Amy Waterman – A Friendly Voice at Rocket Spanish


Lots of folks already know Amy Waterman as the female instructor from the Rocket Spanish courses. Her friendly voice is paired with that of Mauricio Evlampieff to create the interactive audio lessons of the program. Here’s a brief biography about the woman behind the voice.

Amy Waterman is a talented speaker. Her friendly voice encourages students in the Spanish language-learning program to learn, and to try. This is really one of the best parts about her rich speaking voice. She has a positive sounding voice, which puts the listener at ease. When you hear her speaking with Mauricio during the course dialogues, you really want to do your best. It is almost as if she and Mauricio are there with you, encouraging you to learn. You can hear the smile in her voice.

But Amy, as her students call her, is an educated woman with many talents. She was born in rural southern Oregon. Her dream was to become a writer. She graduated from Pacific University summa cum laude. After graduation, she traveled the world.

Amy wore many hats during her travels. She grew flowers on a dude ranch in Wyoming, she was a shepherdess in Wales, and she was a rousie in Australia. Then, she served for two years in the Peace Corp. She lived in South America, learning Spanish fluently, and that led her to working with the team that created Rocket Spanish. Today, she lives in New Zealand, in a cottage by the sea.

She earned a master’s degree in writing from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and she continues to hone her writing abilities with her series of popular self-help relationship books. She is well known as an online personality due to her ebooks. She describes herself as a dating and relationship expert, with specialties in copywriting, interviewing, voice talent, and audio editing. It’s no wonder that she brings so much to the table as an instructor in Spanish.

Amy’s own company, 000Relationships Network, is a group of hosts and authors of a wide variety of topics focused on relationships. Her own credits include: How to Be Irresistible to Men, Make Every Man Want You More, Seduction Genie, and Connect and Commit, to name a few. She regards her industry as the Internet.

Amy Waterman is an interesting woman. She has lived a full and successful life, and she has contributed much to our world. It is her wide range of experiences that give her the confidence and skill she brings to her Spanish lessons. Her voice is alive because she is full of life. And that, is a great quality to look for in a teacher, regardless of what it is they happen to teach. In fact, teachers themselves know, that a good teacher can teach many subjects as long as they are passionate about the topics, and as long as they truly care that their students succeed. If Amy’s voice is any indication, then certainly she has the passion and caring necessary to help her Spanish students learn well.


Source by Karen Celine Carlson