Tips To Use a Mold Test Kit To Identify Mold In Your House Or Office
If you want to identify mold, you can use a lot of different methods. However, identifying the mold will be easier for you if you choose to use a good quality mold test kit. Based on your needs, you can choose from three different methods. One method involves using samples of the substance, while the other two involve using spore methods. It will be easier for you to use the test kit because each kit comes with simple instructions. Given below are a few tips you can use for testing your office or home environment.
Test the Suspicious Substance
First of all, you need to use the sampling swab to get this to get a sample of the substance you think contains mold. Your next move is to put the medium in the mold test kit.
After 6 to 7 days, if nothing grows in the culture medium, the substance does not have a growing mold. But if you notice mold in the medium, you have a mold problem to deal with. In this case, you can send the kit to your nearby laboratory for a detailed analysis.
Do an Air Quality Test
Place one mold test kit in each of the room you want to test. Make sure the lids of the kits are open. Close the lids after an hour or so. After 3 years 7 days, you will notice the growth of mold in the test kit.
You may want to compare the kits with each other to identify the types of mold. Next, if you notice that you have different types of mold to deal with, you may want to send your kits to your nearby Liberty for further analysis. This will help you take the right steps to eliminate mold from your office or home in a timely fashion.
Test your Heating and Cooling System
First of all, you need to attach the mold test kit to the cooling or heating system air vent. Switch on the system for a few minutes once you have made sure all of the other vents are properly closed. After a few minutes, remove the kit and close it.
After about 6 to 7 days, you will notice mold in the kit. Again, if you notice different types of mold in the kit, we recommend that you contact your nearby laboratory for further assistance.
At the lab, the experts will use state-of-the-art equipment to identify the different types of mold you have in your house. Based on different test results, they will tell you whether you have toxigenic, pathogenic, or allergenic mold in your house. Once you have received the results from the lab, you can call them to find out which course of action you should take in order to deal with the problem.
In short, if you have a mold problem in your house, using a good quality mold test kit is a great idea especially if you want to deal with the problem yourself. Hopefully, these tips will help you find a solution to your problem.
Source by Dhanusuya K