ICM has built a team specialising in industrial freezers including:

During the past 25 years, ICM and JBT Foodtech (Frigoscandia Equipment) have built a successful partnership through the knowledge and understanding of the equipment and processes. By developing such a partnership JBT Foodtech have used ICM to represent them to install, service, relocate and upgrade their customers’ equipment throughout the world.

JBT Foodtech (Frigoscandia Equipment) have included ICM in all its service and installation up-dates over their entire product range of freezers, chillers, steamers and ovens, as well as its training programs, including on-going training at JBT Foodtech’s manufacturing facility in Helsingborg, Sweden.

In addition, we have worked with JBT Foodtech as a preferred supplier and representative on prototype projects, new equipment installations, servicing, customer training and improving product lines.