hot meal. By dark, after a few bottles of Ara and Sinchang (Local brewed alcohol and wine); they share their experience of the past months. This year, the highlight was the meeting in Gasa (District Head Quarters), where they met their King and Queens. They marvel that their king walked just as they did, all the way.


The four day journey from Punakha, usually stretched over several weeks as they relay a year’s food supply, brings the Layaps home to one of the most spectacular region in the Kingdom of Bhutan, the raw natural beauty of the high alpine range.

Spreading upwards from 12000 feet above sea level, Laya sits on the Lap of the 7100 meters Masagang, One of Bhutan’s 20 virgin peaks which are above 7000 meters. The mixed conifer forest above Gasa Dzong, dotted with maple and rhododendron in full bloom, merge into groves of birch, juniper, maple and mountain cane. The entire slopes are richly colored by wild flowers.

Across Bari-la and Kohi lapcha, two rugged passes, the terrain leaves behind the tree- line and the vast alpine grassland undulate towards the great northern glaciers. High above the crystal waterfalls which often cut through the ice formations on the cliff side, and the clear rapid streams, are their sources, the turquoise fresh water lakes many of which the local population hold in sacred awe.

This is the world where the snow leopards roam, where the blue sheep, Sambar, and Musk deer graze in solitude. Lower down, this is the home of Takin, the Himalayan black bear, numerous deer and the wild dog. The winged inhabitants of the region include the raven, wild pheasants, snow pigeons, the red billed cough, the alpine swift, the snow partridge, and the black necked crane.


The Layaps called their home Bayu, the hidden land, with good reasons. The cluster of villages is completely hidden by ridges and appears suddenly when the travelers reaches the first houses. The people believe that they are protected by an ancient gate leading to the main village. It was here that their guardian deities kept a Tibetan invasion at bay. In an important annual ceremony, the Layaps pay homage to the protective forces which turned all the stones and trees around the gate into soldiers to repel the invaders.

But if such legend is history in Laya, history is also Legend. This was the place where Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal entered Bhutan. In a journey which resounds with conquest of human and supernatural dimensions the Shabdrung crossed a chain of Mighty Himalayan ridges and entered Laya from Tibet. In a small meadow below the villages, called Taje-kha a chorten shelters the footprints of the shabdrung and his horse.

History and legend are still the realities of today. The pristine mountain ranges have not succumbed to changes over the centuries. Neither have its people, like in many other parts of Bhutan, the land nor have the people existed in a harmony which the modern world does not adequately appreciate. And it is in this context that the Layaps must be viewed. It is against this rugged backdrop that they must be understood.


“The Layap smell”, is one well known comment. “You cannot depend on the Layaps, is another, often from civil servants. “The Layaps are backward”, say people living in the lower valleys. “The Layaps are alcoholics,” say many who know them, most people stop to look when a layap woman passes by in her distinct, perhaps ‘quaint’ kira. Some would point her out to friends.

The Layaps is all of these, if you do not look beyond the surface or if you do not understand him in the right context. A discerning observer would probably find, however, that the Layap has far more substantial qualities to be admired than those passing these derogatory comments.

If the Layaps are weather beaten as the alpine rangelands they are as untamed and unpredictable as the forces of nature which are sometimes harsh That is why, perhaps, the frustration of a civil servants who finds that the Layap cannot be bound to a deadline or even to a responsibility. When you call them they always say yes but never turn up, explains one District official.

The Layaps are also as open as their environment, normally free of social inhibition. Men and women are open and relaxed on issues like the boundaries sexual behavior. This, in fact is, often exploited by occasional visitors like tourist guides, military patrolmen, and civil servants.

Survival has also sharpened the wiles of the Layap. Today, it is a nightmare for District officials to pin a Layap herder down on a number of yaks in his herd because he wants to avoid tax. Call a Layap family for official duty during the busy season and the best bet is an old woman who is not needed at home.

But inside the rough Layap exterior is a tenderness which is invisible to the casual observer. Every Layap, for example, identifies with a 46 year old horse owner who risked his life to scale and icy cliff to his horse which had fallen. The man was oblivious to the bitter cold as he sat with his dying horse for two days, feeding the animal water from his cupped palm, the water mixed with his tears.

The Layaps are most tender in their feelings for the Yaks which are the mainstay of their semi-nomadic existence. They officially own about 2000 of Bhutan’s 30000 yak population, both believed to be reduced figures. The 300 to 400 KG beast of burden is a source of food, shelter, draught power, transportation and part of the layap Identity.


The carefree life-style comes with the alcohol consumption by the layap men. Nearly every men drinks heavily, often losing time, effort and hard earned money in drunken stupors and converting all the hard toiled food grain into alcohol. 63 years old Ap Tshering claims to be a typical example of the Layap man. “I have lived a hard life,” he says with a proud smile. “Now I have two important goals in life. I brew sinchang (local wine) during the day and I drink it at night.”

In this patriarchal society where girls are married early and move to the husband’s home, polyandry is on the decline. With clear cut gender roles the woman bears a serious domestic responsibility, looking after the Yak herds, digging the fields, weaving the traditional clothing, and generally keeping the home and family together. The men are responsible for trade and the transportation of goods, their own and for the Government.


With about 60,000 semi nomadic pastoralists spread across the kingdom’s northern region, the 800 or so layaps share a strong community spirit. They are fiercely protective about the image of their community. Internal squabbles are normally settled within the community and even a child will not divulge the name of a Layap who is guilty of some wrong doing.

As a community, the Layaps are also proud of their self sufficiency in the basic necessities of life despite the day to day physical difficulties. Wealth is measured by the number of Yaks in a herd or the volume of rice. The Layaps are also quick to inform the visitors that they constitute an important proportion of the Workforce in Gasa District.


There is a strong spiritual element in the cohesion of the Layap community. The men pay obeisance to their Pho-la, the local guardian deity. Every archery match, every business trip, every journey, every development project starts with a prayer at the Pho-la’s sacred shrine, a small chorten above the village.

Like the broader Bhutanese society the advice of the village astrologer is sought on most activities and the local medium is usually consulted during illness. It is the legacy of the Shabdrung that the Layaps celebrate the Bumkar festival to plant barley and the Aulay festival during harvest.

A superstition is strong and is, in fact, one of the protective forces of the Layap identity. E.g., the distinctive Kira (women’s cloth) of Layap women has been kept partly because of the belief in its necessity. A superstition also controls etiquette and other aspects of the local traditions.


The layaps are traders, bartering their animal products for food grain and other edibles every winter. Starting in late October, when nature offers a respite between the rains and the snow, they move to Punakha, their horses and every person laden with Yak meat, butter cheese, incense plants from the wilderness and sometime trans border goods like dried fish, shoes and brick tea. By March, when the trail becomes accessible, they move back with rice, oil, salt, sugar, chillies, clothing and shoes.

The only relief in this annual venture is a visit to the popular Gasa Tshachhu (hot spring) where they join people from all parts of the country in the baths which are believed to be of curative value and a boost to general health.

Yak products account for 49% of Layaps earning, 18% comes from trade, 15% from animal transport and 4% from tourism, the last benefiting only 5 or 6 horse owners who are in contract with tour operators in Thimphu.


It is largely the exposure from these annual trips that have given Layaps a view of a rapidly changing world outside. A handful has ventured as far as Thimphu. And, in recent years, they have watched the widening gap in economic progress with some dismay.

The urge to reach out and pluck the fruits of progress which their fellow citizens are enjoying is beginning to gnaw at the roots of Layap culture. The goal of one man was to build a house like the one he saw in Punakha, a woman preferred a car so she would be spared a heavy loads, a young girl envied the Punakha School girls, and an eight year old boy rolled his father’s hat around the campfire, his mind on the plastic toy cars he had seen in the shops.

Two women who had been selected to visit Thimphu in a cultural entertainment team returned embarrassed about their Kiras because they were clumsy compared with the nylon kiras of the Thimphu women. When told by a Thimphu official that the beautiful and unique Laya kira should be preserved she retorted. “So you can send tourists to take photographs of us?”


It is an enlightened policy that the Royal Government of Bhutan has sensitively pursued in the mountains of Laya. The goal is to improve the life of the people without upsetting the delicate balance in the distinct cultural identity of the people, the pristine natural ranges, and the rich wildlife.

Finely tuned to the migratory pattern of the people, the priorities reflect an emphasis on improving the Yak herds and fodder, on the crops, on the road, and on the transportation of goods.

But the main benefits of development in Laya have come from the establishment of Health unit, a veterinary service, and the School. The Layaps however, place their long term hopes on a 100 or so children who represent the education of the community.

The Layaps have not been aware of the image of backwardness they suffer among a section of Bhutan’s population. “Once educated, our children can face other people with pride,” said one weary mother. A 56 year old father summed up the general sentiments, “Last month, when I went to Thimphu, my son read the bus ticket and showed me where to sit,” he said glowing with pride, his right hand gripping the boys shoulder. “I did not have to face the shame of sitting in the wrong seat.”


Laya today confronts an issue which Bhutan, as a nation, has been grappling with for the past four decades. If change is inevitable, will the experience be more harsh than the bitter winds which blow over the mountains?

It is a question with a familiar ring to it. It is a question facing Bhutan. The Layaps represents the Bhutanese population on a smaller scale, the harmony with their natural environment, the deep pride in their unique cultural identity, and the fierce will to protect their home.

“We Layaps have our good points and bad points.” Explains one village elder. “But in the end, our biggest pride is our land and our self. Yes we go out to trade, buy supplies, to drink, to flirt. We complain about our hardships, the heavy workload, and the tough road. We are embarrassed about our backwardness. But we would never want to be anything but a Layap.”


Source by Druk Tshering

Commercial Tanning Beds: Which One to Choose?


There are numerous commercial tanning bed styles to choose from today with each one offering unique features along with benefits. There are beds for all types of people depending on their skin type, length of time or whether prefer standing. There many types to choose from depending on the style and specific purpose. Because of this, it’s a good idea to research before purchasing one. The following paragraphs detail the types of commercial tanning beds that could be right one for you.

Tanning beds are categorized based on the session times (in minutes) which is directly related to the amount of UV lighting is emitted. These session times determine the maximum exposure period that a person should be exposed to. Maximum rates can range from 8 to 20 minutes per session/per day. The lamps that emit the UV rays can range from 30 to 75 system tanning lamps. Manufactures position these lamps on the canopy and bench in many variations thus focusing on the essential areas of the body. Most beds even include high pressure facials and shoulder tanners. The facial and shoulder lamps are strategically placed where the head and shoulders would be positioned and help distribute the UV lighting efficiently and safely.

The common horizontal based tanning booth is great for people who like to lay and relax while they patiently tan, but there are some people who prefer to stand so they don’t miss out on the tanning spots. There are vertical standing booths available that provide the same quality results. These are great for people who like to stand and have more control over specific areas of the body that are exposed. For wide body types like bodybuilders, manufactures have developed wide tanning beds to accustom their physic.

Some of the newest technology is being incorporated within the commercial tanning beds. Many include a surround sound speaker system, MP3 audio connectivity, the latest UV filters, aromatherapy and décor lighting for light therapy.

Many beds include their own cooling system, which helps keep the user cool as the warmth from the lamps can make the person a little warm. Some have integrated fine misters and controllable fan system. It’s like your own personal spa with all the essentials that you need. There’s even an automated voice system that can act as a vocal status and temperature announcer.

Don’t forget to take into consideration the electrical specifications to accommodate the beds. These tanning beds run at an extremely high-wattage. Please consult a professional when purchasing a tanning bed.

Once you’ve decided what type of tanning bed is right for you or your business please be sure to research on the many sales distributors online of in your local area.


Source by Louie P

Practice Smart, Savvy Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning


With our sagging economy, we are all budgeting our money. Many of us have cut back on certain luxuries we enjoy like going to the movies, buying high-end merchandise or taking lavish vacations. It’s hard to even think about spending a lot at the grocery store on expensive “health” foods. Eating healthy on a budget is one of the misconceptions I hear most often. I am going to show you that if you learn to shop smart and cook smart you will eat smart!

1. Plan your meals and make a grocery list!

The way I start planning my meals is that I look at my weekly schedule. I take into consideration my family’s activities and meetings and plan meals accordingly to avoid the last minute take-out meal. Then I make my grocery list based on the meals I am going to make. I also check out my pantry, refrigerator and freezer to make sure I don’t buy “extras” that aren’t on my list. Lastly, I cut coupons and check the weekly ads only for the items that I plan to buy.

If you have a hard time thinking of what to make for dinner, check out the Internet. There are a lot of great websites that give out meal ideas, as well as master grocery lists. I like, which provides you with a month worth of ideas. Or, create your own month’s worth of meals or grocery list on your computer. This way, you can just print off a copy each week and half your work is done!

2. Use the Food Guide Pyramid as your guide.

Most people plan their meals around large portions of meat as your main course and smaller portions of grains and vegetables as your sides. The Food Guide Pyramid suggests that we change the way we think of meal planning and incorporate most of our intake from whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Use meat, which is typically higher in fat and calories, as your new side dish. Plus, meat can be fairly expensive. Also try substituting dried bean, peas and lentils as a meat substitute. They are inexpensive and full of protein and fiber. If your family likes to eat a lot of pasta and rice, go for the healthier whole-wheat varieties or brown rice. And, when purchasing fruit and vegetables, think frozen! Especially in off-seasons, it really is the best bang for your buck!

3. Don’t go to the store hungry!

Like any situation where you have food, you need to have a game plan before you head out. Plan to go to the store after a meal or have a balanced snack before you leave. You will be less tempted to buy things that just look good and you will have more energy and patience to get through those long checkout lines!

4. Read food labels and get to know key terms.

Practice, Practice, Practice! Like any skill, grocery shopping can be daunting. But if you know what you are doing once you get there, you will be more effective and save time and money. Learn to read a food label. If you don’t know how, find a registered dietitian to teach you. It can be intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. The key is to avoid certain terms. I am an advocate for less processed foods, so the less ingredients in a product, the better. Avoid foods with trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup. Look for foods that have 100% whole grains. And, avoid buying “diet” foods. They are expensive and often high in sugar and salt.

5. Make your meals and snacks from scratch.

When you cook from scratch, you control how much fat, salt, and sugar that go into each meal-it’s that easy! And, by controlling the ingredients you use, you control the cost. There is also something comforting about a homemade meal. The aromas and the warmness of your kitchen can bring you back from the most stressful of days. Since making a large meal can be time-consuming, consider making double so you have extras to freeze or to have as lunch.

A good time saving idea is to portion out lunch-size meals and place in containers when you are dishing out everyone’s dinner. As for snacks, pre-portioned lower calorie snack bags are easy, convenient and expensive. I like to take snack size baggies and portion out healthy snacks like a trail mix made with cereal, pretzels, raisins, nuts and some chocolate chips. This way, even little ones can grab a baggie full of healthy food that won’t ruin their appetites.

6. Limit eating out.

With all the tips I’ve listed above, you’ll never need to eat out again! Just kidding, but it does make the experience of going out to dinner seem more like a special treat than the norm. And, when thinking of cutting costs, take into consideration what you spend on a meal and how much it would cost to make it at home. Most of the time, it saves to eat at home. If you are faced with eating out on a regular basis, try choosing lunch-size portions or kid-size meals. Also, go ala-carte. This will save you money and most often calories!

Your family will love having healthy meals and snacks in your home. Practice these tips and soon you will be a master shopper. Even though becoming a smart, savvy shopper and meal planner does take a little work, the health benefits and cost savings are priceless!


Source by Heather Stefan