Feeding African Dwarf Frogs – What Does an ADF Eat, Anyway?
African dwarf frogs can appear to be finicky eaters and feeding them can be frustrating. Realize, though, that these frogs have poor eyesight, and generally only see things that are in front of them and at an angle. Also, ADFs tend to hunt for food by smell, instead of sight. When trying to figure out what you can feed your frog, there are several options available that you can consider.
When you buy your African dwarf frog, the pet store may tell you to feed freeze dried food, such as freeze dried bloodworms or shrimp. Freeze dried food isn’t necessarily the best type of food for your new pet, however. Dried food generally floats, which makes it a problem for frogs to find since they exclusively eat from the bottom of the tank. Also, once the food hits water, it will expand, which can cause health problems in your ADF if it eats a piece while it’s still expanding.
To avoid the problems of freeze dried food, one of the best foods you can feed your ADF is frozen bloodworms or frozen brine shrimp, instead. These can come in resealable packages which make it easier to use. Frogs tend to do very well on these, bloodworms especially, and really seem to enjoy eating it.
Another option, which can be the best of both worlds for many frog owners, is pellet food. If your pet store has a reptile or frog section, you should be able to find small pellet food made especially for aquatic frogs or turtles. These pellets are nutritious and are soft enough for your frog to easily eat them.
Remember, African dwarf frogs, like all animals, do best on variety. Your ADF would probably appreciate having both frozen and pellet food as options, if possible.
Source by Angela Marie