How to Relieve Stress Induced Symptoms Without Drugs or Surgery
Overwhelming stress causes our body to go into sickness and illness. Your body is similar to a house with a circuit breaker system. If you put too much stress on the circuits by having too many appliances plugged in, the circuits will blow. As an example, if the circuit to your kitchen blew and the refrigerator went off, the food would spoil. How would you resolve the problem? If you just remove the spoiled food and put new fresh food in it, that food will also spoil. To correct the problem, you actually have to go to the source of the problem and reset the circuit.
Now, what was actually causing the circuit to short or trip? If you have too many appliances plugged into that outlet, the circuit will trip again. To resolve further problems, you have to adjust what you have plugged into the outlets so it doesn’t further “stress” the circuit to cause it to trip again.
Your nervous system works in a similar manner in that if you overload it with stress, the body will start to malfunction. Your nervous system is the circuit breaker system for your body. If you add multiple stresses to your body and nervous system, your body gets overloaded, you “blow a circuit” and your health deteriorates. This overload of the nervous system and reduced body function is called subluxation by chiropractors. The circuits in our body control all of the organs, muscles, tissues, cells and functions. As stress builds up, subluxations form affecting the “circuits” and resulting in symptoms that can range from pain, aches, headaches to more serious symptoms from frequent colds, digestive issues and even high blood pressure (Journal of Human Hypertension 22,1 G Bakris, MD et al).
There are several types of stress that can affect the body. Physical stress or trauma could be from an accident, carrying briefcase, book bag, typing or talking on the phone all day, slouching, etc. Chemical stress could be from smoking, eating poor quality foods, taking medications or other pills, pollution, drinking caffeine and other poor quality fluids, the list goes on and on. Finally there is emotional stress… do you know anybody not suffering from this?
Physical, chemical and emotional stress builds up in your body, causing the circuits to trip…which we call subluxations. Your overall health and wellness will deteriorate, leading to many symptoms and illnesses. These symptoms definitely didn’t occur from lack of drugs or surgery.
So, how can you avoid the dangers of stress?
It is impossible to avoid all stress in your life, but you can stay ahead of the negative effects that accumulate over time by having regular chiropractic care. If you had problems with outlets and circuits in your house, you would call an electrician to fix the problems. A chiropractor is the only specialized health professional that skillfully checks your nervous system for overloaded circuits in your body and turns them back on so you won’t experience an interruption in your state of health and wellness. Nothing beats keeping your circuits on with chiropractic adjustments to maintain basic health and prevention care.
So, once a chiropractor addresses the “short circuit” or subluxation in the spine affecting the nervous system, it is important to reduce the stress that keeps causing the subluxations. One way to address stress is by using a biofeedback device that will analyze your body for over 160,000 stressors that your body could be sensitive too. It is scientifically proven that internal and external stressors contribute to many symptoms and illnesses including: musculo-skeletal disorders, migraines and other headaches, allergies, depression, frequent colds, sleep disorders, anxiety, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, digestive issues like IBS and acid reflux, weight gain or weight loss, dependencies like smoking and alcohol, skin irritations like psoriasis and eczema, food sensitivities, ADD and ADHD, autism and so much more
Also, your adrenal glands help regulate stress. Many people suffer from adrenal fatigue or adrenal failure. Consumption of caffeine products like coffee and energy drinks as well as refined carbohydrates like pasta, rice and bread will result in adrenal dysfunction. Common symptoms of adrenal problems include: heart conditions, digestive issues, immune problems, arthritis, diabetes, weight issues, allergies, libido problems, PMS, menopause, fatigue, and sleeping problems just to name a few.
Finally, everything we eat, breath and drink has chemicals that are toxic to our body. This causes your body to be more acidic, which is added stress causing weakness to your body and subluxations.
It is important that a doctor analyzes you for the different levels of physical, chemical and emotional stresses that cause the short circuiting of your body. Most chiropractors only address the short circuit or subluxations. Leading chiropractors address the causes of the short circuits by utilizing state of the art FDA cleared biofeedback, analyzing the adrenal glands and also toxicity levels. This four-pronged drugless and non-surgical approach has helped many patients where most other doctors have failed to help their patients gain optimal health and wellness once again to enjoy normal daily activities.
Source by Russell Brokstein