Three Critical Factors to Consider When Buying a Home Or Lot on Lake Murray South Carolina


All real estate is not created equal, and this is certainly true with waterfront property on Lake Murray South Carolina. Understanding what to look for can help in the decision making process and can also help to ensure years of enjoyment from your lake-front home. For most people, the three critical factors to consider when purchasing water-frontage on Lake Murray are whether it has fringe-land, whether the property can have a private dock, and whether it has year-round water.

The first critical factor is fringe-land. Fringe-land is a term used by SCE&G (South Carolina Electric and Gas) which basically refers to a seventy-five foot wide strip of land which is owned by SCE&G and lies between the edge of the lake and the adjacent waterfront property.

Owners of the adjacent property only have foot access to the lake and are restricted from encroaching upon the land or cutting trees or shrubs on the land without written consent. While the majority of properties on the lake do not have to contend with this “vegetative buffer”, there are still many properties in the more rural areas of the lake where this is a consideration. Generally, properties free from fringe-land are more desirable.

The second critical factor is the ability to have a private dock. Not all Lake Murray properties can have private docks. SCE&G controls dock permitting, and they have strict guidelines governing permit issuance. Properties that have the ability for a private dock are in more demand and typically command a higher price than those with only a shared dock or with no dock at all.

The third critical factor is whether the property has year-round water. With Lake Murray being a hydro-electric lake, it has an annual draw-down in the fall and winter. The result for land owners is that some properties might be “dry” during the low period. Unfortunately, most real estate agents do not understand how to properly evaluate this aspect of lake properties.

Often times properties will be presented as having year-round water, but they don’t. This is not usually intentional deceit on the part of the listing agent, but usually just a lack of skill. If you plan on purchasing a home or lot on Lake Murray, be sure your real estate agent can do a USGS based depth analysis on any property of interest.

When buying any real estate, you should perform proper due diligence. Now you have an idea of what to look for when considering making a purchase on Lake Murray South Carolina. See you on the lake!


Source by Creighton Edmonds

How Do I Stop the Speed Running Back in Youth Football?


Speed is king in all sports, but especially in Pop Warner football. If you have a player that cannot be caught, you will have a great season without having to do much coaching. If you are facing a team with great speed then you need a game plan.

How your speed matches up versus their speed will dictate how you design your defensive game plan. You have to devise a scheme to contain, or at the minimum harness, the quickest player in the opposing team.

I have become a big believer in no surprises as a coach. I believe using intense scouting, with complete reports so you have an idea of what you will be facing. A complete scouting report is your most valuable tool.

As a coach preparing the game plan for the upcoming opponent, the first inquiry a defensive coordinator must ask himself is who is the fastest player on the other team? You will set up your defensive backs and ends based on this guide. There goal is to get their speed back outside your containment defender so he can run free down the sidelines.

Your primary defensive strategy must be not to allow this to happen. You must convey to your players that they need to contain the speed running back. By using team defense, you will have your containment players force their fast running back towards the middle of field and back to where you other defenders are. You can minimize the speed advantage by forcing him to run to the middle of your defense. It sound easy, but trust me it isn’t. It is not impossible and with the right preparation you should be able to harness the speed back.

When designing your defensive scheme, line up your defensive ends and corner backs at a minimum of 4-5 yards closer to the sidelines than you would in your base set. This will make it hard to run around the ends and get to the outside freely. This helps the ends see the play as it develops. When a running back sees a defender, his instinct is to run the other way, even if it is back in traffic.

The opposing offensive coordinator rapidly gets frustrated and has to make over his game plan live while the game is in progress. Even if you have a back up plan in place, it is hard to adjust on the fly.

I have witnessed quite a few opposing coaches enter half time, yelling at his speed back, blaming the kid when he, as the coach, has no idea what is happening.

In conclusion the best way to negate speed is to make your opposition run to the middle. The other reward is you are making the speed back go where you have more defenders to help make the tackle.


Source by Jim Oddo

Reborn Supplies to Avoid – 5 Ways to Ruin Your Reborn Baby Doll


Those of us engaged in the hobby of reborning put a lot of time, money and effort into buying the right reborning supplies to painstakingly reborn our baby dolls. We need to use a lot of tools and chemicals (paints, glues, etc) and in the case of reborning, what you don’t know CAN hurt you, or more specifically, your doll!

Here’s my list of five ways to ruin your reborn baby doll, in the hopes that it will save you from these stomach-twisting “oh no!” moments, which many unfortunate reborners in the past (and sadly, present) have faced:

Oh no! #1

Try to glue eyelashes onto your doll head with clear nail polish.

First of all, it truly isn’t a very good adhesive. Secondly, if you goof up (let’s face it, it happens) in order to take the lashes off again you’ll have to follow step number two on my list:

Oh no! #2

Use nail polish remover on your doll.

Regular nail polish remover contains the solvent acetone which can be damaging to plastics and vinyl. Of course you know that our dolls are made from plastics and vinyl. You especially want to avoid this chemical around the doll’s eyes because they can easily be degraded by coming into contact with acetone. Now is it even more clear why you shoudn’t use nail polish to attach the lashes?

So you can’t use good ol’ clear nailpolish to attach those lashes. What else might be a good adhesive? Hm…well if you want to ruin your doll you might try this:

Oh no! #3

Use super glue on your doll.

Are you ready for the scary truth? Super glue will MELT most doll eyes. That’s not something you want to happen. But maybe you are thinking you can use it elsewhere on your doll? Don’t do it! Unless you want to ruin your doll, of course. Superglue can be damaging to plastics and acrylics.

Maybe you’re thinking…I know! Hot glue!

Sorry honey, no can do! (can you tell I was an English major?)

Oh no! #4

Use hot glue on your baby doll.

Once again, you are looking at degraded, broken down, damaged plastic and vinyl.

Your husband or teenage son like to build model cars? Why not use that glue? It’s glue for plastic, after all. No! Hot rod and fighter jet plastic is hard. Baby doll vinyl and plastic is soft. So if you want to ruin your doll:

Oh no! #5

Use model glue on your reborn baby doll.

See Oh no! #4 for the reason why.


So what kind of adhesives should you use in the making of your reborn baby doll?

The favorite choice of glue in the reborn supplies tool kit of experienced reborners is Aleene’s Tacky Glue. This can be found at many craft stores. You can also use specialty craft glue E6000 which I would recommend if you are making a doll in the hopes of selling it as this is a higher quality glue with a very strong bond.

So there it is, 5 ways you can ruin your reborn baby doll!

Of course I hope you use this information so that you don’t have the same “oh no!” moments that others have had when working on a reborning project. It’s my hope that you DON’T ruin any dolls and that you instead create adorable, lifelike baby dolls that will bring smiles to the faces of those who hold them for many years to come, without any of these “oh no”s!  

Like reborn dolls? Read more about reborn babies over at


Source by Michelle Berman

Your Higher Self Has Chosen Everything For You


Realize and appreciate every moment as perfect because your higher self has chosen everything and it is all happening in divine order and divine timing. You higher self sees the bigger picture and has decided on the best possible experience for you to have. You don’t have to worry that things are not going the way they were meant to go or regret that things are going in a different direction because of what you did. You connect back to the direction of your source the moment you realize that it is in control.

You came into this world with a purpose that was chosen by your higher self, the aspect of you which is one with God. You were specially designed for the fulfillment of it. Your life conditions that you were born into were also specially chosen as part of that purpose. Your innate personality traits, talents and physical qualities were also given for the work you were meant to do. The dreams that you came to have and the desires of your heart were inspired by your higher self for your purpose as you grew in life.

Everything from the beginning all the way to the end of your possible human life on this world has already been thought of and designed by your higher self. Nothing that happens to you which appears to be out of your control is a mistake. As you go along the journey of your life and making choices that leads to the unfoldment of your destiny, each step of the way, your higher self steps in to alter the arrangement of events in order to keep you on your path. Some of these alterations may appear as bad things.

That is why many a times, the unfortunate things that happen in our lives are really blessings in disguise. If we could see what our higher self was seeing, we would know that we had purposed those things to occur. We would be truly happy that they did occur because we wouldn’t have experienced something much better if they didn’t. Even the realization that what we have is actually much better and not worse might take awhile to come when we see how things turn out later, and how it all fits together.

Our higher self exists at a higher dimension that transcends the linearity of time and the limitation of space. It can see past, present and future events all at the same time. It can also see all possible choices of all beings in existence especially our own, and all possible results and alternate timelines that span from those choices. It makes choices based on this expanded awareness of reality on how things shall play out each time we make a choice. It influences the conditions before we even make a choice.

Our higher self does not override our freewill. It just influences it and works along with it. Our higher self already knows the possible choices we would make before we make them, therefore it just influences the most probable situations of past, present and future according to our most probable choices along every alternate timeline that is parallel with the one we are experiencing in the here and now. Our actual choice in the here and now still has to be made, but everything else is controlled by higher self.

Therefore no matter what choices we make all through our entire lives, we will still get to fulfill our destiny to a certain extent due to the arrangement of events by our higher self. The difference that our choices make is the kind of experience we get to have as we live our lives in this world. Our choices would either lead us to more positive experiences or more negative ones. If we make choices that are aligned with our purpose, we would experience more happiness, satisfaction and peace in living.

Your higher self is you. You are the god force behind the destiny of your entire period of physical incarnation in this world. Think of it as a larger puppeteer you pulling the strings of a smaller puppet you on stage. You created a split of your consciousness to do your work in the physical world. It is all you and you are an expression of God. Learn to trust yourself by trusting your higher self. You have chosen everything that happens along the way and it is all perfect. Therefore you can be grateful for all there is.

If you cannot appreciate and be grateful for everything that is in the present moment, you can never truly appreciate and be grateful when you have attained all those things you desire which you think will make you happy. Because when the future becomes the present moment and those things come into your life, you will still not be in the state of being to appreciate and be grateful for all that you have. You will never be in vibrational harmony with experiencing your desires if you can never do it in the now.

There are people who are unable to enjoy the present moment and have been working to create a better future. But when the day comes where their breakthrough happens and they achieve the very success that they desire almost overnight or very quickly, they find that they don’t seem to feel the happiness that they thought they would feel when they have everything they desire. They wonder if that is all there is. They still feel empty and some of them end up taking their lives because they feel it is all in vain.

If you can be completely happy in the present and appreciate all there is right now, you are in vibrational harmony with experiencing your desires. You will also be in a state where you can truly appreciate and fully enjoy the success and all those things you are dreaming of when they arrive. That is when you are ready for your desires to manifest and your dreams to be fulfilled. How soon it will happen depends on the divine order of the universe but it can happen sooner when you are no longer resisting.


Source by Enoch Tan

Why Buy The Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee & Espresso Machine?


Like all their kitchen appliances, the Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee & Espresso Machine coffee maker is extremely user-friendly with a ton of useful features. They offer a 2-year guarantee on their coffee maker which shows their confidence in their own product.

While the coffee maker can brew 12 cups, you don’t have to wait for the whole 10 minutes to grab a cup of coffee. You can use the Sneak a Cup feature to simply pause the brewing for a few seconds to pour yourself a steaming hot cup. Enjoy the coffee while the rest brews.

There is a growing body of evidence that proves coffee is not detrimental to heart health, and is actually beneficial for the majority of people. If anxiety and palpitations occur from drinking regular coffee, decaffeinated varieties are excellent as they still deliver beneficial effects.

Directly by reducing the risk of heart attack and improving survival after an attack, as well as indirectly by lowering incidence of type 2 diabetes and improved oral hygiene, coffee helps heart patients. But the benefits should be balanced against the dangers of palpitations or anxiety from caffeine.

Grabbing a cup of joe every morning won’t hurt you. In fact it will provide you with a perfect way to start your day. According to a study published by the Journal of Nutrition, coffee won’t provide you just with a momentary mental boost, but it will make you experience some long-term health benefits as well.

Coffee will make you more energized. The main reason why you’ll instantly feel refreshed and energized after drinking a cup of coffee is because caffeine will block the receptors for a chemical known as adenosine. Adenosine usually prevents the release of feel-good chemicals in your brain.

It sounds like something that’s too good to be true. But this news is exciting, especially if you are one of the millions of Americans who wakes up every day to one or more cups of coffee.

Early research showed that coffee might have increased the risk of cancer. So what changed?

According to the American Cancer Society, the scale and design of the studies have been the main factors in changing these conclusions. The ACS also notes that these studies are based on black coffee.”

While we mainly use some coffee maker machines for making cold brew, it can also be used to make hot brew coffee. The cold brew when stored in the fridge in the air-tight pitcher stays fresh for 2 weeks. Imagine the amount of time you save every day with a Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee & Espresso Machine.

The cold brew is made by steeping the coffee grounds in cold water. Actually, the Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee & Espresso Machine is left to make the cold brew in the refrigerator. Brewing in cold water gives the coffee a mellow and full-bodies flavor that is rather pleasant to taste without any of the bitter undertones present in hot brews.


Source by Cumba Gowri

Stronger Ejaculation – How To Increase Distance And Power


Having a stronger ejaculation is possible as men can train muscles to produce a more powerful ejaculation.

In fact, it is possible that you have a healthy libido and yet just a weak projection of sperm that only trickles out.

Obviously, many men want to have thicker ejaculation loads and with a more powerful jet.

Being able to shoot further is seen to be manly and virile.

Stronger ejaculation is possible

Don’t believe all the hype about how you can get an amazingly strong ejaculation load of semen by taking some magic pills.

Some people will tell you to pop some supplements and suddenly you’ll be able to shoot semen for a distance of 2 metres.

This is complete rubbish of course! Don’t believe a word of it.

Pills on their own, natural or chemical, can’t improve your projection.

They can increase the amount of semen and they can help get your jet that you produce when you ejaculate stronger.

But if you want tips on stronger ejaculation then you’ll need to master other techniques too.

Herbal Libido Solutions

Like I say, supplements on their own don’t improve your shooting power.

So make sure you combine these with the other natural techniques I recommend you.

If you have low libido and low testosterone levels, you’ll be looking for the fastest way to improve your sex drive.

Whilst age, diet, exercise, blood circulation and general health all have an influence on libido, herbal libido supplements can get you back on track much faster.

They can also lead to stronger ejaculation and increase your ejaculation distance and volume when combined with other techniques.

If you take supplements and follow my tips on improving semen projection, then you should be able to shoot further.

You’ll still need to stay in shape, eat the right foods and master other techniques I recommend though.

Perform Kegel exercises

If you go to see your doctor about a low sex drive there’s very little chance you’ll get recommended this technique.

Performing Kegel exercises strengthens the whole muscle group of the pelvic floor, which strengthens the urinary sphincter.

The urinary sphincter is what controls urinating and ejaculation.

A strong and tight urinary sphincter means your semen should jet out much further as it’s squeezing through a tight hole.

It’s a simple as that!

A loose urinary sphincter only means you’ll get weak ejaculation. It makes sense doesn’t it?

Ejaculation distance is muscular

First of all, increase your semen load and your libido by taking natural erection supplements. Then practice Kegel exercises for a month to see results.

It’s not only when trying to conceive that men want to improve ejaculation distance and power either. Many men, some who are with a new lover, some who have noticed their ejaculation jet is weak and others who act in skin films all want to improve distance.

Having a stronger ejaculation is considered to be virile.

How to perform Kegel exercises

The great thing about Kegel exercises is that doing them develops greater ejaculation control and can even lead to harder erections.

In addition to this, you can do these exercises when you’re sitting down at your desk or watching TV.

You need to flex your anus and contract it regularly. It doesn’t sound pleasant, but when you do it you’ll feel your muscles in your penile area flexing too.

Flexing these muscles is the same action that you take when you want to stop yourself from urinating in mid flow.

Flex your pelvic floor muscles 100 times per day and within 1-4 weeks (depending on your condition and libido) you’ll see results.

You should be able to shoot semen further than before.


Source by Frank R Jemson

Transsexuals Usually Have a Larger Penis Than Average, Can Their Secret Help You Get a Bigger Penis?


The definition of a “Transsexual” is generally regarded as a person with the genetic characteristics of one sex (male or female) who psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally believe that they are really of the opposite sex. Most people tend to relate this to men more than women. That is, a biological man who lives his life as a woman.

Such women fall into the character of either “pre-op” or “post-op.” The “op” standing for the “operation” that surgically removes the penis. So, a woman who is “pre-op” still has her penis. If she is “post-op,” it means her penis has been removed. This article discusses “pre-op” women.

Many people have noted that these women, on average, have longer penises than the average male. This is almost impossible to believe, as these women take female hormones to express their femininity more. So, one would think that their penises would actually be smaller, due to the hormonal influence. In fact, these hormones actually result in various stages of erectile dysfunction and a penis pump is usually employed to help them achieve an erection.

So, how is that their penises are typically larger than average? Well, it has to do with a penis exercise that’s been around for as long as there have been men “hiding” their penises (in order to appear more like a woman, or to function better on the battlefield, or to be less restricted in sporting competitions). This technique is called, “Tucking” or “Fowering” and is thousands of years old. While it is used to primarily to “hide” the penis, the side effect is that it can definitely make your penis longer.

“Tucking” and “hiding” was nothing new to ancient civilizations, and it is possible that this ancient technique was actually employed to make a man’s penis longer. Ancient cultures from all over the world pierced their penile heads with rings. Some men did this to themselves, and other men had it done against their will (slaves for instance). Once the penis had a ring in its head, it could be pulled back, under the buttocks, and anchored by a piece or rope. This was not uncommon with soldiers (it kept the penis out of the way to do battle) or during other methods of high-physical activity.

Understanding how “tucking” works is one of the basic fundamentals of penis enlargement via exercising. Here’s how it is typically done: Simply lie on your back and gently push your testicles up and into the pelvic cavity. This gets the testicles out of the way. Then the flaccid penis is pulled back, under, and between the buttocks (if long enough). From here the penis can be taped in place or a “gaff” can be utilized. A gaff is simply a lower undergarment (like panties) that is much stronger and durable than regular panties. The penis is “tucked” into place and the panties are then pulled up around the pelvic region. Stronger “panties” like these will keep the penis from breaking free. Gaffs can be purchased or can easily be made.

Now, what happens when the penis is pulled back in this method? It stretches the penile ligaments that attach it to the body. When this is done for long periods of time, for hours each day, it inevitably makes the penis longer by simply stretching out these ligaments. It’s that simple.

This is why transsexuals typically have penises that are longer than average. They are invariably enlarging their penis size by “tucking” it away.

Who says natural penis enlargement doesn’t work?

I don’t recommend this form of enlargement, as I personally feel it is dangerous to the testicles. However, when a gaff is applied one can sit, bend forward, and do all sorts of exercises and positions to increase the stress on these ligaments. Of course, more stress equals more length, typically.

Before attempting anything like this, go over it with your health care professional and only under their guidance.

A. Pitrvosk and Georg von Neumann


Source by A. Pitrvosk

What Does the Bible Say About People Causing Discord?


The Bible has much to say about causing discord among people. Most is found in Proverbs. It can be causing strife, contentions, brawling, discord or divisions among people. Let us look at what causes these problems among groups of people and what we can do about it. This will work in any area of life.

1. In Proverbs 6:12-19 we have a description of a person who causes discord followed by seven things God hates. Verse 15 tells what happens to people who live this kind of a lifestyle.

2. We find in Proverbs 15:18a that “A wrathful man stirs up strife.”

3. In Proverbs 16:28a we are told “A froward man sows strife.”

4. Proverbs 22:10 says “Cast out the scorner, and contentions shall go out; yes, strife and reproach shall cease.”

5. Proverbs 26:20 tells us a “talebearer” causes strife.

6. Proverbs 28:25a says a proud-hearted person stirs up strife.

7. Proverbs 29:22a says an angry man stirs up strife.

So we can see a person who causes discord through strife and divisions has a spiritual problem. Such a person is a scorner, a talebearer, angry, proud, froward, wrathful, wicked, hateful spirited. This person is not happy if people are getting along. He/she is constantly causing people to fight with one another.

This goes on in all walks of life. You see it in community gatherings, churches, businesses, schools. There are some people who have a spirit of divisiveness that drives them to bring discord to people groups. Perhaps you have seen people like this. They are not happy when everything is running smoothly. If these people have a hidden agenda, they are bad news to the social order.

God wants us to have an orderly society. He wants this for us in all areas of our life. By nature we are sinful. We are selfish. Our carnal spirit is warring against God. God could have just destroyed the whole human race in the great Genesis flood. He saved one family of eight to repopulate the earth. It was not long before the human race was again rebelling against God at the tower of Babel. Right to this very hour most of the people on this planet are warring against God. This warring against God has brought chaos to many.

In Proverbs 6:19 we read two things God hates. It says, “A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.” In Luke 22:24 we find the disciples striving over who is going to be the greatest in God’s kingdom. Romans 13:13 tells us we are to walk “honestly.” We are not to walk in “rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.” 1 Corinthians 3:3 tells us that “envying, strife and division” is a sign we are carnal. Galatians 5:20 lists strife as one of the works of the flesh. In Philippians 2:3 we are exhorted to do nothing through “strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better then themselves.” In 1 Timothy 6:3-6 we are shown the reason strife is in the Christian fellowship and what to do about it. James tells us in James 3:14 that if we have “bitter envying and strife” in our “heart” we “should not lie against the truth.” Then he tells us in verse 16 that “where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”

There is a solution to all of this. When we have the peace of God in our hearts, the thing that caused us to be contentious is taken away. The only way this is going to happen is salvation from sin and sinning through the Lord Jesus Christ.


Source by Howard E Wright

Honest Grant Cardone Marketing Mentoring Program Review


If you are one who follows Grant Cardone you will quickly learn all about his life and how he began many of his businesses. That man needs NO introduction. He takes a very powerful in your face approach at everything he does. He is loud, dramatic, brutally honest, and passionate, but he also cares and REALLY wants to help others succeed. I have been personally following grant for the better of the last 4 years. I can honestly say I have followed from a far, and not fully engaged in his content up until the last 12 weeks. Covid-19 has really sent many into depression, and anxiety. People are worried about what’s next and how they are going to get through this. Being a 31 year old guy really lays out more perspective on what people were feeling back on 9/11, and the crash of 2008, 2009, and 2010. I was a 12 year old kid at the time and didn’t know what to think. Today I realize how brutally demoralizing it must have been, and how deep the depression went. Anyway getting back to the point I was surfing through Facebook a few weeks ago and one of Grants ads continued to pop up. Time and time again I saw his ads. It’s like they were following me around. He was doing a brilliant job at “retargeting” campaigns. The ad read something along the lines of “Recession Response Training”. Grant was marketing to the times we were going through. The word recession made me cringe every time it popped up. I must have passed it 10-15 times before I told myself to take action and commit. I did just that, and today, 13 weeks later have no intention of looking back. Covid really caused me to dive into a dark whole. I was depressed, my anxiety was going through the roof, and the whole world was shut down. Our businesses were in shambles. Today we have lost over 300K, and finally were told we can start back this week. There is NO making up the 300K, but I decided I can move forward, and learn to navigate in this new economy. After all if we refuse to figure it out we will be left in the dust. Some say we will just become “AVERAGE”. If you know anything about Grant Cardone, you will quickly understand that “AVERAGE IS A FAILING FORMULA”, and “if it can be done, it must be done”! As I previously said I have been following Grant for along time, so I was aware of the door I was beginning to open. I went ahead and signed up for his mentoring program and the amount of knowledge and expertise I have learned is priceless.

  • Grant & the 10X team WILL hold you accountable.
  • They will provide weekly assignments
  • They will call you out, and pull you out of your comfort zone
  • You will gain tremendous value during each call.

I have learned so much over the last several weeks. In order to be great you must be willing. If you don’t have the determination, and drive to be a better you and be more, the mentoring program may be a shot in the dark for you. The Marketing Mentoring Program will provide you with the skills grant uses on a daily basis to market his business, and get noticed. You will learn the following

  • How to get noticed in a crowded world/market
  • Social media platforms you should be using, and what to post, and how often to post
  • You will go through a “Who are You” exercise
  • The proper way to structure a landing page “that works”
  • You will learn not to compete, but to dominate

The bottom line is Grant Cardone’s Marketing Mentoring Program is top notch. You will learn to win, and you will become part of Grant Cardone Inner Circle, where you have no option other than to work towards success as long as success is what you’re after. Grant will bring you in and welcome you as apart of his family. You can even pay him and his team a visit at his office in Miami if you wish. He does many events in his on site classroom. You should take a look and consider joining him at one of those life events. Grant has been a powerhouse of a mentor, and coach to me over the last several weeks, and I’m certain he would be the same to you. In summary Grants Mentoring Program is a must if you are in a business that needs help with any type of marketing. I put together a video review talking a little more about what you will learn and exactly who Grant Cardone is. Go check it out and remember “an investment is only a bad investment if you stop investing in it”. Take a second and think about that.


Source by Nathan Wright

The 4 States With the Most Massage Therapists Per Capita


If you want to give yourself the best opportunity to earn a living as a massage therapist, it makes since to find a place where there is high demand. After all, more customers means more business.

But at the same time, high demand for therapists also means there is a flood of therapists to take advantage of that business. The result? Places with high demand for massage services usually have the most people working in the field as well.

If you just look for states with the most massage therapists, however, you’re going to end up only with the biggest and most populated states — California, Florida and New York. That’s why to compare apples to apples, you need to look at the states with the most therapists per capita. These are the states where there are a high number of people employed in the industry relative to the number of people in the state.

The data below comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which tracks the number of people employed in the profession across the country.


Surprised? The biggest state in the nation may not be the most populated, but it takes the cake when it comes to massage therapists per person. While the state only has about 750,000 residents, it employs 770 masseuses — that’s roughly one therapist for every 1,000 residents.

Despite having the highest concentration of massage therapists, however, Alaska also offers the highest wages. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary is a staggering $85,110. That’s more than $20,000 higher than the second-place state for salary.


If you’re thinking of a state known for relaxation, then Hawaii likely comes to mind. Hawaii is a massage therapy hotbed. The state ranks 40th in population, but 2nd in massage therapists per person. With only 1.4 million residents, the state has 1,390 massage therapists. That comes out to one massage therapist for a little more than every 1,000 people.

Average salaries are also healthy. You can expect an average wage of more than $53,000 per year. Not bad for the ability to practice massage in paradise.


Another tourist mecca, there seems to be plenty of demand for massages when people come off the slopes. Colorado is home to 4,950 massage therapists, serving a population of 5.5 million. That’s roughly one therapists for every 1,100 people. However, that figure is a little misleading.

Given that so many tourists go to Colorado to enjoy the mountains and the scenery, it’s likely that many of the massages are given to out-of-state tourists.


Rounding out the top four — and the quartet of western states — is Washington. The state’s economy is booming and also home to some of the world’s most famous companies like Starbucks, Microsoft, and Amazon. Meanwhile the population continues to soar, with approximately 7.2 million residents.

The number of massage therapists is keeping pace, however. Today, 4,030 therapists work in the state, meaning there is about one therapist for every 1,800 residents. And despite that high amount of “supply,” Washington state massage therapists still earn a solid average salary of $55,920 — among the highest in the nation.


Source by Ted Clayton