A Jerky Gun – Do You Need One?


A jerky gun is a great easy to use tool that simplifies creating beef jerky. Using one of these tools can save you time and hassle. They eliminate lot of clean up because when you’re done you just simply drop the gun in the water to soak. While beef jerky can be made by hand we want to show you why it will save time. I mean it’s simple enough to roll out your own meat dehydrate it on trays and serve right? This begs the question, do you need a beef jerky gun?

Most people are scared of using tools like this. However, keep in mind how simple using something like this really is. First, you mix up your meat mixture into a large bowl and add herbs, spices and anything else. Most jerky kits come with a ready to use mixture so it makes making the actual jerky much easier. Then you load the mixture into the jerky gun and then pull the trigger and it instantly pumps out the jerky into the desired strip length.

After you’ve made the jerky then you just put it into the food dehydrator to be dehydrated. After the jerky becomes tender and dehydrated you can then pull it from the dehydrator and lay it on a cooling tray, wax paper or baking sheet. Clean up the jerky gun and store away. Now you have fresh home made jerky that you can snack on. At this point you can add pepper or any other type of additional spice to it and go from there. The nice neat strips the jerky will come out in make it easy to serve to guests, family or friends.

In closing I don’t think a jerky gun is a priority but it can be a good addition to your kitchen. Since they are so easy to use my question for you is “why not own one?” You are not just limited to beef either you can make lamb, turkey, pork and any other type of jerky meat you can think of. So, this may be the one thing your kitchen has been missing.


Source by Michael S. Brown

Soy Candle Making Tips For Palm Wax Chandlers


I love the fact that both soy and palm wax are eco-friendly, “green” waxes. A simple online search will tell you both waxes are plant based and virtually smoke and soot free. However, a side-by-side comparison of the candle making process with these two waxes is starkly different.

When it comes to eco-friendly wax, most of the candles you see for sale are made from soy. As a consumer, I didn’t care much for soy wax candles. To me, they had a strange odor to them. Refining processes have changed somewhat over the years and now odorless soy candle wax is available.

I had been making my own palm wax candles for months, but special attention is needed in order to achieve optimum beauty. To me it was well worth the extra effort to get the beautiful crystal patterns from the various types of palm wax; frosty crystals, billowy feathers, vertical grains, and even a puzzle-like tortoise shell designs.

After months of creating strictly palm wax candles, I decided to give soy a try and purchased some Golden Brands 464 soy wax. My first batch of candles was a disaster. I figured it had to be something I was doing wrong because everyone else loved the wax. I poured the candles in a stout 8 oz Mason jar, the square kind with rounded corners. After the candle hardened, the wax had formed a cloverleaf design with visible air pockets. That was easy enough to cover up with a blast from a hot hair dryer to remelt the wax, but I wanted to know what was causing it.

I thought maybe it had something to do with the candle dye, but a dyeless candle did the same thing. I had to dig deep on the search engines to troubleshoot my problem, but I eventually found it. I was heating the containers like I had done for palm wax. Heated containers and slow cooling are necessary for the crystals to form, however not for soy wax.

If you’re accustomed to making palm wax candles and would like to give soy a shot, here are some tips for getting the best results. Take note in the vast handling differences between the two waxes.

Palm Wax

Containers: Warm glass containers on lowest oven setting around 160-170 degrees.

Melting: Heat wax to 200 degrees or crystals won’t properly form.

Pour: Pour between 185-195 degrees into warmed containers.

Cooling: Cover with cardboard box until cooled to retain heat for as long as possible.

Soy Wax

Containers: Room temperature.

Melting: Heat wax to 185 degrees.

Pour: Pour at 135 degrees.

Cooling: Uncovered, out in the open.


Source by AJ Farro

Green Home Remodeling Covers More Than Just Ecofriendly Materials


Green home remodeling doesn’t just apply to the finished product or the materials used. If you are hiring a remodeling contractor, you should consider how to make the renovation process itself “green.” Here are some steps a green home remodel must include:

Control Potentially Harmful Dust

Dust is an inevitable side effect of remodeling, but it can contain asbestos, lead paint, or other particles you don’t want to inhale. During a remodeling project, remodeling companies must use barriers, such as plastic covering doorways, to contain dust to the renovation area. In addition, they should cover work areas with plastic tarps and wet down surfaces before sanding or scraping. If your house was built before 1978, assume that it contains lead paint and ensure you work with a properly trained contractor.

Provide Proper Ventilation

A green home remodel shouldn’t expel pollutants into your home. Responsible remodelers use exhaust ventilation, such as a fan, that pulls air out of the work area and vents it to the outside. This helps expel dust and other pollutants, and it creates a pressure barrier that prevents pollutants from spreading to other parts of the house. Activities such as installing flooring and carpeting or painting can emit pollutants. Remodelers should provide ventilation during these activities and for at least 72 hours afterward.

Control Radon

Another element of green home remodels involves controlling radon. Radon-resistant new construction (RRNC) is designed to draw radon from the soil and vent it through a pipe to the roof, preventing it from entering the house. The technology is routine and should not add much to a house’s cost. If you are building an addition with a basement, you should ask to include RRNC features.

Use Recycled Materials

Choose recycled glass for beautiful and unique countertops, tiles, and even flooring. Doors and lighting fixtures in a green home remodel are often repurposed flea market finds. Many homeowners like the look of reclaimed weathered wood from old barns and farmhouses for floors or ceiling beams.

Pick Sustainable Materials

A lot of wood used in construction comes from slow-growth forests where it takes a long time to replenish the trees that are cut down. Consider quick-growing bamboo for floor or cabinets in your home’s green remodel. Cork and Eucalyptus are other sustainable flooring materials. You can also choose wood from sustainably managed forests that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Ensure Indoor Air Quality

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can trigger asthma and contribute to other health problems. Carpeting, paint, or wood finishing products are often sources of VOCs. Even if you ventilate during and after installation, emissions can linger. Look for products that have low or no VOCs. Mold can trigger asthma and allergies, so take excessive moisture into account when you plan a green home remodeling project.


Source by Joaquin Erazo, Jr.

What Not to Feed Your Hermit Crabs


Although feeding your hermit crabs can be an enjoyable and relatively easy experience, there are certain precautions you’ll want to take to ensure happy and healthy crabs.

Because these guys are susceptible to many microbes and certain infections, sterilization of your crab’s environment and food is especially important. Remember that your little guys will be living in a more tropical and humid environment, which can also breed certain types of microbes, so sterilization is that much more important.

There are a few steps to take while crafting your crab’s diet. When feeding hermit crabs, take the following precautions into account:

* Stay Away from Tap Water – Tap water is chlorinated purposefully in our water sources to remove harmful bacteria. Unfortunately tap water and chlorine specifically is harmful to your hermit crabs, and will result in deterioration of their shell and will also result in the slow deterioration of the skin. At times, the blemishes we see can be the beginning of an infection from fungi or algae.

* Stay Away from Artificially Flavored Foods – When feeding your crabs, stay away from foods that are not organic or have added artificial flavors. Such pesticides from non-organic produce and artificial chemicals will reduce their health in no time. Obvious foods not to feed your hermit crab include potato chips or other snack foods.

* Stay Away From Organic Foods with Copper Sulfate & Ethoxyquin – Copper is an essential nutrient for your crabs, but sometimes the mineral is present in foods as copper sulfate. Copper sulfate is very toxic for your crab’s health. Other options when feeding them include leafy green vegetables containing the oxalate enzyme, which binds with the calcium mineral to assist your crab throughout their molting process.

* Stay Away from Hot or Spicy Foods – Steer clear of hot and spicy foods. Your crabs will appreciate most whole foods without added spice, as they have different taste buds than humans. Feeding them spicy foods will do significant damage in your crab’s digestion system.

* Stay Away from Refined Sugar & Table Salt – It isn’t a good idea when feeding your crabs to add either table salt or refined sugar. If you feel you want to season your crab’s food, you can use a bit of aquarium sea salt, fresh parsley, organic honey, and organic molasses. Generally speaking, your crabs are happy with the natural taste of fresh fruits and vegetables, which have enough natural sugars.

Although this is a short list of the potential diet dangers when feeding your crabs, there are a few other points to consider. When washing and preparing fresh food, use of de-chlorinated water is best. You can also boost your hermit crab’s health by feeding them fresh vegetables containing oxalic acid and zeaxantin. Providing a variety of fresh and wholesome foods for your hermit crab will only result in a healthy and happy pet.

It’s important to note that these little guys grow constantly, and frequently replace their outer shell or exoskeleton. Feeding them calcium rich foods during this process is very beneficial.

Lastly, it’s a good idea to keep your hermit crabs away from exposure to chemicals, pesticides, and perfumes.


Source by Peter G Williams

Save Your Energy With Home Insulation System


It is very pleasant to sit in a warm room in spite of having a chill and biting weather outside. To serve this purpose, home heating system has been invented and 1.6 million household are using the same. But, many households are facing the problem of losing the heat through the walls and the roofs. It is a fact that in an uninsulated home, 26% of heat gets out of the roof, 33% through the walls, 18% is lost from the windows and the rest gets out from the ventilation system.

So the above statistics proves that the major portion of the heat escapes from the room itself due to the lack of proper insulation system. This is where the home insulation system comes into play. This system helps you to insulate the heat inside the house without letting it escape.

Let’s plan out how to make your room insulated properly. The roof of your room is the primary point from where the heat leaks out. So, first insulate your roof properly to enjoy a proper cooling system and start saving money. There are a number of insulation systems available in the market and you have to be a bit judgmental in choosing the right product. If each and every household installs the cavity wall insulation system, it will lead to the immense decreasing of CO2 in air. Besides you can install drought excluders for the doors, windows and letter boxes in your house.

Thus a proper insulation process can help you to keep your room warm and cozy.


Source by Jay Foston

Weight Loss – Lose The Guilt To Lose Weight


Here is something that you never hear anyone talk about when it comes

to weight loss. That is, how our emotions come into play when we attempt

to lose weight, or to achieve any goal for that matter.

For the longest period of time I thought that guilt way a nonproductive

emotion. Just recently I came to realize how wrong I was. Guilt is much

more than nonproductive, it is counter productive. So much so that it

prevents us from obtaining our goals, in this case, losing weight.

Naturally, you ask yourself how this works. It is quite simple really.

Guilt is the mechanism that allows us to bind together two contradictory

thoughts, beliefs, desires or actions.

Here is a simple example, one pertaining to your weight loss program.

Let us assume for a moment that you are overweight. It is on your

mind a great deal of the time. You are unhappy with this condition. As

a matter of fact, it plagues you. It is on your mind constantly and you

absolutely plan to do something about it. Maybe you are even in the

process of dieting and exercising right now. Okay. So you have had

a long, frustrating day. There is a pint of chocolate ice cream with your

name on it in the freezer. You know in your heart that eating it will

be counter productive. Jeez, it is worse than that. No only will it delay

your weight loss, it will actually put weight on your thighs. What do

you do? You guessed it. You eat the pint of ice cream.

What is the mechanism that allows this to happen? What is it that

allows you to know for certain that what you are doing is against your

own best interests and you do it anyway? Duh, it is guilt. Guilt is the

means that allows us to bind these absolutely, contradictory actions

together. We are dieting (or plan on dieting) and eating ice cream at

the same time. Not to beat a dead horse, but what makes this alright

in our minds and emotions. Guilt.

By this time you are saying to yourself, do not be silly. This is the

most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. Well, stop and think

about this for a few minutes. Find other examples in your life where

this can apply. You will discover that it is no so silly after all.

When you come to the realization that this may in fact be true, you should

be asking yourself what can be done about it. The easy answer, on the face

of it, is to just stop feeling guilty. Easier said than done.

You see, guilt has a small army of allies. This army of allies only strengthen

the power of guilt. These allies include, but are not limited to, low self esteem,

self pity and a general negative outlook on life.

By now, the picture is beginning to look hopeless. Not so. The fact of the

matter is that there are a number of people who lose weight every single day.

What is it that they do to successfully lose weight? What is it that I can do

to duplicate their success?

The single, most important and powerful thing that you can do is to set your

goal. When you establish this goal it has to be set in stone. Gandhi use to

talk about taking a personal vow. I take this to mean to establish your goal

at the highest and deepest mental and emotional levels. When you do this

then every action that you take will contribute to arriving at your goal. That

includes the slips and missteps.

Anyway, there you have it, something to think about. If you have tried to

diet and lose weight in the past, and were unsuccessful, perhaps you have

gained some insight as to why. With some self reflection perhaps your next

attempt will be your last.


Source by Kathryn Soloff

How to Verify Cold Chain Compliance For Perishable Goods


Some products must be maintained within a certain temperature range during storage and shipping. This temperature-controlled supply line is called a cold chain. It is important not only to keep the temperature stable but also to be able to verify conditions at a later date. There is a growing demand for data loggers that can provide shipping temperature data to document a product’s shipping history.

Why Is Cold Chain Compliance Important?

There are a number of reasons products require specific temperatures. In many cases it may be something as simple as keeping product quality high, avoiding unappetizing crystallization that occurs in frozen foods that have thawed and refrozen. However some foods that are exposed to higher temperatures for even a short time may pick up food borne illnesses that endanger consumers.

More serious problems could include reactive chemicals that can undergo changes when exposed to heat or cold. This could cause one compound to turn into another or even trigger an explosion. Vaccines and pharmaceuticals often need to be kept cold or they can lose their effectiveness. Recipients need a way to verify the products have been shipped as ordered so they know they can safely distribute them to consumers.

How Can Cold Chain Compliance Be Verified?

Temperature sensitive products are often shipped in containers that include temperature sensors and data loggers. These loggers take regular readings of the temperature inside the container and in some cases outside the container as well. These readings are stored within the data logger for later retrieval. Loggers are designed to take readings reliably for days, weeks or even months.

Receiving parties can examine the logs to ensure the product has never been exposed to temperatures outside the acceptable range. Containers that have been moved through multiple warehouses and transport systems may have passed through numerous temperature zones and often the shipper doesn’t realize a particular package was inadvertently stored outside accepted temperature range, or might think that the incident wasn’t serious enough to report.

Documentation Protects All Parties Involved

Often temperature data loggers are included by the manufacturers are vendors but there are a growing number of cases where the shippers themselves provide the hardware. In case the merchandise does arrive spoiled or damaged, the loggers can show where the problem occurred or at least where it didn’t.

Government agencies investigating outbreaks of E. coli or other food borne illnesses are able to use data logger information to help them determine when the contamination might have occurred. Vaccines that have been compromised can be disposed of rather than ineffectively administered to at risk populations.

Temperature is the most common characteristic recorded by data loggers but many other measurements including vibration, pressure or impact force can also ensure a product was shipped without incident.


Source by Christine Harrell

5 Important Things To Know About Camping Food Storage


Whenever we you have an outdoor trip planned, you just bring out your big red cooler, fill it with ice then put all your food and drinks in there, right? Having a cooler is a good start, but proper food storage is so much more than throwing all your food in one. This is especially true if you’re staying outdoors for more than a couple of days.

Make your food last longer and fresher with these tips about proper camping food storage:

Keep your cooler colder for longer

Your cooler will serve as your “fridge” when you’re outdoors, that’s why it’s important to keep it cold for as long as possible, especially when your trip is for more than a couple of days. Freeze all your food and drinks before packing them inside the cooler. If you can, use separate coolers for food and drinks, as you will be opening the cooler from time to time to get a drink, which may melt the ice quicker and affect the perishables.

Use block ice instead of ice cubes if you can because they last longer.

Plan for more ice

If you’re camping out for a while, your cooler will run out of ice eventually. Call the campground office ahead and ask if they sell ice. If they don’t, find a convenience store or establishment nearest your campground where you can get ice.

Otherwise, plan your meals ahead and make sure to consume perishables first.

Store your food under the shade

A sunny day is great for outdoor activities, but not so good for your cooler. Make sure that your cooler always stays in a shady spot. Under a tree, a tent awning or a pop-up shelter are good places to keep your cooler away from the sunshine.

Don’t forget your dry goods

Your snacks, spices and other dry goods need a home, too. Store them in a plastic bin or two, which you can keep locked or hang up in a tree when not needed. Storing them in one place keeps your campsite mess-free.

Keep wildlife away

There is only one thing that attracts bugs, critters and wildlife (including bears!) to a campsite, and that’s food. Make sure that you keep all your food, leftovers included, locked away in your coolers or bins at all times.

Do not eat inside your tent and make sure you properly dispose of trash at the end of each day.

Follow these tips on proper camping food storage for an mess-free and organized campsite!


Source by Daniel J. Smith

Table Top Fridge – The Manufacturers and an Overview of the Models


A Table Top Fridge is one of the smaller fridges on the market today. It is a great item to own for a variety reasons. There are a number of manufacturers that make Table Top Fridges. Some of them and the models they produce are:


A British company that produces appliances for the home including cooking, refrigeration and dish washing. Tested to the highest standards, its brand of Table Top Fridges are not only practical but very stylish. The great thing about Coolzone is they have a number of table top fridges with a variety of finish and size. Models include Coolzone CZ51028, Coolzone CZ51029 and Coolzone CZ51062. Coolzone CZ51029 and Coolzone CZ51062 are very similar with a coat while Coolzone CZ51028 has a very good looking black exterior. With a range of models, provides the consumer with great flexibility and choice as to what they can purchase.

Daewoo Electronics

Daewoo Electronics produce innovative electronic goods for consumers. It is a manufacturer of goods such as washing machines, microwaves and refrigerators. Dawoo produce the model RF260RW. A nice looking sturdy fridge and as one would expect from a top manufacturer, performs beyond expected standards. The great thing about Dawoo Electronics is that as a well known brand people will make purchase with confidence.


Frigidaire is owned by the electronics company Electrolux. Striving in the production of easy to use appliances, Frigidaire manufacture the model MTRR49TTA. Easy to use and set up, it is a fridge that can fit in an apartment with the minimum of space.


Involved in making fridges for many years, offers a number of fridges including Table Top Fridges. Using the most advanced technology, Fridgemaster produce fridges to meet the budgets of most people. The model MTRR49TTA from Fridgemaster has a simple yet sophisticated design. Fridgemaster products are not only great value for money but highly efficient.


Long established British company that specialises in fridge making. A company that strives in new concepts, produces fridge and fridge freezers of varied shapes and sizes. LEC fridges will perform to the highest standards. Offers the model LC5008 NP, it is sure to meet needs especially with size concerns. This LEC fridge is compact and functional, will cater for your every refrigeration needs.


The likelihood is that Tosumi is a brand most people are unfamiliar with. It is a small organisation compared to the giants such as Daewoo, Zanussi or Samsung. Makes quite a varied spectrum of consumer electronics including the Table Top Fridge model 51030. Its an item that looks bulkier then other fridges in the category but has similar features to some top Table Top Fridges. Examples of similarity include reversible door and dairy compartment.


Source by Bal Sella

Tips For Preparing Chicken Stock For Chicken-Based Soups


When people see a recipe using chicken stock, more likely than not, they open a can or box of chicken stock from the supermarket. What they might not realize is that making homemade chicken stock is really no more difficult than boiling water. The only difference is that you add some vegetables and spices to the water to flavor it. Once you make your own chicken stock, you will not want to go back to canned or boxed broth (except when you’ve run out of homemade stock from your freezer).

The basic ingredients in a good homemade chicken stock are chicken bones (and skin sometimes), onion, celery, carrots, peppercorns and bay leaves. You can also add parsley, ginger, and thyme. If you make roast chicken, save the bones and skin. While you’re washing the dishes after a roast chicken dinner, simply put the chicken bones and skin in a stock pot, along with some onion, celery, carrots, peppercorns and bay leaves, and let it simmer for a few hours. If you don’t have a roast chicken carcass, you can use chicken backs, chicken wings, or other chicken parts. After the chicken stock is done cooking, let it cool to room temperature, then strain the broth and divide it into containers that are can be stored in the freezer.

Once you have a batch of homemade chicken broth, you can either refrigerate the broth if you’re planning on making some chicken-based soups over the next few days, or freeze it for later. Either way, it is best to skim off the fat that floats to the surface. It’s easier to remove the fat layer when the soup is cold since it will solidify.

Some of my favorite chicken-based soups are Chicken Noodle Soup or Chicken Rice Soup with Vegetables, Lentil Soup and Minestrone Soup. The nice thing about making your own soup is that you can choose your favorite beans, grains and vegetables to add, and the sodium level is a lot lower than store bought soup.

Homemade Chicken Broth


1 roast chicken carcass or 2 pounds of chicken parts

2 carrots, peeled, trimmed and cut into 3″ pieces

2 celery stalks, cut into 3″ pieces

1 large onion, cut up

1 teaspoon black peppercorns

1 bay leaf

1 one-inch chunk of ginger, crushed, optional

a few sprigs fresh thyme, optional

1/2 a bunch of fresh parsley, optional


Put all ingredients in a large stock pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook, covered, for 2 hours. Strain soup and store in freezer containers (4 cup containers work well for most soup recipes).

Note: If you use chicken parts such as chicken legs and thighs, cook the chicken parts for 35-40 minutes until cooked through. Then, take the chicken out of the pot and remove the meat for a different use. Return the bones and skin to the pot and continue cooking the broth. Chicken meat would be delicious added back to the soup if you make Chicken Noodle Soup, for example.

Copyright 2011 by Jeanette Chen


Source by Jeanette Chen